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Completed Projects
Updated on September 10, 2018 | Completed Projects

Bearpath Townhomes – Eden Prairie

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the painting project at Bearpath Townhomes in Eden Prairie. We are looking forward to working with and for you this summer!

Route Map – Bearpath Townhomes

Welcome Video

Tentative Schedule – Updated 7/26

Monday, July 30th: Good afternoon!

As we are nearing the end of July, we are also nearing the end of your project. The crew is wrapping up on Building 5 today and we will be completing touch ups throughout the week. 

We want to extend a huge thank you to all of the homeowners and board members for allowing us to spruce up your buildings with a fresh coat of paint. 

Friday, July 27th: Good morning and TGIF! 

The crew is prepping and painting on Building #5 as well as wrapping up the last few items on Building #9. We hope you all have a great weekend! 

Thursday, July 26th: Good morning! 

After a rain delay yesterday, the crews are back onsite. Today they are painting the trim on Building 9 and will either wrap up today or by noon tomorrow. We’ll also be starting the prep work and potentially painting on Building 5. Thanks! 

Prepping and covering on Building #9.

Monday, July 23rd: Hello and happy Monday. We hope you all had a great weekend! 

The crews are back to the grindstone and beginning their prep and painting on Building 9 and continuing to wrap up on Building 10- the garage doors remain. We are awaiting color approval on building 5 and once that is squared away we’ll begin our prep and painting. 

Ladders up to tape and cover around the windows of Building 9.

Taping around the deck support pillars. 

Friday, July 20th: Good morning and TGIF! With the continued rain, it’s too wet for our crews to resume their painting today.

We’ll be onsite tomorrow to finish up Building 8 and then we’ll start 9 on Monday. They’ll also be painting the trim on Building 10 and will finish Saturday or Monday. 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, July 19th: Good morning! The rain has halted our painting for today and we’ll let you know if surfaces have dried enough to paint tomorrow. Stay tuned – thanks! 

Wednesday, July 18th: Good afternoon residents of Bearpath! The crew is continuing with their prep and painting on Buildings 8 and 10 today. We’ve updated the shedule above to reflect starting Building 10 on Monday and we’ll update as soon as we can for Building 5. Thanks!

Jaime caulks the seams. 

Tape and prep on Building #10.

Carefully painting around the can lights. 

Painting on the deck undersides. 

Tuesday, July 17th: Good afternoon! 

Brief update today: The crew has moved on from Building 7 to prepping on Building 10 this afternoon. They’re also conitnuing their prepping and painting on Building 8. Thanks! 

Monday, July 16th: Good afternoon residents of Bearpath Townhomes! We hope you all had a great weekend. Team France has taken reign as the World Cup Champions! They were favored to win over Croatia and took the win 4 – 2. Félicitations!

Your crews at Bearpath are prepping and painting on Buildings #7 and #8. One of the crews will either move back to #5, pending color approval or to #10, while after #7 is complete that crew will move onto #9. Thanks! 

Painting on the rear elevation of Building #7.

Painting around the windows of Building 7.

Prepping and painting the garage doors. 

Birds’ eye view: spraying the stucco.

Friday, July 13th: It’s Friday the 13th and we’ve got ourselves a rain day…

The crews will resume their painting on Buildings #6 and #7 as the weather allows, likely tomorrow. They are also pressure washing Buildings #9 and #10 today. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 12th: Hello! 

England and Croatia were tied in regulation play and then moved onto overtime, in which Croatia took the match with a goal played in overtime. The final will be played on Sunday at 10am, our time if you’d like to watch. 

The crews are continuing to paint on the #6 and #7 Building. 

Fully covered and prepped, check.

Jaime caulks the seams. 

Wednesday, July 11th: Good morning! 

Big news in World Cup soccer, yesterday in the semi-finals, France beat Belgium and today Croatia will face England. That game is on at 1pm if you want to watch! This will be the first time in 28 years that England has been in a semi-final match. The winner will then take on France in the final on Sunday, 7/15. 

The crews are resuming their prep and painting on Buildings #6 and #7. We’ll be going back to Building #5 once we the color matches dailed in. Thanks! 

Pictures coming soon!

Tuesday, July 10th: Rain, rain go away- the crew are not onsite today due to the rain. They’ll resume tomorrow – prep and paint on Building #7, finishing #4, and then also starting #6. Thanks!

Monday, July 9th: Good afternoon residents of Bearpath Townhomes! We hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July and rest of the week! 

The crew is prepping and painting on Buildings #4 and #7 and will start Building #6 tomorrow. Pictures coming soon!

Prepped and sprayed. 

Prepping along the upper porch area. 

Tuesday, July 3rd:

 Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

We’ve got a rain day folks. The crew will resume onsite after the holiday. They’ll continue on Buildings 3 & 4 as well as start on #5. We’ll also be pressure washing the next 2 buildings, #7 & #8 on Friday, July 6th. Then looking ahead to next week, we’ll begin on Building #6. 

We’ll have a bit of a skeleton crew over the next few days in the office as we’re spending time with family and enjoying the holiday. We’ll resume with daily updates next week, but in the meantime please refer to the table above for scheduling. Thanks so much and have a great 4th of July and rest of the week! 

Monday, July 2nd: Hello and happy July! We can’t believe that it is already July and this week is 4th of July.

The crew is finishing up on the 2nd Buildings and then continuing on Buildings 3 and 4. With the holiday, we are going to make sure the areas are tidied up and there isn’t plastic covering the windows. Thanks! 

The entry way gets a fresh coat of paint. 

Scraping and priming the deck skirts. 

Friday, June 29th: Hello and TGIF! 

It’s a hot one out there folks! We hope you’re staying cool! 

The crew is continuing on Buildings #2 and #3. We’ll also start #4 on Monday and #5 will start early next week as well, weather pending. 

Taping and covering your patio railings. 

The rear elevation has been sprayed on Building #2.

Thursday, June 28th: Hello!

The crew has finished up on Building 1 and moved onto Building 3. The crew that’s prepping and painting on Building 2 is spraying the stucco and then tomorrow they’ll begin painting the trim. 

Laying down paper to spray the garage. 

Covering the windows with plastic on the 2nd Building. 

Prepping and painting the chimney stack. 

Wednesday, June 27th: Good afternoon! 

The crew working on the 1st building is continuing to paint the stucco and is anticipating to finish up in the next day or so. The second crew has started their prep and painting on the 2nd Building. Tomorrow we’ll also be starting on the 3rd Building. Thanks!

Prep is underway on the front of the 2nd Building.

Tape, plastic, and caulk — thorough prep underway! 

Taping and covering the front entry way. 

Tuesday, June 26th: Hello! 

The overnight rain has prevented us from continuing on our prep and painting; however, the crew is moving forward with pressure washing the 3rd and 4th Buildings. 

The rain is no obstacle for our pressure washing crew!

Pressure washing to ensure we have a ‘blank canvas’ so to speak!

It looks like the rain has cleared for the day, so we’ll return tomorrow to resume our painting. We’ll be starting our prep and painting on the 2nd building as well. 

Monday, June 25th: Good afternoon! We hope you all had a great weekend!

The crew had started to paint the stucco on the first building. We’ll be adding a 2nd crew to your project later this week and we’ll also be pressure washing the 3/4 Buildings tomorrow, 6/26 and the 5/6 Buildings on Friday, 6/29. 

Jaime is on a roll!

Friday, June 22nd: Good afternoon and TGIF! This week has flown by and we’ve got our nose to the grindstone at Bearpath Townhomes.

The crew is prepping and painting the trim of the 1st Building. 

Up, up and away to paint the trim. 

We’ll be painting the trim first and then we’ll do the stucco siding. 

Thursday, June 21st: Hello residents of Bearpath Townhomes! 

Our crew will be getting underway mid to late morning on Building #1. They are wrapping up some door painting in Minneapolis and then they’ll be off an running in Eden Prairie. We’re looking forward to getting started! 

Wednesday, June 20th: Good morning! The pressure washing is complete on the first 2 Buildings and we’ll begin our prep and painting on Buildng #1 tomorrow, 6/21. We’ll be completing one building at a time and will continue to update the start dates of each building as we get started an gauge the crew pace. Thanks! 

Tuesday, June 19th: And they’re off! We are thrilled to be starting your painting project at Bearpath Townhomes. 

The crew is onsite completing pressure washing of Buildings 1 & 2. And if the weather cooperates, we’ll return on Thursday to start the prep and painting portion of the project.

It’s BYOP(oncho) today…

None the less, we got your pressure washing done!

Friday, June 15th: Hello and TGIF! 

We have almost made it to the weekend and just as well to the start of your painting project. We’ll begin on Monday with pressure washing the first 2 buildings. We’ve posted a route map in which we’ve designated building numbers. We’ll be starting with the western most building and moving east and then looping back towards the start.  This will be our route for the pressure washing as well as the painting. 

We’ve also posted a finishing schedule that we will continually update with pressure washing dates, and prep and painting start dates. This will help you to know when we’ll be painting at your unit. 

Next week we’ll be working to get color matches for your buildings and trim- note: if anyone has any extra paint from previous projects for the trim, we’d gladly take the color information if you want to call our office: 763-559-5296. Thanks! 

We anticipate to be onsite for 6-8 weeks with weather being the biggest factor in length. Stay tuned here on the blog as we’ll update the schedule, post progress updates and photos, and keep you apprised of any delays should they come up. 

Thanks again for having us and we’re looking forward to getting started next week!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296