Beachside I – Minnetonka 2020
Beachside I – Minnetonka 2020
Project Complete
Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting project at Beachside I in Minnetonka. We are thrilled to be back onsite with you this year!
Monday, July 20th: Good afternoon!
The crew has completed the initial scope of work and they are working on some add-ons to the project. Thanks!
Thursday, July 16th: Good morning!
The crew is continuing to prep and paint. They will wrap up on Friday. There will be some additional items added on as well.
Wednesday, July 15th: Good afternoon!
The crew is anticipating 3 more working days to complete the painting. Fingers crosses for clear and dry weather!
Tuesday, July 14th: Greetings!
With all of the rain, the crew will not be onsite today. We’ll keep you posted on our return. Thanks!
Monday , July 13th: Good morning!
The crew has fully primed Building 6 and is scraping Building 18.
Friday, July 10th: Greetings!
It’s not a rain day! (Insert HAPPY DANCE) 🎉☀️
We’re are finally kicking off your project at Beachside I today. The crew is starting off at building 1 and painting the selected areas – top hand railings and AC lattice covers. Thanks and have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 9th: Greetings!
The crew will not be onsite today due to the morning rain. We hope to be able to return tomorrow. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 8th: Good morning!
The crew was onsite this morning but due to the rain they will be offsite for the rest of the day. Fingers crossed to be back tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 7th: Greetings!
The crew will not be onsite today with all of the morning rain. They’ll be kicking off your project tomorrow. Thank you!
Monday, July 6th: Good morning!
Welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting project at Beachside I. It is our pleasure and privilege to be back onsite in your community this year!
We’ll be prepping and painting the wood decking top handrails as well as the lattice meter covers.
We’ll soon post a route map the crew will follow is finishing these items. They’ll return onsite tomorrow to begin as it is too wet for today.
You can continue to follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll post frequent updates, share photos, and alert you of any weather delay should they come up.
Thank you!
Dana Clark
Tags: Completed Projects