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Completed Projects
Updated on April 27, 2015 | Completed Projects

Cedar Cliff South

Completed Project

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the garage floor project at Cedar Cliff South. We’ve got you covered!

Tuesday, March 24th: After weather created some unforeseen delays yesterday, surface prep is well underway at Cedar Cliff today. The focus today is prepping the surface appropriately to remove any failing cement. This is done through a combination of shot blasting and using hand tools in areas where supplement measures are required. Vacuuming dust and debris is equally important as all factors combine to render the surface optimal for adhesion.

Pat gets everything calibrated on the shot blaster, which will do the lions share of surface prep.

Not be overlooked is taking additional measures to ensure failing cement is removed. Here Arturo focuses on an area in one of the parking stalls.

Santiago follows the grinders to vacuum dust and debris.

Monday, March 23rd:  Spring has sprung….or not! Despite early signs of spring and unseasonably warm temperatures the last few weeks, mother nature has conspired once again to keep us Minnesotans on our toes!

Turns out painters can shovel too! While waiting for the dumpster to arrive today, we made the most of things and cleared the area!

“Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go awry.” After weeks of planning the start of your epoxy garage floor project, we’ve encountered a slight roadblock at the outset. Nevertheless, we are proceeding according to plan and we want to thank all the residents in advance for your cooperation, particularly with regard to the parking situation. We will arrive onsite and initial preparations will get underway. Surface prep is THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of the project, and the first step is shot blasting all 44,000 square feet of your garage floor. Additionally, we will need to identify areas where additional fragments will need to be removed with hand tools, and ultimately, we want to prep the surface to optimally receive the initial “Primer/Slurry Coat” of BASF MasterSeal 350.

Equipment has arrived onsite and work is getting underway!

With the weather delaying the shot blasting for today, we will begin hand grinding in the West Wing lower portion today, and hopefully mother nature will cooperate to where we can begin shot blasting tomorrow.

Please follow the project progress right here on the blog, as we will be providing daily updates and their impact on parking availability, etc…

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296