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Completed Projects
Updated on November 6, 2018 | Completed Projects

The Grand – St. Louis Park: Parking Garage Floor Resurfacing

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the prep and finishing of your under ground parking deck. We are looking forward to refreshing your garage floor!

 Onsite video with Isaac @ The Grand

Monday, October 29th: Good morning! 

The striping crew is onsite and will be painting until early afternoon and then you’ll be back in your garage tomorrow morning- thank you again for your patience and cooperation to make alternate parking arrangements for the week and allowing us to spruce up your parking ramp floor!

David paints on your parking lines.

That’s all folks! You may resume your regularly scheduled programming, or parking tomorrow!

Saturday, October 27th: Good afternoon! 

We wanted to apologize for some of the odor from the application process and while the product cures. Isaac is headed onsite to open up the garage doors. He’ll remain onsite with the doors open for a bit to allow for some airflow and ventiltion. The odors will be dissipating as the weekend comes to an end. The striping is still set for Monday between 9am and 1pm. 

Thanks for your cooperation during the project process and have a great rest of the weekend!

Everything is looking pretty great!

Thursday, October 25th: Hello! 

The crew is right on track. They are applying the primer and will then apply the top coat and be complete with the applicaton process by Saturday. The striping will then occur on Monday, 10/29 and then you’ll be back into your garage on Tuesday, 10/30.

Cutting it on the floor edges.

Applying the primer to the garage floor.

Wednesday, October 24th: Good afternoon! 

The crew has completed their pressure washing and shot blasting of the upper parking garage floor. Tomorrow they will be applying the primer to the garage floor surface.

The ‘BlastPro’ is onsite and being put to work.

The crew readies the garage floor prior to applying the primer.

Monday, October 22nd:

Good morning residents of The Grand in St. Louis Park!

Today is the day! We have kicked off your garage finishing project and the crew is onsite beginning to pressure wash the upper garage floor surface. The process begins with pressure washing and then tomorrow they’ll begin to shot blast to continue to prep the surface for the primer and top coats, which will be applied mid-late week. The striping will then happen on Monday, 10/29 and you’ll be back in your garage before you know it! 

Stay tuned here for further updates and any other pertinent project info!

Friday, October 12th: Hello and TGIF! 

We’ll be starting your upper level garage resurfacing the week of October 22nd. See below for the play by play of your project. We are projecting the project to take a week:

Day 1: Pressure wash upper deck

Day2: Shot blast the upper deck

Days 3-5: Apply the primer and topcoat to upper deck. (24 hour dry time after application of final coat).

Monday, October 29th: Striping being completed

Tuesday, October 30th: You may resume parking in your upper deck

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296