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Completed Projects
Updated on June 2, 2015 | Completed Projects

Brownstones on Summit

Thursday, May 28th – COMPLETED

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at Brownstones on Summit. We are so excited to be working with you! 

Tuesday, June 2nd: Josh just passed along this sentiment from Erica…

“The staining is awesome! So much better than our previous job. Hopefully it will last longer. Very happy with Roell. Please pass on the word.”

In the words of Sly and the Family Stone, we simply say “thank you” to all the residents at Brownstones! It was a privilege working for you! 

Thursday, May 28th: The crew is nearing completion on the decking areas at Brownstone and with the sun shining this morning, we are anticipating that all the included areas get completed today. As is standard with all of our projects, Victor will perform a thorough inspection at which point he will designate any areas for touch ups. As we always say, we don’t deem any project complete until YOU, the client, say so. Thanks for having us! Enjoy your deck in the coming months!

What an improvement from before! Now residents can enjoy the beautiful Minnesota summer! 

Saturday May 23rd: No work at Brownstones until Tuesday (if we don’t get too much rain). We are projecting a Wednesday completion date but as always, stay tuned right here for any scheduling changes/updates. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday weekend everybody!

The decks are taking shape at Brownstone. The freshly painted surfaces look fantastic in amongst the backdrop of classic brick buildings.

Friday, May 22nd: The fellas continue to make good headway out at Brownstones on Summit and have descended down to the 2nd floor areas. We ask that residents exercise caution as there may be paint still drying. These guys might know a thing or two about that…

Thursday, May 21st: Another day of sunshine and even warmer temps will hopefully equate to significant progress made out at Brownstones on Summit. The guys are at the top and making their way down the rear deck structure. Among the tasks being tackled today are priming, sanding the top handrail, and of course, applying final coats in the prepped areas. We should have a better idea of how much longer we have by day’s end today. As always, your cooperation and patience is greatly appreciated.

Work continues @ Brownstones on Summit as the guys make their way from Top to Bottom. 

Wednesday, May 20th: With a little sunshine, the stage is set for painting to resume at Brownstones on Summit. Victor and the guys will be arriving where they left off last week, and hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate so we can complete the project within the next week or so. We also want to take a moment to say thanks to Barb, Bonnie, and all the residents that have reached out with questions. Hopefully, it works out to meet Nick onsite today and go over any questions. Have a great day everybody! 

Tuesday, May 19th: After a visit to the site by our job supervisor Victor this morning, the moisture levels in the wood are still too high (above 15%) to begin the painting process. Again, the last thing we want to do is seal in moisture into the wood, so while we are just as excited about getting things spruced up as all of you are, it would be ill-advised to do so until the wood is dried and ready. We appreciate your understanding and your ongoing patience. 

Monday, May 18th: Apparently in Minnesota, May comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. After losing essentially all of last week to rain, that trend continues on Monday out at Brownstones of Summit. With temperatures in the low 40’s and spats of rain here and there, we refrained from going to continue work. The good news is that the winds, in conjunction with temps getting back into the 50’s tomorrow should equate to work resuming out at Brownstones on Summit. Thanks for your patience! 

Wednesday, May 13th:  Victor and the gang made steady progress at Brownstones today as they continued sanding and scraping AND priming. 

Additionally, carpentry repairs are being performed as well.

With the probability of rain hovering around 100% tomorrow, we’ll just have to see what it does and make a game time decision. 

Bird’s eye view of Franciso sanding one of the deck skirts.

Tuesday, May 12th: Drizzly conditions and cooler temperatures have conspired to render painting impossible today out at Brownstones so the guys continue to focus exclusively on prep tasks, namely scraping, sanding handrails, and caulking the joints and seams on the included areas. Though it doesn’t look terribly promising, we are hoping to get to painting as soon as the weather cooperates. Most likely, we would begin with the vertical substrates (i.e. included siding) which could start as early as tomorrow. Thanks for your understanding!

Francisco caulks one of the seams on the siding areas designated for completion. 

Monday, May 11th. “Sometimes the best laid plains of Mice and Men often go awry.” Now that you got your daily John Steinbeck fix, the guys are back onsite today to continue with prep work at Brownstones. Despite our intention to begin painting today, Mother Nature had other plans so we will have to settle for another day of exclusively prep. Hopefully, the rains hold off in the next day or two so that we can get the painting underway. If they don’t however, we will only have 1 choice…and that’s to “Blame it on the Rain.”

Thursday, May 7th:  While no work is being down at Brownstones today, carpentry repairs will be done tomorrow. The fellas return back Monday to begin staining and will be there most of the week. Have a great evening everybody! 

Wednesday, May 6th: Not much to report out at Brownstones on Summit, as we are just in the holding period between pressure washing and staining. Right now the plan is to return onsite Monday to begin staining, but we will have to see what the weather does in the next 48-72 hours to see if conditions will be dry enough by Monday. Stay tuned right here for updates. 

Tuesday, May 5th: After a full day of pressure washing yesterday, Francisco is back onsite today to put the finishing touches on the pressure washing portion of the job. While we do our best to clean up debris resulting from the pressure washing process, inevitably until we complete a project, expect there to be some chips here and there. Also, don’t be alarmed if the deck looks worse than it did before we got there for a few days. That’s normal. Depending on weather, we are planning to be back next Monday to start finishing the decks (that will give the substrates ample time to dry). Thanks again everybody for all of your cooperation. 

Pressure washing was in full swing on Monday at Brownstones! 

Monday, May 4th: Happy Monday everybody! Hope you had a great weekend. We are arriving onsite today to begin pressure washing and we want to thank everybody again for their cooperation in getting the decking areas cleared. We anticipate that the pressure washing will take approximately 2 days to complete, then we will be giving the decking the remainder of the week to dry before returning next week to begin re-staining all the included areas. Stay tuned right here for any project updates and their impact on your schedule. Have a great day!

Victor and Francisco get set to pressure wash the rear decking areas @ Brownstones. 

Thursday, April 30th: Good morning residents of Brownstones on Summit. We hope this gorgeous spring weather has you in as good of spirits as we are! If you see a John Cusack doppelganger onsite today, it’s because our very own Nick Roell is going to be posting notices alerting folks that we will be painting your rear decking areas. This process begins with pressure washing the included areas, and that step will commence on Monday. We anticipate it taking two days. Then, we will begin the painting process shortly thereafter, after the areas have had ample time to dry. As you’ve probably noticed, there is some pretty prominent coating failure throughout many of the decking areas, and it will be terrific to get that addressed right away this spring so you can enjoy the beautiful Minnesota summer on your deck!

As you can see, there is a fair amount of coating failure and color fade at Brownstones…not for much longer!!! 

As we get underway, we want to extend special thanks to Erica, Barbara, Josh, and Kari for meeting us onsite earlier this week and getting all the pertinent project details buttoned up! It’s because of dedicated folks like you that we are set up to do what we do best – PAINT!

We’re looking forward to being with you for the next couple weeks! See you Monday!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296