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Completed Projects
Updated on May 17, 2020 | Completed Projects

Villas at Rivers Edge – Rogers

Painting Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting project at River’s Edge in Rogers. We’re looking forward to being onsite with you!

Villas at River’s Edge – Tentative Finishing Schedule – Updated 5/5
Building Pressure Washing Date Prep/Painting Start Date
#1  Friday, May 1st Monday, May 4th 
#2  Friday, May 1st Monday, May 4th – in progress
#3  Monday, May 4th Tuesday, May 5th 
#4  Monday, May 4th Thursday, May 7th
#5  Tuesday, May 5th Thursday, May 7th
#6  Tuesday, May 5th Monday, May 11th
#7  Wednesday, May 6th Monday, May 11th
Clubhouse Monday, May 4th Tuesday, May 5th

Friday, May 15th: Good morning and TGIF! 

It’s going to be a beautiful day! The crew had wrapped up their prep and painting at Building #7 yesterday. Jesse will soon be marking the building with blue tape and the crew will return to complete their touch up painting in the next few days! 

It has been our pleasure to spruce up your buildings this spring. Thank you!

Thursday, May 14th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is back onsite this afternoon after allowing the substrates to dry out this morning. They are working at Building #7 today and anticipate 1-2 more working days. Thanks! 

Taping and prepping around Building #7.
Prepping in advance of painting.
Prep Day: tape and paper – check and check.

Wednesday, May 13th: Good morning! 

The crew began onsite this morning, however, due to the rain their work is paused for the day. They should return tomorrow. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 12th: Good afternoon! 

It’s a beautiful day and the crew is onsite and prepping and painting at Buildings #6 and #7 today. They are anticipating to 1-2 more working days to complete these remaining buildings. Jesse, one of our production managers was onsite today and marked areas with blue tape for touch ups on the Clubhouse and Buildings #1-5. Please leave the tape up for the crew. Thanks!

Painting the trim at Building #6.

Monday, May 11th: Good morning! 

We hope that all the mothers and those that have a mothering heart were celebrated and loved on yesterday – even if from afar!

The crew is prepping and painting at Buildings #5 and #6 today and they will also begin their prep work on Building #7. 

More tape, paper, and plastic to cover and prep.
Prepping around #6 and #7.
Ladders going up to paint the soffits.
A completed section of the building.

Friday, May 8th: Hello and Happy Friday!

We are moving right along and the crews are prepping and painting at Buildings #4 and #5 today. We’ll be starting on the remaining buildings next week. Have a great weekend!

Ladders up to paint the front trim areas on Building #4.
Painting the front door frame.
Prepped and ready for paint.

Thursday, May 7th: Good afternoon! 

Here’s an update on Building progress: #1 is complete, #2 will need a few touch ups, #3 in progress, #4 in progress, and #5 prep in progress. 

The crew is hoping to start their prep on #5 depending on progress with #3 and #4. Thanks!

The front elevation is taped, covered, and caulked.
Ready for some paint.
Prepping our way around Building #4.

Wednesday, May 6th: Greetings! 

The crew is prepping and painting on Building #3 and the Clubhouse today. They are also pressure washing the last building, #7. Thanks!

Painting the door frames.
Looking all fresh and spruced up!

Tuesday, May 5th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is back in full force today. They are working simultaneously on painting Building #2, prepping #3 and the Clubhouse, and finally pressure washing #5 and #6. They are Rockstars! 

We’ve updated the schedule above to reflect their speediness! The crew will be starting to paint on Building #3 and the Clubhouse tomorrow.

A look at Building #1 all spruced up!
Shining bright with a fresh coat of paint.
Taping off and covering the brick and stone.
Prep on Building #3.
Covering the windows.

Monday, May 4th: Greetings and Happy Monday! 

We are off and running with prepping Buildings #1 and #2 — be sure to check the map for our updated list of buildings included in this summer’s scope of work. 

The crew will also be pressure washing Buildings #3 and #4 today. 

Prep is in progress on Buildings #1 & #2.
Taping off and covering windows.
Taping off the garage doors.

Sunday, May 3rd: Good morning! 

A quick update — there has been a change in which buildings we’ll be completing this year. Changes are reflected above as we’ve updated our map and route. The pressure washing schedule will remain the same; however, the buildings have changed. 

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! We’ll see you back onsite tomorrow for pressure washing Buildings #3 and #4!

Friday, May 1st: Happy May Day! 

It’s Friday, it’s a new month and we are kicking off your project at Villas at River’s Edge!

We are getting started this morning with pressure washing Buildings #1 and #2 today. We have 2 crews onsite so we will be starting to prep and paint on both the 1st and 2nd Buildings on Monday, May 4th. We’ll also be washing the remaining Buildings on Monday, 5/4, Tuesday, 5/5, and Wednesday, 5/6. 

We are anticipating the entire project to take about 2 weeks to complete. Please continue to check here for progress updates, any weather delays, and some fun! 

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Pressure washing is onsite and ready to roll!
Readying the buildings for painting.
Ladders up to reach the peaks.
Washing the soffits.

Tuesday, April 28th: Good afternoon! 

Welcome to your project blog for this year’s painting at River’s Edge. We’ll be kicking off your project with pressure washing Buildings #1 and #2 on Friday, May 1st. We kindly request that you please remove any fragile and/or small items from the outside of your home to allow for safe and unobstructed access for washing. We anticipate the pressure washing to take approximately 1-2 days. Once the substrates have had adequate time to dry, the crew will return to begin prepping and finishing of the select included trim surfaces. We’ve posted a tentative working schedule above along with a route map and building designation.

Once we are in the prep and painting portion of the project, we anticipate each building to take approximately 3-5 working days with weather being the biggest factor in project length. 

We’ll be posting frequent updates to this blog with project progress, photos, and any weather delay information. Thank you so much for having us and we’re looking forward to getting started at the end of the week!

Friday, April 24th: Greetings and welcome to your project blog!

We’ll be prepping and painting the 7 buildings that are set for painting this year. We’ll be finishing all 23 buildings (79) units over the next three years.  For the buildings included in this year’s project, we’ll be finishing the siding, fascia trim, window trim, front door frames, garage door frames, louvers, shutters, privacy fencing, pillars, and service doors/frames where applicable. 

Stay tuned for further information regarding start date, route map, and finishing schedule. 

As the project begins, you can continue to follow the progress here on the blog as we’ll post frequent updates, post photos, and share any weather delays should they come up. 

Thank you for having us at your association. We’re looking forward to sprucing up your buildings! 



Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296