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Completed Projects
Updated on July 26, 2019 | Completed Projects

Normandale Lake – Bloomington

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the residence railing painting at Normandale Lake in Bloomington!

Welcome video with Isaac

Date Floors Completed
Monday, July 15th 2-4
Tuesday, July 16th 5-7
Wednesday, July 17th 8-9

Tentative Railing Completion Schedule

Wednesday, July 17th: Good afternoon!

The crew is just about wrapped on painting your railings and only a few remain. It has been our pleasure prepping and painting on your balconies this week and we hope you enjoy your newly painted railings!

Tuesday, July 16th: Greetings! 

The crew is right on schedule with prepping and painting the railings on the 5-7th floors today — we’ll keep you updated regarding tomorrow’s impending rain and it’s interference with our schedule, thanks!

Monday, July 15th: Good afternoon!

It’s going to be a scorcher this week so take care of yourself and stay hydrated! And often with hot weather comes thunderstorms so check back here on the blog for weather updates and delays on your project!

The crew is off and running and painting your residence railings today — see the schedule above to know when we’ll be painting on your floor. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

One of the completed railing sections.

Freshing painted railings are shining bright on this patio!

Wednesday, July 10th: Good afternoon! 

The crew has at this point completed your common area railing and will begin painting your residence railings starting on Monday, 7/15. We will be completing several floors/ day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The crews will gain access to the railings through your residences. 

You can continue to follow the project progress here as we’ll post frequent updates, progress photos, and any delays due to weather. Thanks so much and we’re looking forward to sprucing up your residence railings next week!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296