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Completed Projects
Updated on August 12, 2016 | Completed Projects

Sherwood Court – Minnetonka

Final Building IN PROGRESS

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at Sherwood Court. We are thrilled to be onsite with you!!!!

Thursday, July 14th: Hello again Sherwood! As you can probably tell, the painting portion of the project is coming to a close as preparations are underway on the final building. Prep will continue throughout the rest of the week and we will begin finishing the siding on Monday. On Saturday, we will begin painting your front doors so keep your eyes peeled for blue notices posted onsite with instructions to schedule (if you desire) a specific time you’d like us to paint your door. Simply comment on the blog below with your unit number and what time you’d like your door painted. The crew will be going door to door if you don’t schedule a specific time.

Thursday, July 7th: Good morning Sherwood! It took us nearly 7 weeks, but we have been welcomed to the inner circle at Sherwood. And yes, we mean that literally and figuratively. Isaac had the privilege of meeting with some very nice folks (you know who you are!) on Wednesday night and they couldn’t have been gracious in pointing out areas that needed some further attention. We are proactively tackling these items, as well as others that inevitably arise on a project this large and we continue to feel grateful for just how wonderful and complimentary everybody has been. 

It should also be noted that perhaps one of the best things about this project on our end is the opportunity to speak with both Tom and Sher on a fairly regular basis. I mean, two of the finest phone voices you’ll ever hear! Move over, Garrison Keillor…we need look no further than Minnetonka for your replacement! 

We’ve received an update from the crew at AllState that they will have a sustained presence onsite from here on out and your gutters/Rhino Gutter Guards will be installed (weather permitting) by the end of the month. 

Early next week, the fellas should make their way into the inner circle and if the weather holds (not looking great!), we are looking at a couple weeks to go. 

Also, keep your eyes peeled for the arrival of the lift to complete the high gabled areas inaccessible by ladder. 

 And that’s the news from Lake Wobegon…

And down the stretch they come…Marvin pressure washes one of the last buildings at Sherwood…

Thursday, June 30th: 

With sustained good weather we are officially back on schedule at Sherwood and we are primed (pun intended) for a strong finish over course of the next 2 weeks.

As per usual, carpentry repair requests continue to stream in, and we’ve done our best to stay abreast of all of your requests. The vast majority of repairs have been performed and as any additional considerations arise, we will tackle them with our remaining time onsite.

Right now, the plan is to have gutters removed on the final 3 buildings (2201-2249) on the interior circle of the property on Wednesday, 7/6 and then pressure wash shortly thereafter.

By the holiday weekend, we will have 11 buildings completed and after some very well deserved rest over the holiday, we will be right back at it on Tuesday.

We hope everybody has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

Go, go, gadget arm says Ruben as he backrolls!

The devil is in the details, especially when it comes to painting. In addition to a great coating system, prep plays a huge role in the longevity of a paint job!

No, that’s not the first coat! That’s the primer BEFORE the application of the first, THEN the second coat!

Thursday, June 23rd: Another week in the books and by far our most productive week yet @ Sherwood! The weather has cooperated and the team is hitting full stride now that we’ve completed 8 buildings. You know what they say, “practice makes perfect” and that has certainly been the case here. 

We want to take a quick moment and thank a few residents that have taken the time to acknowledge how hard the team works and how happy they are with the project. As we enter into the “dog days of summer” it truly does go a long way and your encouragement is greatly appreciated. We feel we have the best guys in the business and we are so proud that they are members of the Roell Painting family! 

2230-2206 are being pressure washed today, and the crew will be following shortly behind to be begin prepping and painting those buildings as well. By late next week, the plan will be to wash the three buildings on the inside of the property (2201-2249) and the same procedures will follow as far as the prep/paint goes. 

If all goes according to plan, we project that we have about 3 weeks to go to complete the project. Of course, there will likely be some weather delays, but as we’ve seen, we can get ‘er done when the weather cooperates. 

Other than that, everything is proceeding according to plan and one more shout out to Brian and the fellas at AllState for working with us on the gutter removal schedule. It’s looking like the gutters on the interior circle will be pulled early to mid next week before we pressure wash. 

Thanks everybody…we’ll catch up with you again next Thursday before we celebrate our great nation’s independence! Then, we’ll plan on going out with a bang!

Ladders, ladders everywhere! A familiar scene @ Sherwood on Thursday!

For any Led Zeppelin fans out there, Nolberto ascends a ladder towards the heavens. A “Stairway to Heaven” if you will.

Thursday, June 16th: Boy, it sure would be nice to say that we’ve had a week of interrupted work @ Sherwood but once again, the rains descended upon the Twin Cities and stopped the project dead in its tracks! 

The good news is that with our second crew starting there this week to make up for lost time, we actually are going to be back on schedule, if not a little ahead, as we intend to start pressure washing 2230-2206 (maybe 2200) next week. The first 4 buildings are essentially completed (save for front doors, which will be completed near the end of the project) and Buildings 2268/2262 are in progress (see map for Building #’s.)

Next week, the crew will continue to follow the pressure washing route and Brian and the crew at AllState will be pulling the gutters off the final buildings on the outside perimeter. 

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for continued sunshine! 

On a side note, we’ve had seemingly endless inquiries into additional carpentry repairs and we want to thank everybody for their ongoing input, dialogue, and feedback to ensure that everything is being thoroughly assessed!

Another week in the books and we are about 33% of the way home! With sunshine, things should start speeding up!

A paint job is only as good as the prep work and scraping and priming figure prominently into that equation.

With pressure washing scheduled for 2230-2206 next week, we are BACK ON SCHEDULE at Sherwood!

Thursday, June 9th: With three days of sunshine this week, we hardly know what to do with ourselves! Of course, it was too good to be true and storms rolled in again early this morning and has halted progress yet again. Nevertheless, the fellas have made up for lost time and are nearing completion on the first three buildings of the project (except for the gable peaks which will require the use of an aerial lift, and will all be completed simultaneously at the end of the project.) 

The next group of three buildings as you move clockwise are in progress and PRESSURE WASHING OF 22-54-2234 IS SCHEDULED FOR NEXT TUESDAY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE OLD GUTTERS BEING REMOVED! PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS! 


If the weather cooperates, the guys will continue to make their way clockwise and we will be supplementing the current crew onsite with another crew to make up for lost time. This means that timelines will start to move a little more quickly and Buildings 2268-2234 will all be in various states of completion next week. 

We cannot applaud the residents enough for their input, their cooperation, and ultimately their graciousness in having us onsite these past few weeks. Ol’ Mother Nature continues to impose her will, but our resolve will remain steadfast and as they say in showbiz, the show must go on!

Friday, June 3rd: Well, a little more of the same @ Sherwood Court this week with the rain giving us fits and not allowing us to build any momentum. Nevertheless, we did manage to sneak in a couple productive days and the first wave of three buildings are moving along. We do want to make note of a few important housekeeping items.

  • Pressure washing is set to begin on the next three buildings (2278-2272, 2268-2266, 2268, 2258) on Tuesday, 6/7. Gutters will be removed on these buildings as well on Monday 6/6. 
  • Lumber is currently stored onsite and we kindly ask that residents leave the lumber as is, in place. We have sourced specific quantities of materials to perform repairs and want to ensure we are not short on materials.
  • Garage doors-the garage doors on 2298/2296 that have been painted are the INCORRECT COLOR. Paint was incorrectly tinted and shipped from the paint store and these garage doors WILL be corrected to match the siding color.
  • Flashing – It was brought to our attention that there are slight color/sheen variations on the buildings we’ve painted. This is pretty normal when paint is first applied, and with this particular BASF product, cure time is around 30 days for the hydrophopic properties to be fully activated. Much of this will subside as the paint cures, but be assured that a uniform consistent finish is our mutual objective and we will monitor this over the course of the next 2-3 weeks. 

Other than that, despite the weather, we are doing the very best we can to make progress and we are hopeful that the rains will subside next week and we will be able to get rolling and even supplement the existing crew out there with another crew to accelerate progress. Thanks everybody for your patience!

Nolberto and Ruben execute the “spray and backroll” technique with veteran precision.

Elder statesman Jaime looks on while the fleet of foot Miguel sprays the 1st coat of C350 onto the siding.

Be assured this is NOT the correct color. Paint was incorrectly tinted and the garage doors WILL match the siding color!

Friday, May 27th: As we head into the holiday weekend, it is raining on our parade yet again. Boo Hoo!!!! Nevertheless, the fellas did manage to take advantage of sunny skies yesterday and made their way around 60% of the first building. As soon as the weather cooperates, you can bet your sweet bippy that we’ll be back out there doing our best to make up for lost time! Have a great holiday weekend everybody!

Wednesday, May 25th: With Mother Nature digging her heels in, it’s been tricky getting some momentum going out at Sherwood. Nevertheless, we did manage to make some good headway on carpentry, scraping, and priming since Saturday. You’ve probably noticed that the first three buildings designated for painting have some leopard spots and we promise that we won’t leave them like that!!! That’s just the spot primer, which will ultimately ensure that the areas where previous coating failure is most prominent will withstand the elements for years to come. This primer is tinted towards the topcoat color so when the 2 top coats are applied, everything looks nice and uniform! 

With all the rain, the schedule has been pushed back slightly and we don’t anticipate that pressure washing of the next set of buildings will begin until the latter part of next week. Stay tuned right here for scheduling updates and project progress. 

Thanks everybody…have a great day and stay dry!!!

Jaime and Mariano caulk and prime at Sherwood. You’ll notice that Jaime is using a specialized caulking gun, as the caulk that we are using is a very high grade BASF caulk, MasterSeal NP100, particularly renowned for its elasticity and durability in climates like Minnesota.

Rafael prefers the “tunnel vision” approach to priming, using a combination of his hat brim and hood to narrow his focus on the areas in need of primer.

Tuesday, May 17th: It’s amazing what a little sunshine will do! The crew has been diligently working away and pressure washing will be completed by day’s end on the three buildings that comprise Phase 1 of the painting.

Pressure washing should be completed in Phase 1 by the end of the day on Tuesday.

Monday, May 16th: And we’re off at Sherwood Court. Just as the map below indicates, pressure washing is underway! The fellas started at the 2298 Building and Phase 1 of pressure washing will consist of the first three buildings through 2282. We anticipate that this will take approximatly 2-3 days, and prep and painting will be in full swing by week’s end. With a project this big, inevitably there will be a learning curve and we will do our very best to keep you updated of scheduling changes as the project progresses. The forecasted scheduled below is subject to change and should be viewed as a fluid. 

Thanks everybody and thanks to everybody who joined us at the town hall meeting this past Saturday!

From back left Jaime, Nolberto, Hugo, Rafael, Mariano, Miguel and Ruben get things rolling at Sherwood Court Monday morning!

Wednesday May 11th: As we prepare to get things underway at Sherwood Court, we thought it fitting to pay homage to another Sherwood that is near and dear to our hearts! 

It is our distinct privilege to be joining you for a few weeks this summer and we cannnot thank you enough for having us! Special thanks to Tom, Nancy, the entire board, and of course, your manager Sher for all of their efforts in facilitating the bid process, and ultimately, the selection of your vendors as the transformation gets underway! 

To kick things off, there will be an informal “town-hall meeting” this coming Saturday, May 14th at 9:30 AM. We will bring the coffee and bagels, and hopefully any answers to questions you may have. 

Ultimately, the best way to follow the project progress and get answers to your questions will be right here on the blog, as we will be providing project updates/pertinent details 1-2x per week throughout the project. 

Perhaps most pertinent is our intended project plan. Below you will find a map of the route we intend to follow for painting, and while this should be pretty accurate, inevitably, it is subject to change due to weather, etc…However, any such delays  (or if things are progressing more quickly than an anticipated), all that will be communicated regularly.

We anticipate the project will take until mid July or so and we will coordinate repairs and deck/patio finishing directly with individual homeowners.

We’ll see you Saturday!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296