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Completed Projects
Updated on September 18, 2015 | Completed Projects

St. Albans Mills 2 – Minnetonka

Friday, August 28th: Interior Porch Painting Starts TUESDAY!

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at St. Alban’s Mills 2. We are so glad you found us!

Friday, August 28th: Morning Folks – Well the crew will be resting today due the rain and recharging their batteries for next week’s kickoff of the interior porch painting.  

Below you will find the schedule of stacks that we plan on completing each day! 

Tuesday, 9/1: 

  • 101/203
  • 201/203
  • 301/303

Wednesday, 9/2

  • 105/205
  • 205/207
  • 305/307

Thursday, 9/3

  • 108/106
  • 208/206
  • 308/306

Friday 9/4

  • 102/110
  • 202/210
  • 302/310

Tuesday, 9/8

  • 112/114
  • 212/214
  • 312/314

Wednesday, 9/9

  • 115/113
  • 215/213
  • 315/313

Thursday, 9/10

  • 111/109
  • 211/209
  • 311/309

Tuesday, August 25th: We are nearing the completion of the exterior now that we have had some great painting weather!  

One will notice that a large piece of equipment was delivered to the site today.  Our crew will be working on the aerial lift accessing areas that are not reachable by ladder.

Wilmer & Heidel are enjoying the views today from the top of United Rentals aerial lift that will be onsite for the next two days!

Thursday, August 13th:  The crew plans on working on trim only today.  The normal order of operations is to finish the siding then we come back and paint the trim after the siding.

A wise sage one said, “Started from the bottom now we’re here!”. The crew ascends one of our tallest ladders to ensure the areas not to be painted are covered.

More prep!

Monday, August 10th: Wilmer and the crew is going to start spraying the siding on the east elevation of the building today after prep work is complete.  

The first task prior to spraying is covering the windows & covering other areas with paper! (see below)

“I get by with a little help from my friends, oooohhhhhh I get by with a little help from my friends” – Ringo Starr aka Wilmer (see below)

Friday, August 7th: With the heavy rains overnight, we decided it would be best to let substrates dry out prior to applying the top coats.  

The tentative plan is to return tomorrow and continue working however there is another chance of rain tonight and tomorrow.  We are keeping our eyes glued to the Weather Channel and will update you as soon as we can.  On the bright side, next week is forecasting to be sunny, dry and perfect painting conditions!  

Monday, August 3rd: Weather like today is what the painter’s live for!  We had a very productive day onsite today.  The crew continued to scrape, caulk and prime the failing areas on the south elevation of the building.


One can see Alvardo on the second story not only scraping but also sneaking a peek of Luis’ spectacular American flag bandana on the ground level. We promised only to tattle to our closest 75 friends there at SAM 2 about his American Flag swag envy!

Not to be outdone in the cool hat department, Salvador can be seen above rocking his fishing hat while puttying the replaced board that he just installed. Jairo (ground level) is rocking out to some Journey while priming the replaced wood before he hands it off to Salvador.

Saturday, August 1st:  Not to sound like a broken record, but more gorgeous weather and more progress at SAM 2. The guys continue their thorough prep on the front elevation of the building and as you may be able to see, the areas that have been scraped down to bare wood are being primed with an oil primer. This will continue throughout the day on Saturday and starting Monday, the top coat to the trim areas will begin to be applied. 

Have a great rest of the weekend everybody!

Oil primer tinted to the siding/window color is being applied at SAM 2

Thursday, July 30th: The great stretch of weather continues and so too does the progress at St. Alban’s Mills! After pressure washing revealed just how severe the coating failure was, the guys have now taken to scraping the failing areas down to bare wood where they are applying an oil primer, in advance of applying the top coat, BASF Master Protect C350. More on that later. 

Additionally, Salvador and Jairo are performing carpentry repairs throughout the building and they are priming the newly installed boards to with the same oil primer to prevent tannen bleed from the new cedar. 

As you may have recognized, there’s a fair amount o debris that has resulted from the washing/scraping process, and today, we will be doing our very best to minimize the resulting mess.

Salvador and Jairo Measure Once, and Cut Twice!

Tuesday, July 28th: Pressure washing is underway at St. Alban’s Mills 2 in Minnetonka and one thing you learn when you pressure wash is just how badly the coating was beginning to fail at SAM 2. Please be advised that for the next week or so, things will look a LOT worse before they look better, but after about a week and a half or so, things will turn a corner and the transformation will begin to take place. It’s a privilege to be onsite with you and we look forward to getting carpentry underway tomorrow as well.

As you can see, coating failure is quite prominent, particularly on the trim areas at St. Alban’s Mills.

Monday, July 27th: Perhaps you’ve found your way to our humble little blog by way of blue notices posted throuhgout your hallways last Friday. If that is the case, welcome! We are looking forward to spending the next several weeks with you! 

Some of you may have noticed the crew working across the way at your neighbor, SAM 3. We will be performing a very similar scope of work starting tomorrow at SAM 2 and this will begin with pressure washing, beginning tomorrow. The primary areas we will be washing are siding and window trim areas, and we kindly ask that residents please ensure their windows are closed during this stage of the project. 

Some have reached out to inquire about removing articles from their porches. At this particular time, that will not be required as the crew will exercise caution when washing around your patio areas. 

Other than that, we will be keeping you fully apprised of the project progress and we want to extend a special thank you both Irv and Harvey for all of their efforts thus far in facilitating the project and conveying exactly what they would like to have done. 

We are primed to deliver a great end result and we look forward to working with/for you in the weeks to come. 

In the meantime, stay cool everybody!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296