Garrison Landing HOA – Wayzata
Garrison Landing HOA – Wayzata
Project Complete
Greetings and welcome to your project portal for the upcoming painting project at Garrison Landing HOA in Wayzata. We are thrilled to be working for and with you this summer.
Thursday, July 29th: Greetings Residents of Garrison Landing!
Welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting project. We are excited to be onsite with you this year!
The project consists of the following tasks:
Wednesday, August 4th: Prep of the front door, cover all glass & apply sample stain
Thursday, August 5th: Application of stain (requires overnight dry time) **Assumes approval of sample by association board and property manager.**
Friday, August 6th: Application of 1st Sealer Coat
Saturday, August 7th: Application of 2nd Sealer Coat
Saturday or Monday: Removal of film from glass and clean-up work area.
Please reach out to the contacts below if you have any questions!
We’re looking forward to getting started next week!
Nick Roell
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Tags: Completed Projects