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Completed Projects
Updated on June 12, 2017 | Completed Projects

The Claridge – Minneapolis

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at The Claridge in Minneapolis. We are thrilled to be back onsite and working with and for you again!

Route Map @ The Claridge

Wednesday, June 7th: Today would have made Prince 59 years old; however, he wasn’t one to celebrate birthdays. In a 1999 Dutch TV interview, Prince thoughtfully explained that choosing not to celebrate one’s birthday stops him from counting days and then stops him from counting time and allows him to remain young. It’s an interesting perspective- choose to celebrate his birthday if you wish, maybe blast Purple Rain or don a Raspberry Beret.

The crew is wrapping up their painting today at The Claridge. We wanted to say thank you to all of the residents for having us at your building. It has been our pleasure painting your window frames and sprucing up the building. We hope you enjoy it and have a great rest of the summer!

Tuesday, June 6th: Hello and happy Tuesday! For all the hockey fans out there, we’ve got ourselves quite the match up. The Nashville Predators won 2 in a row at home against the Pittsburgh Penguins to tie the score to 2-2. Up next, the teams will face-off on Thursday in Pittsburgh. They’ll alternate home ice for games 5, 6, and potentially 7. In NBA Finals news, the Golden State Warriors are up 2-0 in the series and the teams will face off on Wednesday in Cleveland. 4 wins will take the championship! 

The crew is at Claridge keeping up with window frame painting. 

As the beat goes on…the painting continues on the windows.

2 painters on deck!

Monday, June 5th: Good morning residents of The Claridge! We hope you all enjoyed your weekend and the gorgeous weather we had! 

We have 3 crew members onsite continuing on scraping, prepping, and painting the window frames.

Looks like a great week ahead!

Friday, June 2nd: TGIF! It’s Friday, it’s beautiful out, and it’s National Donut Day! Though we’re the first to argue that all the food holidays (National Cherry Popsicle Day is Aug. 26, in case you were wondering) are getting out of control, National Donut Day actually has legit history behind it. And it’s hard to resist a real reason to eat a doughnut. The day was created in 1938 to honor the Salvation Army “Donut Girls” who served doughnuts to soldiers on the front lines of World War I. We can toast a donut to that! Here’s a list of several in the Twin Cities if you need a little help finding those treats! 

The crew is back onsite today and they’re working on the windows on the south and east sides.

The Claridge Crew is back at it!

Thursday, June 1st: Happy June 1st!! We are happy to see the sun shining and have an 80 degree day to welcome the new month! 

The crew is onsite at a different location applying paint samples. They’ll be back onsite tomorrow to resume their window trim painting. Enjoy this gorgeous day!

Wednesday, May 31st: We can’t believe May is coming to a close and June is right around the corner. We’re hopeful the new month will bring more sunshine and less rain and if today is any indication of that- we’ll take it! This warmer weather has us eager to use our outdoor grills and bbq! Thrillist’s list of ‘100 Best Burgers In America’ is out and Minnesota takes 4 of the spots. At #100, is Matt’s Bar’s Juicy Lucy, #86 is the Paddy Shack Burger from Half-Time Rec, #47 is the Parlour Burger, and #40 is Sainte Dinette’s cheeseburger. Looks like we having some tasting to do! 

The crew at Claridge is painting window frames on the west side of the building today.

3 Ladders up and we’re off!

The windows on the west side of the building get a fresh coat of paint.

Tuesday, May 30th: We hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the Holiday. And then just a few short days and we’ll have another weekend. Art Fair season is upon us as the Edina Art Fair kicks off on Friday. There are 280 local, national, and international artists as well as lots of live music, food, drinks, and even activities for the kiddos. Check out their website for all the need-to-know information. 

The guys are scraping, prepping, and painting the window frames at The Claridge.

Back at it over @ The Claridge.

Friday, May 26th: TGIF! As we’re all anxiously awaiting a 3-day weekend, we want to take a moment and say thank you to our service men and women who tirelessly serve and protect our country. We will also remember and honor those brave souls who have died in service.

We are continuing with scraping and priming window frames and then painting; then the cycle repeats. We’ll make our way around the building in entirety. 

We hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 25th: Today is turning out to be the best day of the week yet! Not to get ahead of ourselves, but guess how many weeks until the State Fair? 13 weeks! There will be an exciting addition to this year’s festival- a 156 foot Ferris Wheel. The Great Big Wheel is one of the tallest traveling Ferris Wheels in North America and will take 12 trucks to get to MN. There are 36 buckets that can each hold 6 people, so the more the merrier! If you seek the thrill of high heights, this one’s for you!

The crew at the Claridge is painting a few sections of windows today and also some scraping and priming on the next sections.