Month: March 2018
Canabury Square HOA – Little Canada
Canabury Square HOA – Little Canada
Project Complete – Pending Walk Through
Welcome to your official Project Page!
Canabury Square Site Map- Stairwells
Monday, December 18th: Hello Canabury Square!
The Vikings have done it; they’ve won the NFC North with their 34-7 win over the Bengals yesterday. They take on Green Bay in WI next Saturday and if they win, they’ll clinch a first-round playoff bye. There’s still a ways to go, but this win makes us one step closer to dare we say it… Superbowl 52 at US Bank Stadium!
The Canabury crew is tackling the remaining resident doors today. Thank you to all of the residents for having us onsite the last 6 weeks or so! It has been our pleasure sprucing up your community and we hope you enjoy the freshly painted common areas.
Have a very merry holiday season and a happy new year!!
Friday, December 15th: Good morning and TGIF!
It’s a big day for Star War’s fans — The Last Jedi opens today! Last night’s premiere viewings brought in an estimated 45 Million!
Here’s a corny Star Wars joke to get your Friday started right- Q: Which website did Chewbacca get arrested for creating?
A: Wookieleaks : )
The Canabury crew is wrapping up a few scheduled doors for today and will then be back on Monday to paint remaining doors.
Thank you to everyone for their participation in getting your doors painted in the open position. We truly appreciate it and hope you enjoy your freshly painted doors, hallways, and stairwells.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, December 14th: Hello residents of Canabury Square!
If you like participating in the local art and theater scene, Annie is running at the Ordway Theater through the end of the year. Though this isn’t your typical holiday show, Annie boasts the cheery holiday spirit that everyone can appreciate. Check it out if you could use a red-headed ray of sunshine amist the winter blues, this is your show!
The crew is completing touch ups throughout the building today as well as trying to tackle as many resident doors as they can. If your schedule has cleared up or you can make some time, please reach out for an appointments and we’ll get you all set! As a reminder, all unpainted doors will be painted in the closed position on Monday, 12/18. Thanks!
Wednesday, December 13th: Good morning! We hope you had a safe and quick commute with the ‘snow globe’ snowfall we’re having this morning.
As we close out the year, we are approaching award season and first up is the 75th Annual Golden Globes. The nominees for all areas related to film and TV entertainment. The awards will air on January 7th and here is a list of all nominees if you’re wanting to add a few movies to your list over the next few weeks.
The Canabury crew is continuing to work on touch ups on the 2nd and 3rd floors today as well as wrapping up in the stairwells. The trash rooms are on the agenda for painting today as well.
Another friendly reminder for door painting. This week is last call – please schedule a time for your door to be painted Thursday or Friday. Thanks!
Tuesday, December 12th: Good morning!
The Canabury crews are working on touch ups throughout the building today. If you’ve noticed blue tape in the hallways and stairwells, please leave it. The tape designates areas our crew needs to touch up. Thanks!
The crews are finishing up in stairwells 7 & 8 today. Over the next few days, the crew will be completing touch ups on the 2nd and 3rd floors. They’ll also be painting the trash rooms tomorrow.
We’re posting more red notices today on unpainted doors. Please schedule a time this Thursday, 12/14 or Friday, 12/15 between 10am and 3pm to paint your door. Otherwise, all unpainted doors will be painted in the closed position on Monday, 12/18.
Marvin take off the tape on the light fixture after spraying the ceilings.
Finishing up the walls in stairwell 7 & 8.
Prep work for railing painting in the stairwells.
Monday, December 11th: Good afternoon residents of Canabury Square. We hope you all had a great weekend!
The ‘Wintery Mix’ of weather is back this week as we sit in the window of 30 degree temperatures – safe driving!
The Canabury crew is wrapping up painting in stairwell 5 & 6. They’ve also started prepping and painting in the last 2 stairwell – 7 & 8.
We’ll be knocking on doors and also taking appointments for door painting on Thursday, 12/14 and Friday, 12/15 form 10am – 3pm. Please contact us if you’d like a specific time, either by commenting below on the blog or call our office at 763-559-5296.
Tape and prep work in stairwells 7 & 8.
Masks required – spraying the ceilings.
Friday, December 8th: TGIF! Happy Friday everyone! The weather is warming up a bit this weekend as we get into 30 degree temperatures, woo! ‘Tis the season of holiday shopping, rowded parking lots, and countless holiday celebrations. The Holidazzle is a continued festive attraction this weekend along with many other holiday markets, bazaars, pop up shops, etc around the Twin Cities; plenty of places to get those unique and ‘Minnesotan’ gifts.
The crew is back at it at Canabury Square today. They’re painting in stairwells 5 and 6. They’re also working on 3rd floor residence doors – for all remaining doors, we’ll be back onsite painting doors on Thursday 12/14 and Friday 12/15 from 10am -3pm each day. Please comment below on the blog for a specific time or call our office at 763-559-5296. Thanks and have a great weekend!
The ceilings in stairwells 5 & 6 get sprayed.
Tape and plastic – signs of prep work.
Taping around door frames, light fixtures, and trim.
Thursday, December 7th: Good afternoon and Happy Thursday!
Leave it to Starbucks to create a wintery Frappucino – the ‘Christmas Tree Frappucino‘ has made it’s debut and will be available until Monday, 12/11. If you like thin mints, this cold treat will be right up your alley. It’s a mint mocha base, matcha flavored whipped topping, and a garland of caramel, candied cranberries, and a strawberry tree-topper. Bring on the sugar rush!
The crews are wrapping up in stairwell 2 and also starting their prep and painting in both stairwells 3 and 4. They’re also continuing to knock on doors and paint those doors with appointments. There’s still time to have your door painted – check the availability in the table below for tomorrow or schedule a time for 12/14 or 12/15 between 10am and 3pm. Thanks!
The service door in stairwell 2 get a fresh coat of paint.
Marvin tapes and preps in one of the stairwells.
Wednesday, December 6th: Good afternoon residents of Canabury Square!
TIME Magazine has named it’s ‘2017 Person of the Year’ and they’ve selected the Silence Breakers, “the individuals who set off a national reckoning over the prevalance of sexual harassment.” The magazine bestowes the title upon an individual or group of people who the magazine’s editors believe have most influenced news and events of the past year, “for good or ill.” The #metoo hastag also emerged to unify those millions of people who have come forward with their stories. Check out the full article here.
Door painting is underway for 3rd floor residents. We do our best to stick to a timely schedule, however, with multiple appointments an hour and distance between doors, sometimes we’re running a few minutes behind. We appreciate your patience as we want to be as thorough as possible and deliver our undivided attention to each resident’s door.
Red notices have been posted on those doors remaining to be painted on the 1st and 2nd floors. Also, if you’re on the 3rd floor and your door doesn’t get painted this week, you’ll also receive a notice. We’ll be taking final appointments to paint your door in the open position next week Thursday, 12/14 and Friday, 12/15 from 10am until 3pm. Please comment below on the blog or call our office- 763-559-5296 to make an appointments. After Friday, all unpainted doors will be painted in the closed position on Monday, 12/18. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation in painting your doors!
The crews are painting resident doors today as well as painting in Section 9. They’ll also be wrapping up stairwell 1 and also starting stairwell 2.
Cutting in the edges of Section 9 on the 3rd floor.
The stairwell service doors get a fresh coat of paint.
Noe rolls on the stairwell wall paint.
Tuesday, December 5th: Good morning! We hope you are all staying warm and safe as we’ve dropped about 30 degrees and added an icy mix to the roads. Take it slow and stay safe as you venture out for the day!
The Canabury crew is painting in section 9 of the 3rd floor as well as one of the stairways.
Taping off around door frames.
Getting those crisp cut lines in the hallways.
Monday, December 4th: Good afternoon residents of Canabury! We hope you all had a great weekend! It appears as though our heat wave is coming to a close and Mother Nature will hit the resume button on our winter weather. It is December after all : )
Tomorrow we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming of ‘winter weather.’
The Canabury crew is painting hallway walls in section 7 of the 3rd floor as well as starting the ceilings and walls of section 8 on the 3rd floor. And once again, we’ll be taking appointments for door painting on the 3rd floor. The 3rd time is a charm right?!
If you’re like a specific time this Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday – please comment below with date/time/unit # or call our office at 763-559-5296. Thanks!
Prep work on the hallway walls of the 3rd floor.
Caulking and prep work on the service doors.
Friday, December 1st: And just like that, we are into December! ‘Tis the season of holiday markets, ice skating, Santa, reindeer, and holiday merriment!
This weekend is no short of various winter activites: Civil Engineering students at the UofM have put together a light show with 250, 000 LED lights set to music and will deput their performance tonight and Sunday, the Union Depot in St. Paul will host a European Holiday Market through the weekend, and how could we not mention the Holidazzle– the events are in Loring Park with various craft, food, and beverage vendors along with music, movie showings, and Santa. Also, if you’re out and about in Minneapolis on Saturday, watch out for packs of Santas on bikes as there is a Santa Cycle during the day : )
The Canabury crew is continuing with door painting on the 2nd floor. If you’re home and available, please open your door to be painted. They’re also making their way around the 3rd floor – they’ve completed through section 6 and are currently spraying ceilings in 7. They’ll be starting section 8 on Monday and will finish 7 as well. They’ll begin section 9 Monday afternoon.
Thank you to those who scheduled door painting and also for your patience and grace as we do our best to be timely and efficient. Have a great weekend!
Clean up time and then it’s the weekend!
Noe paints the door frame.
Antonio cuts a mean corner, it’s a good thing – we promise.
Thursday, November 30th: This is it, don’t get scared now. Though, I don’t think December is quite as scary as Kevin McCallister taking on the ‘Wet Bandits’ in Home Alone. We just can’t believe December is right around the corner – where has the time gone? It looks like we’ll at least be able to ease into it with another 40, almost 50 degree day : )
The crews are painting on the 3rd floor in sections 3, 4, and 5. They’re also painting residents doors on the the 2nd floor. And just for good measure, here’s another push to set up an appointment to have your door painted – there’s still time!
We’ll also be posting notices over the weekend on the 3rd floor to alert residents of dates/times available to paint those doors. These dates will be Wednesday, 12/6, Thursday, 12/7, and Friday, 12/8. We’ll follow the same routine as the other floors and take appointments on the hour between 9am and 5pm. Please comment on the blog below or call our office at 763-559-5296. Thanks!
Marvin throws out a smirk as he rolls on the wall paint.
All smiles on the 3rd floor!
Antonio touches up the corner on the 3rd floor.
Wednesday, November 29th: Good afternoon residents of Canabury Square! We hope your week is off to a great start.
The crews are moving along on the 3rd floor with ceilings spraying and wall painting. They’ve also started to paint resident doors on the 2nd floor. We’d like to say thank you to those who have signed up and also opened their doors for us to paint. We truly appreciate your cooperation and participation.
With that being said, there’s still time to sign up for a specific time to have your 2nd floor door painted Thursday, 11/30 and Friday, 12/1 and for the 3rd floor on Wednesday, 12/6, Thursday, 12/7, and Friday, 12/8. Thanks!
Cutting in those crisp corners!
Nominated for the ‘Best Contained Excitement for Door Painting’ Award: Marvin.
Working their way from the top down @ the 3rd floor of Canabury.
Tuesday, November 28th: Hello Canabury Square! It’s a beautiful sunshiny day here in MN and we are thankful for this 40 degree weather as we head into December.
Not too shabby, MN
The Canabury crews are painting in Sections 1 & 2 of the 3rd floor today. We’ll begin painting doors on the 2nd floor tomorrow. If you haven’t already, please sign up for a time, either below in the comment section or by calling our office at 763-559-5296. Thanks!
Frame by frame the crew makes their way around the 2nd and now 3rd floors.
The ceilings have been sprayed and now onto wall painting.
Monday, November 27th: Good morning and Happy Monday!
We hope you all had a joyful and relaxing Thanksgiving and also enjoyed the long weekend. We sure enjoyed the time with family and are back in full swing this Monday.
The crews at Canabury are working on the 2nd floor in sections 8 and 9. They’ve completed everything up to those sections aside from the 1st floor lobby area in section 6. We are also continuing to take appointments for door painting of those units on the 2nd floor and also those on the 1st floor that have not been painted. Please check the tables above for availability and then comments below with date/time/unit number or you can call our office at 763-559-5296. Thanks! We truly appreciate your cooperation!
Prep work is underway on sections 8 & 9.
Plastic coverings on the carpet prior to ceiling spraying.
Closing in on prep and starting spraying.
Wednesday, November 22nd: Greetings and Happy Wednesday!
The crews have cleaned up and headed out for the remainder of the week. All of us at Roell Painting would like to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are very grateful for all of our painters, property managers, onsite managers, contractors, and residents. It has been a wonderful year and we couldn’t do it without our tireless crew and supporters.
Wishing you full hearts this Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!
Tuesday, November 21st: Good morning residents of Canabury! We hope you’re staying warm on this chilly morning. It’s begun, Thanksgiving travel is going to be at it’s peak this year with AAA reporting that 51 million Americans are set to travel over the holiday- making it the busiest travel weekend in over a decade. Here’s a roundup of travel tips if you’re one of those traveling this holiday.
We are wrapping up for the week at Canabury this morning. There are a few crew members completing touch ups on the first floor and clean up happening on the 2nd floor where we’ve started work. We’ll be pulling a Houdini and hopefully leaving zero traces of painters for your holiday weekend.
As we settle into Thanksgiving week and the mindset of thankfulness, we are thankful for Diane and Dana, or the “Dynamic Duo of D and D” for their door scheduling efforts! Great work guys!
Pardon the hazy photo, but we’re heating up the first floor with our touch ups.
Touch ups & clean up @ Canabury today.
Monday, November 20th:
Progress Update – 11/20
Hello Canabury Square! We hope you all had a great weekend! It’s Thanksgiving week and no doubt the prep work has begun: grocery lists, cleaning, and cooking – Oh My!
Here’s a funny parody video about the struggles this family will face this Thanksgiving. Check it out.
The joys and perils of Thanksgiving!
The Canabury Square crew is working in sections 6 and 7 on the 2nd floor anad wrapping up in section 4. They’ll be completing touch ups on the 1st floor tomorrow as well! If you’ve noticed blue tape around the first floor, please leave the tape as it designates areas needing touch ups. Then it will be clean-up and we’ll be out by day’s end Tuesday so you can enjoy the holiday weekend.
Covering the carpets before spraying the ceilings.
It’s ceiling time! Mask on and all!
Friday, November 17th: TGIF! We’ve made it to the weekend and we are now into the season of Holiday Markets, Santa visits, Ice Skating, and various holiday celebrations. Here are a few free activities around the Twin Cities this weekend: Skating in Loring Park is now open, on Saturday Rice Park will have an opening celebration for their skating- which will include music, Santa, and skating performances, the Bachman’s on Lyndale will have an open house on Saturday with Santa, reindeer, crafts, and music, on Sunday there is a NE Winter Market, and also on Sunday Linden Hills will host a Holiday Market. ‘Tis the Season!
The crews are working on the 2nd floor in sections 3, 4, & 5. They’re also painting in the Lobby area of Section 6 on the First Floor.
2nd floor residents: If you know your availability for door painting on Wednesday 11/29, Thursday 11/30, or Friday 12/1 please comment below with date/time/unit # you’d like. We’ll be taking appointments on the hour from 9am-5pm each day. Thanks!
Wall prep on the 2nd floor.
Mask on and we’re ready to spray the ceilings.
Covering non-paintable surfaces before spraying the ceilings.
Thursday, November 16th: Hello Canabury!
On the first floor, the crews are finishing up in Section 9 and Section 6 and then on the 2nd floor they are continuing to prep and begin ceilings/walls in Section 1 & 2.
Door painting continues and we’re hoping to tackle remaining doors on the first floor tomorrow. There is still time to sign up if you’d like a specific time slot. Thank you to everyone for their cooperation.
As far as the next scheduling opportunity goes, with next week being Thanksgiving, we’ll have a shorter work week to make sure everything is cleaned up. We’ll continue painting as usual on Monday and reserve Tuesday and Wednesday, if needed, to clean up. We’ll then be back onsite Monday, 11/27. Wednesday, 11/29, Thursday, 11/30, and Friday, 12/1 we’ll be taking appointments between 9am and 5pm for door on the 2nd floor. Please call our office: 763-559-5296 or comment on the blog to schedule a specific time. Thanks!
Door Painting is underway and they are looking great!
Little did you know that your full-face winter hat can double as a shield from ceiling spraying.
The crews are rolling at Canabury Square.
Wednesday, November 15th: Good afternoon residents of Canabury!
As we are just over a week out from Thanksgiving, maybe you need a break from the menu planning, guest lists, and cleaning – check out this compilation from the show Friends as it highlights their funniest Thanksgiving moments.
The crews at Canabury are continuing to make their way, clockwise around the 1st floor. They’ve also started the resident door painting. There’s still time if you’d like to schedule a specific time for tomorrow or Friday- check the times available and either comment on the blog or cal our office 763-559-5296. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 14th: Good morning! Though it’s a bit dreary outside, we have to admit we like the warmer temperature!
Would you recognize a professional athlete or team if they were sitting next to you on the subway? Yesterday, there was a run-in with Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers riding the subway in NY post shoot around. They were in town to play the Knicks. Here’s a link with more of the details and an innocent rider who got some serious flack for not gushing over the celebrities.
The crews at Canabury are working on the 1st floor in Sections 6, 7, 8 & 9 today. They’re continuing with prep work, spraying ceilings, painting walls, trim, and frames.
We’ll begin painting your residence front doors tomorrow, Wednesday and continue through Friday, 11/17. Several of you have already signed up via blog, calling our office, or sign up sheet at your office and we thank you! If you haven’t signed up for a specific time, you’re still able to do so. We’ll be taking appointments on the hour between 9am and 5pm. Thank you again for your cooperation and participation!
Making those smooth cuts around all of the edges for a smooth finish!
You’ve got mail.
Hallway prep is underway!
Monday, November 13th: Hello and Happy Monday! We hope you all had a great weekend. We are definitely looking forward to the warm up this week!
Happy Heat Wave Minnesota!
The crews are cruising along at Canabury. We have several crews working in sections 5, 6, and 7, which is in the SW corner of the Building. They are painting ceilings, trim, and walls. We’ll also likely begin sections 8 & 9 tomorrow as well.
Above, we’ve posted the schedule for door painting for this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We can take 5 appointments each hour from 9am until 5pm. Please comment below on the blog with your desired date/time or you can call our office at 763- 559-5296. Thanks!
Wall prep is underway @ Canabury.
Cutting the edges before painting the walls.
Checking Door Frames and Trim off the list!
Friday, November 10th: Good morning and Happy Friday!
To all our veterans- thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for our country. You’re among the best our nation has to offer. God bless you and your families and happy Veterans Day!
The crews at Canabury are continuing with ceiling repairs and texture spraying, now on the 2nd floor. The hallway painting crews are painting walls/trim in Section 2, ceilings and trim in Section 3, and ceilings and trim in Section 4.
We hope you all have a great weekend and we’re looking forward to the heat wave (40 degrees!) next week!
Door Painting Update: We’ll be Painting residence doors on the 1st floor on Wednesday, 11/15, Thursday, 11/16, and Friday, 11/17 from 9am until 5pm. If you’d like to schedule a specific time to have your door painted, we can take up to 5 appointments on the hour. Please comment below on the blog with date/time requested or email Dana at Thanks so much!
Thursday, November 9th: Good afternoon Canabury Square!
Last night the Country Music Awards put on their 51st Award Show. Hosts Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisely were up to their usual antics, but refrained from any polical jokes and instead, conveyed the message of family and banding together. There were numerous great performances and also a major blip from the Entertainer of the Year, Garth Brooks… let’s just say our lips are sealed.
One of our crew is finishing up the ceiling repairs and spraying texture on the first floor and then tomorrow they’ll move up to the 2nd floor. Another crew is working to finish the hallway painting in Section 1. They’ll then move onto Section 2 and begin spraying the ceiling in that section.
Santiago fixes up an area for ceiling repairs.
Antonio paints one of the residence door frames.
In regards to door painting: We are going to post notices onsite on Monday. The notice will provide details as to which days and times will be available to schedule for painting. You will be able to sign up here, through the blog and also at your onsite Office. Look for more details on Monday. Thanks!
Wednesday, November 8th: Greetings and Happy Hump Day! We’ve made it to mid-week!
Is anyone watching the Netflix craze ‘Stranger Things?’ Recently one of the young characters was sporting a Science Museum of Minnesota sweatshirt with a Brontosaurus featured on the front. It didn’t take long for the museum’s online shop to crash and for their in-store stock to be sold out. The Museum is excited to have TV characters that are interested in science and to put the Minnesota Science Museum on the map and they’re assuring that plenty of purple sweatshirts are being printed.
We’ve got one of our crews wrapping up the ceiling texture on the 1st floor today. There is another crew prepping and painting on the first floor in the North corridor – near the main lobby. They’re working on prep work, ceilings, woodwork, and walls. They are making their way East in that corridor.
Our crews are no ‘strangers’ to hallway painting projects.
Thorough prep work is key to a smooth and clean finish!
Tuesday, November 7th: Hello residents of Canabury Square! In case you missed the recent article– the Wall Street Journal recently named Minneapolis as one of the Top 10 Places to Travel in 2018. Though we may have been put on the map due to hosting the Superbowl come February, the article boasts our rising foodie scene with 13 James Beard 2017 Award finalists. Cheers to that, Minneapolis!
The crew at Canabury will be onsite after lunch today. They’ll be spraying texture on the areas where they completed ceiling repairs on the 1st floor. Pictures coming soon!
Monday, November 6th: Good afternoon and Happy Project Start Day!
We have two of our crew members off and running at Canabury Square. Today, we’re starting will ceiling repairs on the entire first floor of the Building.
Throughout the project, you can stay fully apprised of progress, pictures, scheduling, and any changes that may come up right here on the blog. And we’ll try and have some fun along the way, too!
Thanks again for having us and we’re looking forward to getting things going!
Santigo scrapes and patches an area of the ceiling.
Manuel scrapes off the popcorn ceiling and then will patch the areas.
Monday, October 30th: Greetings residents of Canabury Square in Little Canada and welcome to the official blog for your interior painting project. We are thrilled to be onsite with you! Huge thanks to Natalie, your board of directors, and for all of your community members that were involved in selecting your color schemes! Also – special thanks to the design team at Sherwin Williams for presenting a fantastic, on-trend color scheme! The votes are in, and we are certainly excited to be part of the transformation!
The crew will get things rolling (literally) on November 6th and work will begin on the ground floor and we will be making our way up to the 3rd floor as the project progresses. The goal is to complete the project by Christmas, with work stoppages, of course, to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday. Having completed countless hallway projects over the course of the last 17 years, we’ve developed a pretty darn good system, and many days after work has been completed for the day, outside of your fresh new paint job, you won’t even know we were there! OK, that might be a bit of a stretch but when we do these projects, we execute them in a way to minimize the disruption to you as residents.
Your unit doors ARE being painted as part of the project and to ensure consistent/completed finish, they will be painted in the open position, which will require participation from you! We will work with your onsite team to accommodate your schedules and you will have the opportunity to schedule a specific time that works best for you and your schedule to open your door for painting. Scheduling can be done right here on the blog, but for those of you that aren’t quite as web savvy, we intend to have a sign-up sheet posted at the office onsite.
Thanks for checking out the blog and we’ll see you on Monday! Have a great rest of the week!