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Completed Projects
Updated on July 30, 2018 | Completed Projects

Steepleview – Woodbury

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the 2018 deck painting project at Steepleview in Woodbury. We are excited to be back with you this year!

Route Map – Steepleview 2018.

Friday, June 29th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is making their way around to your decks. They’ve started on Building #8 and then working through Building #14. They’ll then complete the remaining buildings Saturday morning. We recommend waiting about 24 hours until you return your deck furniture. We’ve enjoyed being onsite and hope you all have a great rest of the summer!

Board by board the crew is staining your deck floors.

Up close and personal to paint your patio kick plate.

Thursday, June 28th: And we’re off!!

The crew is off and running at Steepleview this morning. We’ll be starting at the East side of Steepleview and moving West. The crew anticipates they’ll get through about 7 buildings/day, weather permitting. With dry weather over the next few days, the crew should be wrapping up on Saturday. Thanks!

Monday, June 25th: Good morning and welcome to your 2018 project blog for the deck staining project at Steepleview. It is an honor to be back onsite and working for you again this summer. 

We are beginning with pressure washing your decks. We’ll be following the route posted above, starting on the East side of Steepleview Road and moving West, then North on Bielenberg Drive, and lastly around Afton Court. 

Once the decks have dried from the pressure washing, we’ll return to begin staining, again following the route posted above. We’re hopeful with good weather this week that we’ll complete them all before the weekend.

Washing and prepping the decks for staining.

Making the rounds at Steepleview to pressure wash your decks.

Details from 2015 Deck Project

As you’ll see above, here are the included decks as part of the 2015 project, as well as the route we will be following for both pressure washing and painting.

Monday, July 6th: We are thrilled to report that the fellas wrapped up at Steepleview just in time for the holiday weekend so hopefully that means you all got a chance to enjoy your decks over the 4th of July! While the bulk of work has been completed, Jesse, your crew supervisor will be returning onsite to perform a quality check and designate any areas for touch-ups! We ask that residents please leave any blue tape or other markers in place to ensure we can get all the areas addressed. 

Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, June 30th: The crew has transitioned out of Afton Court and is now in the midst of completing decks on Steepleview Road. This should take about a day and a half to complete, at which point they will make their way over to Bielenberg to complete the remaining 7 decks-we are still on pace to finish before the holiday weekend!

The crew completes one of the decks in Afton Court.

Monday, June 29th: Not too much to report out at Steepleview in Woodbury. The crew continues to make their way through Afton Court and we are still forecasting a Thursday completion date. Of course, the big unknown is the weather, which looks pretty promising the remainder of the week!

Thursday, June 25th: Now that pressure washing is completed at Steepleview and the weather has been warm and windy, the decks are dry enough to begin painting at Steepleview. The crew is following the same route as the pressure washing which means that they are working through the included decks in Afton Court. At this rate, they are completing approximately 6-8 decks per day, which means they will be in Afton Court through Monday of next week (if the the weather cooperates). They they will start on Steepleview Road, turn the corner onto Bielenberg and again, if all goes according to plan, should be wrapping up just in time for the 4th of July. Our fingers are crossed that Mother Nature cooperates!

Tuesday, June 23rd: Pressure washing is underway at Steepleview this year and the crew managed to get things off to a good start, despite some technical difficulties with the pressure washer, by completing 12 decks. If all goes according to plan today, they should complete approximately 20 decks, which has us wrapping up the areas in Afton Court and getting things started on Steepleview Road.

Tuesday, June 16th: Perhaps you’ve found your way to the blog by way of blue notices posted throughout your property. If that’s the case, welcome! We are excited to return onsite this year to prep and finish 46 decks that were not included in last year’s project. We will begin the project next Tuesday in the Afton Court area and we will be making our way clockwise around the association, both in terms of pressure washing, and then staining. We ask that residents please move personal items of your decks as you are able in advance of pressure washing. 

You can monitor the project progress right here on the blog as we will be providing daily updates to the residents. Should any questions and/or concerns arise throughout the course of the project, you can certainly reach out to us directly and we will do our very to offer any answers and/or clarifications. We anticipate the project will take approximately 2.5-3 weeks to complete. Thanks in advance for all of your cooperation!

We are super excited to be back onsite with the folks of Steepleview again this year to stain 46 more decks!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296