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Completed Projects
Updated on October 19, 2017 | Completed Projects

Southwest Village – Chanhassen

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the deck staining project at Southwest Village in Chanhassen. We are looking forward to being onsite!

Map @ Southwest Village

Friday, October 13th: TGIF and Happy Friday the 13th! 

The border battle showdown is this Sunday at U.S. Bank Stadium. The Packers are in town to take on our Purple People Eaters. Skol Vikes!!

We have great news- your deck staining project is complete! We wanted to say thank you for having us. It has been our pleasure working with and for you. Have a great rest of the year! 

Thursday, October 12th: We have a bit of a hazy and dreary morning. The crew will be onsite to resume staining around 11am. They’re completing some various clean up before starting to stain. Pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, October 11th: Good morning! We hope you’re all having a good week so far. 

We have kicked off your deck staining project and want to express our gratitude for your patience as we needed to wait longer than usual between the washing and start date due to the cooler weather. We anticipate the crew will be onsite for 4 working days to complete the decks. As a note, they’ll be starting later due to the cooler overnight temps – we are just taking all precautions to make sure the the surfaces are dry and the stain will adhere. Please reach out if you have any further questions. Thanks!

Today the crew is working on the 2 stacks of buildings on the West side of the property, as seen in the map above.

Before the stain is applied.

And the after.

Prep work and sanding prior to staining.

Monday, October 9th: Good morning residents of Southwest Village! We hope you all had a good weekend. We’re gearing up to watch Monday Night Football as the Vikings take on the Bears in Chicago! Go Vikes!

Though the forecast has changed a bit and there isn’t a drop of rain in sight until Friday or Satrday, we are going to err on the side of caution and hold off on staining until we’re sure the decks are 100% dried out. This will be either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thanks!

Friday, October 6th: TGIF! 

We’ve updated the start date of your deck staining project to be tentative due to the heavy rain today and forecasted rain for tomorrow. The earliest we would be out would be on Tuesday, 10/10 to begin staining, however, at this point there looks to be rain on Tuesday as well. We’ll be keeping an eye on the weather and keep you updated of when we’ll begin. The rain provides an extra obstacle as we’ll want to be sure the decks have completely dried before we apply the stain. 

Thanks so much for your patience and understanding. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 4th: Good afternoon residents of Southwest Village! We hope you’re enjoying this break in rain and sunshiney day!

A quick update on your project: With variable showers forecasted for the next few day, over the weekend, and Monday we are are going to keep an eye on the weather. The deck substrates will need to fully dry before we apply the stain. With that said, we’ll be sure to give you as much notice as we can for a start date. Thanks for your patience as we can’t predict or control what Mother Nature will throw our way.

Monday, October 2nd: Good morning and Happy Monday! 

The rain is no obstacle for the crew pressure washing your decks at SW Village. The crew will be back onsite once the substrated have had ample time to dry. We’re projecting this will be next Monday, 10/9, but will let you know if weather will impact that start date. Thanks and have a great week!

Pressure washing to clean and remove dirt from deck boards.

No rain on our parade.

Cleaned and ready for stain.

Thursday, September 28th: Good afternoon residents of Southwest Village and welcome to your project blog for the deck staining project. Your project will begin on Monday, 10/2 with pressure washing of the decks. We ask that each homeowner please remove any belongings from your deck during the pressure washing. We’ll be completing the washing for a duration of three days. Once your deck has been washed, you may replace your belongings, but know that you’ll again need to remove them when we are onsite completing the staining.

Note: it is normal to notice some deck fibers on the areas surrounding your deck after it is washed. These fibers are translucent when wet and will be cleaned up when the crew returns to stain the decking. 

Once the decks have had ample time to dry, the crew will be back onsite to begin staining the deck floors. We project that this will begin for select homes on Monday, 10/9, with weather being the biggest factor. 

We’ve posted a map of your association and as the staining portion of the project nears, we’ll post a route that the crew will follow when staining the decks. This will allow you to better gauge when we’ll be at your home and when to remove furniture/deck items for staining. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation as we get your project started!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296