Blue Tape Guy

Blue Tape Guy

Bearing a striking resemblance to Violet Beauregarde of Willy Wonka fame, Roell Painting’s official mascot “Blue Tape Guy” consumes blue tape pieces at the same ferocious clip that Violet consumes bubble gum! In both instances, crews dressed in white spring into action to take care of things. And while you may not see Oompa Loompa’s on your jobsite singing clever songs about proper childhood conduct, what you will see is a dedicated crew of painters taking care of final touchups and putting the finishing touches on your project! With blue pieces of tape being gobbled up at unprecedented clips all over the city, it won’t be long before Blue Tape Guy resembles another Willy Wonka character, the ever-hungry Augustus Gloop.

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7301 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55423