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Completed Projects
Updated on November 8, 2017 | Completed Projects

Coler Farms – Champlin

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for your painting project at Coler Farms in Champlin! We are looking forward to working with and for you!

Route Map @ Coler Farms

Wednesday, October 25th: Good morning! It seems ‘that time of year’ is here with morning frosts and the need for warmer jackets. And dare we even mention the forecasted snow for tomorrow? 

Have no fear, your crew at Coler Farms are seasoned pros and will get the job completed. Yesterday, they began their touch up work and will continue today and wrap up the project early next week, if need be!

Finishing up misc. carpentry and touch ups. 

Touch up work on the pillars. 

Tuesday, October 17th: Good morning residents of Coler Farms. We hope you all had a great weekend and how about that Viking win?!

The crew is onsite today completing touch ups and will have a few more days as well. Thanks!

Thursday, October 12th: It’s official, the Timberwolves agreed to a multi-year contract extension with Andrew Wiggins. We can’t wait to see what Wiggins will continue to do for the Timberwolves over the next few seasons. Preseason is underway and the regular season will commence on 10/18 in San Antonio against The Spurs. 

With the sprinkling of rain we’ve had on/off today, we’ll pulled the crew from painting today. They’ll resume tomorrow and should wrap everything up by day’s end. Thanks! 

Tuesday, October 10th: Good afternoon Coler Farms! 

The crew is working to complete the carpentry and then will begin priming and painting the new areas. 

Friday, October 6th: TGIF!

Looks like there’s some rain in the forecast for this afternoon and then also tomorrow in the earlier part of the day. The crew is working to get as much completed before the rain rolls in this afternoon. Weather depending they’ll finish up the carpentry today or early next week.

Thursday, October 5th: The MN Lynx have done it again! They’ve won the WNBA Championship and this is their 4th title win in the last 7 years. The parade and celebrations are being held outside of Williams Area on the UMN campus in Minneapolis at 6:30pm tonight. 

The crew at Coler Farms is pushing through to complete the pillar replacement. We’re hopeful if the rain can hold off that they will finish up tomorrow. Thanks!

Nestor caulks the pillar prior to adhering the new pillar piece.

Wednesday, October 4th: Hello and Happy Wednesday! 

If we may borrow a line from Johnny Nash’s hit song, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.” Quite literally, the clouds have cleared and we have a sunshiney day!

The crew is back onsite and in full force. We anticipate we’ll need a few more working days to complete the carpentry, so with no weather delays, we believe this to be by Saturday. Thanks!

In progress of pillar replacement. 

And the completed pillar. 

Monday, October 2nd: Happy Monday and welcome to October. We hope you all had a great weekend!

With all of the rain last night, today, and forecasted for tomorrow the crew is delayed. We’ll let you know when we predict they’ll be back onsite. Thanks for your patience!

Friday, September 29th: TGIF! Lots happening around the Twin Cities this weekend and a major road closure as well- 35W will be closed from Friday at 10pm to Monday at 5am from Crosstown 62 to Downtown. Check into alternate routes if you’re headed into downtown this weekend for the Twins, Gopher, Wild or Vikings games or to watch the Marathon on Sunday. Along with lots of sporting events there are plenty of Fall-themed activities- the Renaissance Fair, Sever’s Corn Maze, or Valley Scare to name a few. The Parade of Homes is also running this weekend as well. 

The carpentry crew is keepin’ on @ Coler Farms with replacement and repairs. Thanks and we hope you have a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 28th: It’s a great day to be a Twins fan!! The MN Twins clinched the second wild-card spot last night when the Chicago White Sox beat the Los Angeles Angels. The players had quite an evening of celebrating in their club house complete with champagne showers and lots of smiles. The team will travel to play either the Yankees or the Red Sox on Tuesday! 

The crew continues with their carpentry work on pillars, wall divider caps, and door trim. 

Pillar replacement in progress. 

And, ta da! The pillar is ready to be painted!

Wednesday, September 27th: Good afternoon! Clear and sunny skies and our carpenters couldn’t be happier for a full day’s work @ Coler Farms.  

The crew at Coler Farms is back onsite and continuing with their carpentry replacement. 

Monday, September 25th: Good afternoon and Happy Monday! We hope you all enjoyed the hot and sunny weekend weather! With all the rain today, the crew will not be onsite and will return when the substrates have had ample time to dry out- we’ll keep you posted as to when this will be!

Friday, September 22nd: TGIF and Happy First Day of Fall, although with the 90 degree heat wave, Minnesota clearly did not get the memo. Regardless, we can all enjoy the warmer weather today and this weekend! ‘Tis the season of The Renaissance Festival, Sever’s Corn Maze and various apple orchards and pumpkin patches throughout the metro area if you’re searching for weekend activities.

The crew is working at Building #8 on various carpentry. They’re making their way around the same as did the painters. We anticipate to be onsite for another 2 weeks. 

Divider wall cap is replaced. 

Caulking the new pillar boards. 

Wednesday, September 20th: Good afternoon and Happy Hump Day!

The crew at Coler Farms is continuing with carpentry work. They’re following the same route as did the painting and are currently on the initial buildings.

Divider Wall caps are getting replaced and will then be painted. 

Brand new pillar posts.

Tuesday, September 19th: Greetings residents of Coler Farms! It’s been some time since we last posted, but your association has been approved for carpentry repaits.

The crew is back onsite and starting with carpentry repairs on door trim, pillars, and privacy wall caps. Thanks!

Friday, September 8th: TGIF! 

The crew has wrapped up the painting portion of your project. There is some carpentry remains and we are waiting on a decision. Stay posted for further updates. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 7th: Good afternoon! With the imminent threat of hurricane Irma to the U.S. and Florida, we are wishing the people of Florida quick and safe evacuations as well as safety to those already affected in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, and Cuba. 

The crew is onsite today completing the last of the painting that can be done without carpentry repairs. We’re waiting to hear on the status of carpentry completion and will keep you posted on that status.

Alex paints the front door frame @ Coler Farms. 

Tuesday, September 5th: Hello and Happy Tuesday! We hope you all had a great, long holiday weekend! The weather looks like a cooler week, but also a dry week, which is perfect for painting!

The crew is making their way around the route and working on the East side of Zealand Ave. N. They’re about to the end of the route and will wrap up in the next day or two. 

Alex tapes of the garage door frame for painting. 

Déjà vu?? Santiago tapes of the garage door frame of his building.

Friday, September 1st: Happy September! 

The crew will continue to make their way around Yukon Circle N and then down 121st Ave. They’ll then be back onsite on Tuesday, 9/5.

We hope you all have a fun and safe holiday weekend!  

Thursday, August 31st: And just like that we’re closing out August and moving into September! 

It’s a big day for Minnesota sports- Twins vs. White Sox @ 1:10pm, Gophers vs. Buffalo Buffs @ 6pm, and the Vikings vs. Dophins @ 7pm. Lots of cheering and hopefully celebrating ahead!

The crew is making their way around Yukon Circle N. in the NE corner of the map. They’re continuing to paint door frames, garage frames, and divider wall caps.

Hermes paints the divider wall cap on 8431. 

Santiago paints the garage door frame on Building #13.

Wednesday, August 30th: Hello and happy hump day! We’ve made it mid-week!

The crew is working through building #10 and #11, which is around Yukon Circle North. They’re continuing to paint front door frames, garage frames, and some divider wall caps where there isn’t carpentry needed.

Alex paints the divider wall caps on Building 10.

Cristian works on the divider caps on Building 11.

Tuesday, August 29th: Good morning residents of Coler Farms!

The crew is back onsite after a few rain days later last week and over the weekend. They were at another site completing some touchups yesterday. As of today, they’ve completed painting up to Building #6. Today, they’ll be painting on #7 and moving along the route. There has been quite a bit of carpentry that’s come up while prepping and painting. Thus, moving forward the crew will be only painting front door frames and garage door frames until we figure out the carpentry scope and our plan of attack. Thanks!

Cristian paints the front door window trim.

Hermes tapes off and paints the garage door frame.

Alex paints the front door frame. 

Thursday, August 24th: Hello and happy first day of the MN Fair! Al Roker from the Today show helped to kick off this year’s MN Fair. Check out the video of him, Andrew Zimmern, and Governer Al Franken showing off some of the fair’s fan-favorites and some featured new foods at this year’s event. 

Your project is officially underway! The crew is working on Building 1, in the NW corner of the association and they’ll make their way West down 122nd Ave N, some what clockwise around the association. 

Cristian tapes off the garage door frame.

Alex scrapes and preps the divider wall before painting.

Thursday, August 17th: Hello and welcome to your official blog! We are eager to get things started in a week on Thursday, 8/24.

Your project consists of the prepping and finishing select areas, including: front door frames, entry pillars, garage door frames and patio divider wall caps. 

In preparation for our arrival, we ask that you please unlock your storm door so we have access to paint the door frame, thanks! This project will have minimal interference with your day-to-day routine and you can monitor project progress here on the blog as we’ll post several updates a week. 

We’re anticipating the entire project to take about 2-3 weeks, which may be affected by weather. We’ll keep you fully apprised here on the blog! Thanks we’ll see you in a week.

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296