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Completed Projects
Updated on September 5, 2019 | Completed Projects

Willow Grove – Plymouth

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog! We are thrilled to be onsite to complete your project at Willow Grove!

Tuesday, September 3rd: Greetings!

We hope you all had a great weekend and relaxing Labor Day holiday! The crew has wrapped up on the common area and hallway painting at Willow Grove. We want to say thank you for having us and we hope you enjoy your newly painted areas and have a great rest of the year! 


Friday, August 30th: Hello and TGIF! 

Those roads we drive on the way to the offices and homes we work and live in…somebody built ’em. May we take a moment to reflect  on the principles of hard work that make this country great! As we celebrate Labor Day, we’d like to take a moment to recognize our diligent and hard working crews. Oh, and eat some food on a stick too. Happy Labor Day every one!

The crew is continuing on the common areas in Willow Grove today. 

Ceilings in action.
Spraying the ceilings.

Wednesday, August 28th: Good morning residents of Willow Grove! 

The crew is resuming their prep and painting of the 1st floor common areas, service doors, and other select common areas. They’ll be working through the week and potentially a day or two into next week. Thanks!

Prepping and painting one of the service doors.
Ladders up and away to prep around the windows.
Rolling on the hallway paint.

Tuesday, August 27th: Good afternoon!

The crew is carrying on with the lobby and common areas today and will be through the end of this week.

Making sure the carpet is covered and corners are prepped.
Prepping and covering the brick.
Spraying the ceilings.

Monday, August 26th: Good morning! 

The crew is prepping and painting in your 2nd floor hallway and will continue to prep and paint the remaining common areas shortly after. Thanks! 

2 by 2 on the 2nd floor.
Painting the stairwell walls.
Wall painting in the 2nd floor hallway.

Friday, August 23rd: Greetings and TGIF! 

The crew is finished on the 3rd floor hallway and is now working on the 2nd floor hallway. They’ll then continue to paint the remaining select common areas. Thanks! 

Tuesday, August 20th: Good afternoon! 

The rain is no obstacle for our interior painting crews — bonus for you! 

We are continuing to prep and paint in your 3rd floor, first prep, spray ceilings, and then paint the walls. 

Rolling on the wall paint.
The ceilings are getting a coat of paint.
Plastic and tape to prep and cover your carpets.

Monday, August 19th: Hello and Happy Monday! 

It’s going to be a beautiful week!

The crew is onsite and your project is off to a great start! 

Prepping and covering are the names of the game today and then they’ll be spraying the ceiling. 

Taping off the ceiling lines.
Prep day means lots of tape, paper, and plastic to ensure the paint ends up exactly where we want it.
Paper- check, plastic- check, and tape – check!

Thursday, August 15th: Good afternoon and welcome to your project blog! 

We’ll be getting started on Monday, August 19th with prepping and painting the common area substrates (ceilings, walls, and alcoves) on the 3rd and 2nd floors of your community. 

We are anticipating each floor to take approximately 7-10 working days to complete. And we ask that you are mindful when entering and exiting your residences – thank you! 

You can continue to follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll provide frequent updates, post photos, and share any delays should they come up. Thank you again for having us and have a great weekend! 

See you on Monday!