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Completed Projects
Updated on October 26, 2016 | Completed Projects

Owasso Heights- Roseville

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project at Owasso Heights Townhome Association in Roseville. We are excited to be onsite with you!

Site map @ Owasso.

Wednesday, October 26th: Greetings residents of Owasso. We hope you’re enjoying your week thus far. Though this rain is quite the damper, the good new is that your project is complete! We want to take a moment to say thank you for giving us the privilege of working with and for you this year. It has been our pleasure sprucing up your buildings and painting the foundation blocks. 

Have a great rest of the year!

Monday, October 24th: We hope you all enjoyed your weekend! The Vikes just couldn’t maintain their undefeated status, but it’s a new week and we’re hopeful for a win next Monday against the Bears. 

The crew has just a few rear doors left and should wrap up by the end of the day.

Friday, October 21st: Happy Friday everyone! We made it through the week and the weekend is right around the corner. It looks like a great weekend is ahead with some sun and warmer weather! Only a few a those left until the snow flies… 

The crew is almost done with the painting touchups on each of the buildings and will soon start the garage doors.

Roell Painting sprucing up the deck trim.

A lil touch up work on the posts.

Tuesday, October 18th: Happy Tuesday folks! We hope your week is off to a great start. The crew is making their way around the route and continuing their work on paint touch ups and garage doors.

Paint touch ups on the deck elevations.

Exterior trim touch ups.

Wednesday, October 12th: Good afternoon Owasso. With the rain, moisture, and cooler weather today, the crew is not onsite. They’ll be back tomorrow with warmer temps and sunny skies!

Tuesday, October 11th: Greetings residents of Owasso. We hope you all had a great weekend. The crew has completed their work on the foundation blocks throughout the property and are continuing with their painting touch ups on each building.

A quick look for the camera then back to touch ups.

Tuesday, October 4th: Good morning residents of Owasso. We’ve designated your addresses into 17 Buidings. We’ll start with Building 1, 2975-2977 Highpointe Curve, and make our way east and onto Highcourte North and then finish at 2970-2974 Highpointe Curve. The crew has made their way from Buildings 1-10 and completed scraping and priming. Today they’re working on scraping Buildings 11-17. Once things dry up a bit, they’ll prime the areas. The crew is also completing prep work on the foundation blocks.

Scraping in action.

Building foundation blocks pre-painting.

Nelson preps the foundation blocks at 2993.

Tuesday, September 27th: Welcome to the project blog for Owasso Heights. We’re happy you found our site. The project will take about 2 weeks to complete, weather permitting of course. We’re hoping that all of the rain we’ve recently had is a thing of the past. We will be completing various paint touch ups on each building as well as painting the foundation blocks on all 40 townhome buildings.

We ask that if you do have specific areas on your building to be painted to please comment below on the blog, that way we don’t flood our painters with requests and can ensure that each comment gets recorded and taken care of. 

You can follow the project progress right here on the blog, where it will be updated several times a week. We’ll include any pertinent scheduling information, progress updates, and project photos. We’ll also try to have some fun! We are looking forward to getting things underway later this week!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296