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Completed Projects
Updated on September 18, 2015 | Completed Projects

Timber Creek Crossing – Plymouth

Friday, August 26th: Trex installation continues & painting starts today!

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the upcoming Trex project @ Timber Creek. We are so thrilled you found us!

Friday, August 28th: The crew has so far completed about 5.5 buildings for painting out at Timber Creek.  Now that we are in rhythm it seems like we are finishing about 1.5 buildings a day!

Arturo (above) shows off his scraping ability. Clearly he has a keen eye for it as you can see how well this pillar is scraped!

Stop, collaborate and paint is often the theme music running through our painter’s minds. Although only one of them is in sync with the dancing aspect, they are all dialed in when it comes to painting!

Wednesday, August 26th: We were able to finish painting another 1.5 buildings yesterday!  The weather looks to be great today and we are hopeful of finishing another 2-3 buildings by end of day.  

By tomorrow afternoon, storms are predicted to be moving into the area so we will have to be mindful of the weather.  Stay tuned right here as to our schedule for the rest of the week.

A tremendous amount of covering is being done to protect your new Trex decking (Above).

You can see in the photo above that the stair risers are pretty beat up and show signs of significant coating failure. We are applying a primer prior to the application of a finish coat.

Tuesday, August 25th: The second day of prepping and painting continues today. We hope to finish two buildings today as we get in the rhythm of the project.

Arturo (above), our on-site job supervisor, is shown prepping off the pillars at the front entries!

Covering of the new Trex decking is quite the chore but a necessary step to protect your beautiful new floors!

Monday, August 24th: We have now installed the beautiful new Trex decking on 8 of 13 buildings at the HOA (61.5% done for those calculating the math at home)!  We have started replacing the decking at 16720 50th Ct N and will continue working east throughout the rest of the week.  We are hopeful that we will finish the remaining two decks on this building by end of week.

Larry (above) poses like “The Captain” while installing support braces at this front decking. All he is missing is an eye patch and parrot!

While we have been replacing the decking, we noticed that many units are miising their railing post caps.  We are in the process of procuring enough of these caps from the original vendor so that we can get the association looking great again.  If you notice a missing cap on your deck, please reach out to to ensure he has you on our list!  

 Painting also began today too  on the 16900-16924 Garland Lane.  We plan on working our way west to 17060 51st Ave over the next couple days and hopefully on Weds by at 5000 Garland Lane working our way North back to Fountain Lane N.  Below is our projected route.

Thursday, August 13th: The crew finished building #6 yesterday (specifically 5051, 5055 & 5059 Fountain Lane)  

Today the crew wil be woring on units #5001 & 5005 Fountain Lane. 

Tomorrow, Friday, we should get to units #5009 & 5011.

With football season approaching, Ryan (right) decided yesterday would be a good day to ask Larry (left) about the ideal gas law.

Larry’s response – Let me get back to work!

Meanwhile, Jason keeps his head down installed the stair treads at the this entry!

Tuesday, August 4th:  Happy National Night Out!  We hope all of the folks at Timber Creek our getting their BBQ’s ready and mixing up their tastiest and best treats to share with their neighbors tonight at the National Night Out.  We here at Roell Painting are also looking forward to celebrating our own at homes too!  

There will be a sign up sheet this evening at your National Night Out for any perspective homeowners who are still interested in having their private decking completed that is not covered by the association.  

We will be able to predict the final pricing once we get a head count on the amount of decks that would like to be completed.  We look forward to getting that list from Kim tomorrow morning!  

Today, the crew continues to work on the entry decks at building #5.  Specifically we are working on Units 5020 & 5024.

Ryan (above) makes the pry bar look like a scapel with his precision in removing and prepping the existing deck boards.

Why does Larry have such a big smile on his face today?!?!?! See below!

Because the entry decks are looking AWESOME!!!!!

Monday, August 3rd: The crew started on our 5th building out at Timbercreek today.  As always the work begins with removing the existing railing & deck substrates. 

The next step is installing 2″x12″ support braces for the new Trex decking on the existing steps. Below you can see Jason working on that task!

Saturday, August 1st:  4 buildings have been completed thus far and the crew has jumped across Garland and is beginning work on the east side of Garland Lane. We are projecting that this will take most of next week to complete, then they will make their way over to the bottom of Everest Lane to complete work on Building #8. Have a great week everybody!

Thursday, July 30th: Two consecutive beautiful summer days and the guys have now completed 18 front stoops at Timber Creek. They are currently working on what we’ve designated at Building 4 (51st/Garland) and will be jumping across Garland lane next to begin work on Building #5. Your cooperation continues to be par excellence, and for that we are grateful.

Jason ascribes to the tried and true “measure twice, cut once” mantra.

Monday, July 27th: As forecasted, the crew began installation of the front stoops on the 17000-17020 Building on Monday and completed 3 decks. As we get increasingly proficient, as long as the weather cooperates, we anticipate now completing an average of 3-4 decks per day. We will be posting on notices on the next section due for completion (17040-17060) tomorrow. Thanks!

Larry completes the installation of Trex on one of the front stoops at the 17000-17040 Building.

Thursday, July 23rd: Now that the crew is nearing completion in Fountain Lane North, we are going to be moving to the 17000-17020 Building starting on Monday (weather permitting). The projected route we will be following can be found above.

Here is the projected route for the installation of Trex Decking at Timber Creek. The crew is completing approximately 2 stoops per day. Physical notices will be posted in advance of our arrival to your building.

Wednesday, July 22nd: The team held pace today and completed 2 more front entry stoops out at Timber Creek. We are still projecting completion of all 9 stoops by week’s end in Fountain Lane North and we will be posting notices in the next section designated for completion on Friday. 

Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, July 21st: Just as we suspected, now that we are getting the cuts down and more and more familiar with the nooks and crannies of the front stoops, our production levels are rising and the crew completed two more front stoops out at Timber Creek today. With nothing but sun in the forecast the next couple of days, the 9 stoops in Fountain Lane North should be completed by the end of the week!

Alas, no more staining front stoops at Timber Creek!

Monday, July 20th: And….we’re off! After a couple weather delays last week, the Trex front stoop decking project is underway at Timber Creek. The first stoop scheduled for completion will be 5112 Fountain Lane. As we get acclimated to all the nuances of each stoop, we are projecting that the crew will finish 1 stoop per day this first week. As we hone in on all the cuts, naturally the installation will become more efficient and most likely, we will be completing more like 2-3 stoops per day as we hit full stride. We want to thank everybody there for their ongoing patience and cooperation! 

We will keep you updated daily right here regarding the project progress.

Kurt takes stock of the front stoop at 5112 Fountain Lane North.

Monday, July 13th: You’ve probably noticed that the materials arrived today! Yippee!! However, with the storms on late Sunday evening, the crew is delayed rolling off another job and we are waiting to see the progress made tomorrow to update you with a more firm start date. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 14th:  The good news: materials have arrived and we are excited to get started out at Timber Creek. The not so great news…with the weather delay on Monday, and slight delays on our current project, we are project the start date at Timber Creek now on Friday, July 17th, assuming of course, that the weather cooperates. Hopefully, that is a small “if.” Thanks for your understanding everybody.

Saturday, July 11th: Perhaps you’ve found your way back to the blog by way of the red notices posted on your garage door frames in Fountain Lane N. Welcome back! On Monday, materials will be arriving to begin installation of the Trex decking on your front stoops! Installation will begin on either Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on the completion of the project we are on, then things will get rolling! We are projecting the completion of 2-3 front stoops per day and we kindly ask that residents refrain from traversing their stoops at all when installation is in progress. Once completed any barriers will be removed and you are free to utilize your front stoops again. We will be publishing the schedule right here on the blog so you know when to expect work on your front stoop to commence! 

Thanks everybody. We’ll see you Monday!

Red notices were posted in the Fountain Lane Cul de Sac on Friday.

Materials will be staged at the rear end of Fountain Lane beginning Monday, 7/13.

This is the last you’ll see of the front stoops in their current state!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296