Roell Painting Company

Quality • Integrity • Experience • FUN

Roell Painting Company brings experience, knowledge, integrity and a passion for our craft to every residential or commercial painting project. We’ll guide you through every step – from the budget and color selection to the finish coat and clean-up. We even have an industry-leading Project Blog to keep you up to speed on YOUR PROJECT. Check it out here. At Roell painting company you can always expect quality, integrity, experience, and fun!

Multi-Unit Properties

Multi-Unit Properties

Single-Family Homes

Single-Family Homes

Cabinetry & Woodwork Enameling

Cabinetry & Woodwork Enameling

Decks & Porches

Decks & Porches



On Trend Painting

Roell Painting is onsite in Edina at a project where we completely changed the color scheme of walls and enameling.

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See more in our Project Blog

Questions? Ask the Blue Tape Guy

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Office: 763-559-5296
Fax: 763-557-9597
7301 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55423