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Completed Projects
Updated on July 16, 2019 | Completed Projects

The Colony Preserve – Blaine

Door Painting

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming door painting project at The Colony Preserve in Blaine!

Map with designated Buildings

Door Painting Dates
Buildings A- 10116, 10104, 10066 Monday, July 29th
Buildings B- 10042, 1144, 1147, 1164, 1167 Tuesday, July 30th
Buildings C- 1146, 1149, 1166, 1169, 10049 Wednesday, July 31st
Buildings D- 1148, 1151, 1168, 1171, 10039 Thursday, August 1st
Buildings E- 10026, 1126, 1150, 1170, 10028, 10029 Friday, August 2nd



BUILDINGS A – Monday, July 29th
12pm 3 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 3 spots available
3pm 3 spots available
4pm 3 spots available
5pm 3 spots available
6pm 3 spots available
7pm 3 spots available


BUILDINGS B – Tuesday, July 30th
12pm 3 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 3 spots available
3pm 3 spots available
4pm 3 spots available
5pm 3 spots available
6pm 3 spots available
7pm 3 spots available


BUILDINGS C – Wednesday, July 31st
12pm 3 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 3 spots available
3pm 3 spots available
4pm 3 spots available
5pm 3 spots available
6pm 3 spots available
7pm 3 spots available


BUILDINGS D – Thursday, August 1st
12pm 3 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 3 spots available
3pm 3 spots available
4pm 3 spots available
5pm 3 spots available
6pm 3 spots available
7pm 3 spots available


BUILDINGS E – Friday, August 2nd
12pm 3 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 3 spots available
3pm 3 spots available
4pm 3 spots available
5pm 3 spots available
6pm 3 spots available
7pm 3 spots available

Tuesday, July 16th: Good morning and welcome to your project blog!

We’ll be prepping and painting your door frames and resident front doors for the course of your project. We will need homeowner cooperation as we prefer to paint the door in the open position. 

We’ve posted notices on your garage door frames that detail our process as well as directed you here to our blog. You can schedule a specific time on the date your Building was assigned for painting by making a comment below with the address, date and time requested. Or you may call our office to schedule- 763-559-5296. We will schedule 3 appointments/per hour and the crew will be onsite from 12pm- 7pm painting doors each day. 

Please check the tables as they will be live as far as availability for scheduling. We appreciate your cooperation as we schedule and paint your front doors and please feel free to reach out with any comments or questions. 

David Lee

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296