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Completed Projects
Updated on June 21, 2017 | Completed Projects

Gables at Waterstone Bay HOA – Blaine

Project Postponed


Monday, June 12th: Good morning residents of Gables at Waterstone. We are so sorry to hear of the damages to your homes and association from Sunday’s major storm. We’ll be postponing your project until the association can be inspected for insurance purposes and damages can be assessed.

Thursday, June 8th: Good afternoon residents of Gables at Waterstone and welcome to your project blog for this year’s project! We’ll be getting this year’s designated decks and entry stairs started on Wednesday, June 14th. We will begin the project with pressure washing your deck floors and entry stairs.

We ask that homeowners please remove any belongings from your deck during the pressure washing dates. After the decks have been pressure washing, the wood will need some time to dry. Once dry, the crews will return to begin staining the decks. We are projecting the staining will start on select decks on Friday, June 16th. We will be staining decks in the same order that they were pressure washed. So in short, if you’re in one of the later buildings to be washed, you can put your furniture back onto your patio for the weekend. 

We’ll update the schedule further with the remaining 3 buildings and provide another notice to those residents as we near closer to that portion of the project.

Stay tuned right here on the blog for project progress, updates, and any changes/weather delays if they occur. Have a great rest of the week and we’ll see you on Wednesday!


Monday, May 9th: (Afternoon Update)

The crew was able to finish a majority of the decks before the rain moved in this afternoon.    We are going to perform a quality inspection on the next nice day (Could be Thursday) to ensure the rain did not negatively affect the finish.   

Otherwise, we will be playing the waiting game over the next few days till the rainy weather passes.

I spy Manuel “the Magician” finishing up an entry staircase. We all can agree that we hope he pulls a disappearing act soon so the residents can have peace and quiet for the remainder of the summer.

Not to go unnoticed is Omar showing off his surgical hand with a staining box brush.

Monday, May 9th: We are hopeful that this will be our last day onsite for you fine folks! The crew prepped building #2401 on Saturday so they are underway staining already today.  

If the rain holds off, the crew will be wrapped up with all the decks today! Woot woot.

Friday, May 6th: Happy Friday everyone! The residents of the 2408 building will have an extra special Friday after getting their decks stained today. All weather predictions point to us wrapping up on Monday. Thanks again to all the residents for their patience during the horrible week of rainy weather we had last week.

Sometimes we run into projects that require us to use our “American Ninja Warrior” skills.  Jose, above, acutely cuts in the decks stain while navigating the fearsome deck railings!

Thursday, May 5th:  The crew is working their way through the association and the staining continues. The glorious weather looks to be holding out through the weekend as well.

Roberto (Above) starts the day off cutting in some stair treads at one of the entry decks.

Manuel “the Magician” as he is most known for in our offices. Applies the stain while pulling a rabbit out of his white painter’s hat!


Omar, a self proclaimed Chevy guy, didn’t mind working next to this Dodge for half the day.

Tuesday, May 3rd: aaaaaannnddddd were off!!!!!   The crew arrived this morning to glorious sunshine which will help us staining the decks.   

The tentative staining schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, May 3rd:  Building #2453

Wednesday, May 4th: Building #2441

Thursday, May 5th: Building #2495

Friday, May 6th: Building #2408

Saturday, May 7th: Building #2411 (rain in forecast)

Monday, May 8th: Building #2401

The first order of the day for the crew is to cover the “painted” surfaces to ensure no stain gets on these freshly painted (completed by Roell Painting in 2015) surfaces.

The new cedartone deck stain is applied carefully with the painter’s being mindful of keeping a wet edge.

Jose, onsite job supervisor & 8 year veteran at Roell Painting, keeps a keen eye on the crew as the job progresses.

Friday, April 29th: Staining scheduled to commence  Tuesday, May 3rd

Friday, April 15th: Likely a posting on your home brought you to our website and thanks for visiting!   

We are back for another year of work at Waterstone Bay and are so grateful to be part of yet another project.   The work this season is less then the work we performed last year.    

This year we are finishing the staining of decks that were not included the two previous years.  The association has everyone on a schedule for the work to be completed every 2-4 years.   

The tentative schedule for Pressure Washing is as follows:

Building #2441 – Thursday, April 21st

Building #2453 – Friday, April 22nd 

Building #2495 – Saturday, April 23rd

Building #2408 – Monday, April 25th

Building #2411 – Tuesday, April 26th 

Buidling #2401 – Wednesday, April 27th  

Once the pressure washing is complete, we will be coming back to stain the deck floors and stairs.   With weather permitting, we will be starting to stain building #2441 on Monday, April 25th.  

Welcome to the official blog post for the Gables of Waterstone Bay  in Blaine.  We are so glad you found us! 

Thanks again for visiting and we look forward to working with you again for antoher year!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296