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Completed Projects
Updated on September 20, 2021 | Completed Projects

Fountain Woods – Edina

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project portal for the upcoming roof refinishing project at Fountain Woods in Edina. We are thrilled to be working with and for you!

Monday, September 20th: Greetings! 

The crew wrapped up on Saturday with the remaining roof deck. We’ll be completing a walk through to make any areas needing attention before we call it fully complete. Thanks!

Friday, September 17th: Good afternoon and TGIF! 

The crew is working on the coatings for Buildings 1- 3 which should be completed today and a sample has been applied on the 4th building. 

Applying the coating at Building 3.
Moving along at Fountain Woods.

Wednesday, September 15th: Greetings!

The caulk needs to dry for several days before the crew can apply the topcoat to the roof deck areas. They will return on Friday to continue working on the project.

Thursday, September 9th: Good afternoon! 

The crew has completed the roof deck pressure washing. We are waiting on color approval and then we’ll get started with the coating. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 7th: Good morning! 

The crew is back onsite and working to finish the washing at Building #4. They are tentative to start the coating on Thursday – thanks! 

Removing dirt debris etc prior to applying the new coating.
Prepping and cleaning for coating.

Friday, September 3rd: Good morning!

The crew is continuing to wash Building #4 — the other 3 buildings are washed and the crew has started to caulk the roof decks on Buildings #1 and #2. 

Tuesday, August 31st: Greetings!

The crew is continuing to pressure wash the roof deck surfaces today. 

Check out that rinsed and cleaned area!
Continuing to wash the deck surfaces.

Monday, August 30th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is resuming pressure washing the roof deck tops. The next steps are caulking and then applying the coating and those are tentative it begin on Wednesday or Thursday – thanks!

Continuing to wash the deck roof tops.

Friday, August 27th: Good morning! 

With all of the rain today and through tomorrow, the crew will tentatively be back on Monday to resume prep and coating. Thank you! 

Thursday, August 26th: Good morning!

The crew is back onsite continuing to pressure wash the roof decks. They are continuing to work on Building 1 today. 

Washing all the dirt off.

Wednesday, August 25th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is onsite and have began pressure washing the rooftop decks. 

Cleaning all the dirt off by pressure washing.

Wednesday, August 25th: Hello and welcome to your project blog! 

We are excited to be onsite in your community and refreshing the select garage roof decks. This year’s project includes the prep and finishing the four – 1st floor rood decks. 

We’ll begin with pressure washing and cleaning on Tuesday, 8/24.  We kindly ask that you do not access or walk on these areas for the duration of the project. Otherwise, this project will have minimal impact on your daily routine. 

After surfaces have been washed and are dry, the crew will return to begin the additional prep and finishing tasks over the next few weeks. We are anticipating the prep, caulking and painting steps to begin on the 1st deck on CAULKING – Friday 8/27 and COATING Saturday 8/28.

This is a large improvement project that will take about 3-5 weeks to complete the entire project. However the prep and coating of each individual roof top deck will take approximately 4-6 working days (weather will likely affect this schedule).

The best way to obtain a project status update and any impact it may have on your daily routine will be posted here as we’ll share progress throughout, photos, and any weather delays.

Please reach out to the contacts below if you have any questions.

We’re looking forward to getting started next week!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296

Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296