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Completed Projects
Updated on July 12, 2017 | Completed Projects

Park Place Condos- Eden Prairie

Friday: Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for your painting project @ Park Place Condos in Eden Prairie! We are looking forward to being onsite with you! 

Park Place Site Map

Thursday, July 6th: Good morning! It’s going to be a hot one folks- make sure you are staying hydrated and out of the heat as much as possible. Though it looks like we’ll have some relief tomorow and over the weekend!

The crew is wrapping up your project today. They’re completing touch ups, deck areas, and front entrance plaques.

Finishing touches on the entry way plaque.

Mauricio paints one of the rear decks.

Francisco takes a steady hand to the unit number plaque.

Friday, June 30th: Good morning and TGIF! We are looking forward to the weekend and the upcoming holiday! 

The crew is nearing the end of completing your project. They are painting shutters and working on the deck areas. With the rain earlier this week and the 4th of July on Tuesday, we are projecting that we’ll finish next week Wednesday. 

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 27th: Good morning Park Place. We hope you had a great weekend and your week is off to a good start! 

Today the crew is finishing up Building #6 (7281-7287) and then they’ll move to Building #2 (7223-7237).

Completing painting on the rear elevations and decks.

Grabbing paint and supplies for the morning.

Francisco paints the deck spindles.

Friday, June 23rd: TGIF! Looking for something fun and free to do this weekend? The Twin Cities are going to be bustling with activities this weekend- Pride events, Twin Cities Jazz Festival, Farmer’s Markets, and the Uptown Food Truck Festival, oh my! 

The crew is busy trying to make up for the time lost yesterday due to the rain. They’re painting and prepping buildings along the route. We’ll have more pictures next week! 

We hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 22nd: Hello! It seems as though we’re going to have an on-again/off-again rain day. The surfaces of your buildings will just be too wet to paint. We’re hopful things will clear out and start drying up so the crews can be back onsite tomorrow. Thanks!

Rain Delay

Wednesday, June 21st: Good afternoon Park Place. We can’t believe we didn’t post about ‘New Foods Reveal Day @ the State Fair’ yesterday. The coveted and drool-worthly list was released yesterday and you know what that means? It’s time to start training for the heavy lifting and heavy eating that will consume our being from August 24th – September 4th. See for yourself…and just a warning, I wouldn’t look on an empty stomach! 

The crew is completing work on the remaining buildings. They are pressure washing, priming and painting the trim throughout.

Pressure washing in progress.

Priming the siding.

Francisco paints the trim on the rear elevation.

Tuesday, June 20th: Rain over at the Roell Painting Office in Eden Prairie as well… it should clear up this morning and we may have crew members onsite this afternoon completing some prep work- caulking and scraping. 

The route map has changed slightly. The crew will be painting 3rd ‘blue’ building and then will resume the route counter clockwise around the association.

Friday, June 16th: TGIF! We made it to the weekend. If you’re looking for something fun and free, City Pages put out a list aptly named “Freeloader Friday” with events happening around the Twin Cities this weekend! Also, it’s the weekend of Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth- good luck to all the runners!!

The crew is continuing with prep and painting on Building #2 and should finish it up today. They’ll likely start on the 3rd ‘blue’ Building on the map above- these building are getting a full repaint and then they’ll pick up where they left off to complete the trim painting on the remaining buildings. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 15th: Good morning Park Place! It’s going to be a gorgeous day! 

The crew is completing prep work and painting on Building #2 today. They should complete the Building by day’s end as well.

Taping off the soffits. 

Tyrese tapes off the egdes of the patio.

The crew is prepping the rear elevation of Building #2.

Tuesday, June 13th: We have an NBA Champion- the Golden State Warriors took the title last night. And Kevin Durant won the NBA Finals MVP, scoring at least 30 points each championship round game. Congrats to the Warriors!

Now that the pressure washing is complete, the crew is prepping and starting to paint on the first building. Prepping is thorough as we tape off soffits, windows, and door frames. The crew will then begin spraying the siding.

The rear elevation windows are taped and covered before spraying.

Thorough prep is essential to a clean and crisp finish.

Friday, June 9th: Happy Friday! James Corden is always up to something and that something is usually pretty funny. He recently put together a surprise for Tom Cruise while he was in London. Corden pitched the idea of ‘Tom’s Cruise on The River Thames Cordon.’ This included puns of all kinds relating to all things Tom Cruise and James himself while aboard the “cruise” ship. The duo even karaoke’d to ‘Lovin’ Feeling’ from Top Gun! Check out the video to get your Friday started off with some fun! 

The crew is off and running at Park Place Condos! They’ve begun pressure washing the buildings and they’ll continue tomorrow and early next week, if necessary to wash all of the buildings. Once dry, they’ll be back onsite to begin the prepping and painting portion of the project. 

Have a great weekend and stay cool- it’s going to be a hot one!

Tuesday, June 6th: Good morning and if you’ve made your way to our blog via blue notice taped to your garage frame, welcome! 

We will be starting your project on Friday with pressure washing your buildings. We kindly as that you please remove any personal belongings from the exterior of your home that you do not want to have get wet. The pressure washing will likely be complete by Tuesday, 6/13. After the substrates have dried, we will begin prepping & painting select areas of the association on Monday, June 12th. Building 1 (7314-20), 3 (7224-38), and 5 (7243-57) will have their siding painting, while the rest of the buildings will have their trim painted. 

At a later time, we’ll be contacting each resident to pressure wash & later finish their private deck. We will post another notice as that portion of the project approaches. 

Stay tuned right here on the blog for progress updates, pictures, and any other pertinent information to your project! We’ll see you on Friday!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296