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Completed Projects
Updated on October 18, 2016 | Completed Projects

Beachside 2 – 5th Addition – Minnetonka

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at Beachside 2-5th Addition. We are thrilled to be onsite with you.

Monday, August 15th: Good Afternoon residents of Beachside 2-5th Addition! We hope you all had a great weekend and got out to enjoy the beautiful weather. Things are wrapping up and looking fine at Beachside. Isaac was on site earlier today with Alfred to mark where touch ups need to be completed. Our crew will be getting this done by the end of the week.

Alfred gets some serious vertical to mark spots for touch ups. Good thing he’s wearing his ‘Air’ Jordans.

Friday, July 29th: It’s a beautiful Friday and that means work is motoring along at Beachside! The fellas are on the home stretch on Pompano painting the railings, then they will begin prepping areas on the first 2-3 buildings on Bimini. If the weather holds, we should be looking at a completion date of some time mid-late next week. Shortly thereafter, Alfred and Isaac will perform a joint project inspection at which point in time, we will be marking areas for touchups and wrapping everything in a pretty bow at Beachside!

Juan looks back as if to say, “no pictures please” while painting one of the stoop lattices at Beachside.

Tuesday, July 26th: As you can see on the map above, Phase 3 consists of the units on Bimini asnd the guys will begin pressure washing those homes on Bimini on Wednesday, July 26th. The crew is approximately halfway across Pompano Drive and right now we are projecting that the project will wrap up in approximately 2 weeks. Of course, Mother Nature might have something to say about that as rain is in the forecast on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, but rest assured, if the sun is shining, we’ll be working. 

Have a great week everybody!

Tuesday, July 19th: Happy Tuesday Beachside! We are motoring right along and the guys are wrapping up painting along Sanibel Drive. By tomorrow morning, they will make the turn onto Pompano and they will begin prepping the first 3-4 buildings, moving from west to east. In our business, no news is good news and we’ve hardly heard a peep from folks and when we have, it’s been good stuff, like when Susan at 5542 writes, 

“I want to tell you how impressed I am with the painters.They are careful, detailed, and focused.  They are doing a great job.”
Mario and Miguel discuss the global implications of “Brexit” while painting one of the decks on Sanibel.

Tuesday, July 12th: Hello again Beachside. We hope this message finds you well! Things are in full swing at Beachside and after pressure washing was completed along all the buildings along Sanibel Drive, the crew has made their way back to the North side of Sanibel and is following the same route for painting. Prep began yesterday and approximately 4 buildings have been prepped. We are projecting that at our current rate, we can finish approximately 2-3 buildings per day, which means that if that completion rate holds true, we should be nearing completion on Sanibel by this coming Saturday. 

Then, we will repeat the same process along Pompano, and eventually Bimini. Notices will be posted in the same fashion they were posted along Sanibel so that homeowners have plenty of advance notice as to when we will be starting on your areas.

Onsite crew chief Mario plies his craft in the summer heat Monday night at Beachside.
Pressure washing has revealed coating failure throughout the property. These areas receive a generous application of bonding primer followed by a top coat of the self-priming Sherwin Williams “Duration” which is an upgrade from previous projects.
The fellas spent all day Monday prepping the first four buildings on the South end of Sanibel.

Saturday, July 2nd: Greeting residents of Beachside 2 – 5th Addition in Minnetonka! Perhaps you’ve found your way to our humble little blog by way of blue notices posted throughout your property. If that is the case, welcome! We are aboslutely thrilled and honored to be back with you again this summer. 

We’ve had the privillege of working with your over the course of the last 3 summers and we are gearing up for a pretty sizable project this year. 

The first thing we will be doing is giving your building the ‘ol once-over by pressure washing them. We will be washing pretty much all your surfaces except for your deck floors/undersides (vinyl siding, etc…)

This will be followed by painting most of your previously painted surfaces (deck railings, support posts, front entry railings/post, lattices, etc…). 

As you can see abpve, we’ve posted a map of the route that we will be traveling throughout the property. We will start at the top of Sanibel Drive, make our way South, head across Pompano, then finally, back across Bimini. We anticipate that we will be able to wash about 3-4 buildings per day so the pressure washing portion of the project will take about 1-1/2 weeks. We will then begin the painting portion and we will be following the same route for painting. Painting will take approximately 4-5 weeks and we will be posting subsequent sets of notices as we get to that stage of the project. 

The best place to stay fully apprised of the project will be right here on the blog, which will be updated a couple of times per week. 

Thanks for having us…we are looking forward to getting things underway on Wednesday!