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Completed Projects
Updated on June 12, 2017 | Completed Projects

Timber Ridge – Fridley

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for your deck stain project at Timber Ridge in Fridley! We are looking forward to being onsite with you!

Timber Ridge site map- designating North and South sections.

Tuesday, June 6th: Happy Tuesday! For all the hockey fans out there, we’ve got ourselves quite the match up. The Nashville Predators won 2 in a row at home against the Pittsburgh Penguins to tie the score to 2-2. Up next, the teams will face-off on Thursday in Pittsburgh. They’ll alternate home ice for games 5, 6, and potentially 7. In NBA Finals news, the Golden State Warriors are up 2-0 in the series and the teams will face off on Wednesday in Cleveland. 4 wins will take the championship! 

We are happy to report that your deck painting project is complete! Thank you so much for having us. It has ben our pleasure working with and for you this spring! Enjoy the summer weather…finally, on your freshly finished decks!

Friday, June 2nd: TGIF! It’s Friday, it’s beautiful out, and it’s National Donut Day! Though we’re the first to argue that all the food holidays (National Cherry Popsicle Day is Aug. 26, in case you were wondering) are getting out of control, National Donut Day actually has legit history behind it. And it’s hard to resist a real reason to eat a doughnut. The day was created in 1938 to honor the Salvation Army “Donut Girls” who served doughnuts to soldiers on the front lines of World War I. We can toast a donut to that! Here’s a list of several in the Twin Cities if you need a little help finding those treats! 

The crew is back at it on this gorgeous day with painting your decks!

Manuel sneaks in the shot.

Santiago paints the deck.

Thursday, June 1st: Happy June 1st!! We are happy to see the sun shining and have an 80 degree day to welcome the new month!

The crew is back onsite today after letting the decks dry out from the pressure washing. They’ll begin prepping and painting the decks and if the weather cooperates be done by Saturday or Monday!

Manuel paints the decks boards.

Omar gives the deck floors a fresh coat of paint.

Tuesday, May 30th: We hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the Holiday with family and friends. And then just a few short days and we’ll have another weekend. Art Fair season is upon us as the Edina Art Fair kicks off on Friday. There are 280 local, national, and international artists as well as lots of live music, food, drinks, and even activities for the kiddos. Check out their website for all the need-to-know information. 

The crews are pressure washing the remaining decks in the north section of the property.

This dreary weather is no obstacle for our pressure washing crew!

Friday, May 26th: TGIF! As we’re all anxiously awaiting a 3-day weekend, we want to take a moment and say thank you to our service men and women who tirelessly serve and protect our country. We will also remember and honor those brave souls who have died in service.

The crew wrapped up the decks in the south section of the association yesterday and will be back onsite Tuesday, 5/30 to pressure wash in the north section. * Reminder to remove items from your deck for the washing and painting as well as please do not park under your decks. We’ll then begin painting and staining on Wednesday, 5/31.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 25th: Today is turning out to be the best day of the week yet! Not to get ahead of ourselves, but guess how many weeks until the State Fair? 13 weeks! There will be an exciting addition to this year’s festival- a 156 foot Ferris Wheel. The Great Big Wheel is one of the tallest traveling Ferris Wheels in North America and will take 12 trucks to get to MN. There are 36 buckets that can each hold 6 people, so the more the merrier! If you seek the thrill of high heights, this one’s for you!

The crew is wrapping up the first section of decks (south section) today and will pressure wash the north section Tuesday, May 30th. If you haven’t already done so, please turn on your exterior water spigot and remove all personal belongings from your deck. Also, while we are painting and staining we advise you to not park underneath your deck during completion of the project. After the pressure washing, the crew will be back onsite on Tuesday, May 31st to start with their prep and painting.

We are loving the freshly painted decks!

Is that a ray of sunshine behind Manuel?! Finally : )

Wednesday, May 24th: Hello and Happy Hump Day! 

The finale of The Voice was last night and our Minnesota man, Jesse Larson sure made us proud! His final performance was an energetic and honorable tribute to Prince’s ‘Let’s Go Crazy.’ He sang along side his coach, Adam Levine but it wasn’t quite enough for him to win. Alicia Key’s contendor, Chris Blue won the show with his soulful and R&B style talents. Congrats! If you follow the show, next season, Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Hudson will replace Gwen Stefani and Alicia Keys. 

The crew is making their way around to your decks and painting the railings and deck floors. 

We think Santiago is copying Willy Wonka’s shrinking hallway look : )

Omar paints the deck floors- they look great!

Tuesday, May 23rd: Good afternoon residents of Laketown! We hope you enjoyed the sunny weather yesterday because Mother Nature is back in full force owning the weather game. 

Regardless of the rain, we can’t believe it’s almost June and that Memorial Day is right around the corner. I think we can all say we’re looking forward to a 3-day weekend! Let’s just play ‘Working For The Weekend’ on repeat until Friday?! Ready, Go!

The crew is working to get as much done as possible before any imminent threat of rain. They’ve started scraping and sanding decks as well as painting the deck railings.

Manuel paints the interior of the deck railings.

Santiago makes sure to cut in the edges of the railing.

Monday, May 22nd: Good morning residents of Timber Ridge!

Is that the sun we see shining? We couldn’t be happier about Mother Nature’s change of heart! Although the weather has cleared up, your decks are a bit too wet from the monsoon-type weather we had over the weekend to start staining. 

We’ll be keeping an eye out on the weather since it looks like we’re not quite out of the woods yet. But in the meantime, enjoy this sunny day!

Friday, May 19th: We are off an running at Timber Ridge. The crew is onsite pressure washing in the south section. They’ll also be onsite tomorrow, as weather allows to finish up with what does not get done today. Again, as a reminder, please remove belongings from your deck in preparation of pressure washing and then for the prepping and finishing of your deck railings and deck floors.

Also, while we’re staining and working on your decks, we advise that you do not park below the garages. 

If you’re wanting to look ahead to the weekend and get over this slump of a week, Minneapolis’ Art-A-Whirl will take over Northeast Minneapolis for the weekend. In it’s 22nd year of open studios, demonstrations, sales, kids’ activities, and food and drink specials at surrounding breweries and restaurants, Art-A-Whirl takes art appreciation to a whole new level. Though the weather won’t be much different than the rainy week we’ve had, grab your umbrella or even take the buses that are looping between buildings hosting open studios and explore all NE has to offer!

Wednesday, May 17th: Maybe you’ve found your way to our blog via blue notice taped to your garage frame, welcome! We are looking forward to getting your project started on Friday, 5/19. We’ll begin in the South section of the association first with pressure washing the decks. This will be done this Friday and Saturday. Once the deck substrates have had ample time to dry out, the crew will be back onsite to start prepping and finishing the inside of your deck railings and stain your deck floors. We hope to start on Monday 5/22 with select decks in the South section, this is weather permitting of course. Hopefully Mother Nature is getting all of this rain out of her system and we will have sunny and clear weeks ahead! 

In preparation for the pressure washing, we ask that you please turn on your exterior water spigot and remove all personal belongings from your deck. Again, this is for homes in the South section only.

Stay tuned right here on the blog for progress updates, pictures, weather delays, and any changes to the schedule if they occur.

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296