West Village HOA – Edina -2

West Village HOA – Edina

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the project blog for the painting project at West Village in Edina. We are thrilled to be onsite with you!

Building Pressure Washing Start Date Prep/Painting Start Date
#1 – 5539-5545 Village Drive Friday, 8/12 TBD
#2 = 5521-5527 Village Drive Friday. 8/12 Monday, 8/15

Monday, August 22nd: Greetings!

Crews are back onsite after a few rain delays as they continue painting.

Ladders up!

Friday, August 12th: Rain Delay!

Wednesday, August 10th: Greetings!

Welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting project at West Village in Edina. We are looking forward to refreshing the exterior of your buildings – 5539 -5545 Village Drive & 5521 – 5527 Village Drive.

For this summer’s project we’ll be prepping and painting select areas of your exterior – soffits, siding, fascia, garage frames, storm doors, front door frames, front porch undersides, deck railings, deck support posts, screen frames/doors (exterior side only), deck undersides where applicable, and chimney stacks. 

We’ll begin pressure washing on Friday, 8/12. Once the areas have had adequate time to dry (about 3 days), we’ll return to begin our prep and painting at the first building – 5521-5527. We are anticipating to begin prep/painting on Monday, 8/15. 

We kindly request that you please remove all small personal items from the exterior of your home for the pressure washing to allow for safe and unobstructed access. Once the washing is complete, you may return the items to their normal place.    

The best way to obtain a project status update and any impact it may have to your daily routine will be posted here as we’ll share progress throughout, photos, and any weather delays. 

Please reach out to the contacts below if you have any questions. 

We’re looking forward to getting started later this week! 

David Lee

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296

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7301 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55423