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Completed Projects
Updated on October 21, 2016 | Completed Projects

Ridgewood HOA – Savage

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the upcoming painting and staining schedule at Ridgewood! We are thrilled to be onsite with you this year!

 Wednesday, August 31st: So there have been a few inquiries about door painting and here’s the scoop. The doors had a previous coating failure. So we are trying to find a system to correct this issue. We haven’t forgotten about the doors, just trying to get all the pieces figured out. We will let you know when a decision has been made and we’ll go from there. Thanks again for your patience, we really appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 30th:  Thank you so much residents of Ridgewood. We wanted to extend our kindest thank-you to you all! It has been a pleasure working at your association. Thank you also to Josh at Sharper Management- we really appreaciate his detailed project scope and constant communication. We hope you enjoy the carpentry updates, new deck stain, and fresh trim paint. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Monday, August 22nd: Good Afternoon Ridgewood! We hope you all had a good weekend as we saw the cooler temps come and go and now we’re back to running Minnesota-hot. We have our crew completing touch ups throughout the property today, as we ran a bit behind from the rain delay last week. They should be done with the touch ups today as well.

Wednesday, August 17th: We are happier than a camel on hump day here @ Ridgewood! Here’s the latest and greatest: painting should be finished by the end of the day and touchups will continue through the rest of the week. As far as staining goes, we’re completing the last of the new boards throughout the property and will wrap up by the end of the week as well!

Monday, August 15th: Good afternoon Ridgewood! We hope you all had a great weekend and got out to enjoy the beautiful weather! Touch ups are being completed all over the property and we are shooting to be done by the end of the day Thursday. Jesse, the Onsite Job Supervisor will be painting a sample door on Wednesday to see if our paint stripping is going to work. We’ll let you know which door is done if you’d like to take a look for yourself. More information regarding front door painting will be given when we can finalize the correct paint. So hang tight as we’re nearing the finish line.

Friday, August 12th: Another week is coming to a close and we’ve made such great progress! We’ll be working on Buildings #13, 14, and 16 today and tomorrow. With those buildings completed, we hope to be done with the staining and painting by the end of Monday. 

Also, if you had deckboards that were recently replaced (and need to be stained) those deckboards will be stained Saturday 8/13 and Monday 8/15. 

We hope you all enjoy the weekend! We’re looking at ‘Gold Medal’ status for the cooler temps and sunny skies.

Team Roell Painting will take the Gold for Painting & Staining. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

Tuesday, August 9th: We hope everyone’s week is off to a great start! Here at Ridgewood, painting is underway for buildings 11 & 12. You may have also seen some deck staining being completed for those deck boards that were recently replaced. 

Buildings #13 and #14 will start tomorrow and Building #16 will start Thursday. 

See above the latest Finishing Schedule as of 8/8. Thank you all for your patience as we make our final strides towards the finish line. 

Omar is in the zone as trim painting for Building #11 and #12 is being completed.

Friday, July 29th: Good morning and Happy Friday residents of Ridgewood.  We are happy to report that pressure washing is completed throughout the entire property and all that remains is the crew following the route and staining the remaining decks on Buildings #15/16 (scheduled for Saturday) then painting the trim on Buildings #9-16. We are projecting that the project will near completion right around August 9th or 10th and we want to kindly remind everybody once again that getting to the end result is a process and there may be some time prior to trim painting where stain is visible. This is by design. To get a glimpse of the end result, we certainly encourage residents to take a look at Buildings 1-8 where the staining/trim painting has been completed. 

As for front door painting, we are still determining the best course of action and we will likely finish 2-3 doors as “test doors” to combat the severe coating failure that has occurred as the result of previous paint work.

Tuesday, July 19th: Well, it’s official. The dog days of summer are officially upon us! The mercury is steadily rising and there looks to be no respite in the coming days as we approach the 100 degree threshold.

As the project progresses, so too the does finishing schedule. Below is the newest version of the project route/schedule, WITH THE MAIN CHANGE BEING THE ADDITION OF THE PROJECTED DATES FOR BUILDINGS 14-16, WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE WASHED NEXT MONDAY 7/25-WEDNESDAY 7-27. 

On Thursday and Friday of this week, we will be monitoring the weather closely and we will be doing our best to work around the weather, focusing on south elevations in the morning and Northern Exposures in the afternoon (that is if it is simply too hot to be painting). 

Friday, July 15th: Good morning and Happy Friday residents of Ridgewood! Hope you’ve all had a great week. With the exception of some weather delays earlier in the week, work continues full speed ahead. 

We do want to encourage all interested parties to monitor the project progress right here on the blog because one of the common inquiries we are getting is whether or not your trim is being painted and the answer is “yes” and having done countless similar projects just like yours, we have a well established process and part of that process is working efficiently. After all, the more efficiently we work, the less time the project takes, and ultimately the better price our clients get. 

To be clear, these efficienes are not at the expense of quality and we always say “we don’t deem any project complete until our clients say so” and that will most certainly be the case on this project is well. 

If you see stain on your trim areas, that’s most likely because they have yet to be painted. We’ve updated the project schedule above to use as a reference point to see where your building is at in the process. Of course, this is a projected schedule and can change due to weather, etc…

Have a great weekend everybody!

Tuesday, July 12th: As of Tuesday morning, we’ve completed the staining on Buildings #1-Building #6, and the trim painting as far as Building #2. We’ve had to put the brakes on staining today as the decks are too wet after yesterday’s rain.

If you look closely, Manuel is reveling in just how fantastic the newly stained decks look at Ridgewood!

Monday, July 11th: Good morning residents of Ridgewood. We hope you had a great weekend! Ours was, well let’s say, eventful. As the residents of Buildings #1-#3 may have noticed, we are having some adhesion challenges with the front door painting. As a result, we will need to engage Sherwin Williams as to how to best tackle the issue and we will keep you posted on next steps and updates to the door painting schedule. We appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Also, the storms of last week have set us back a bit so we’ve had to modify the anticipated finishing schedule, which can be found below. Again, thanks for your patience as we navigate the whims of mother nature and her impact on the project. 

Finally, we have received some feedback that there after staining the decking areas, there is stain on some of the trim. Please note that this areas have yet to be painted, and of course, after we double back to begin painting the trim, this will be remedied. 


Wednesday, July 6th: Good morning Ridgewood! If you take a look below, there have been some adjustments to the project schedule. Also, for those residents living in Building #1-#3 (see map below), your front door painting will begin this Friday. The crew will be onsite knocking on doors between 9 and 5 and if you happen to home when they knock, great! Otherwise, you can schedule a specific time that works best for your schedule by commenting on the blog with your unit number and the time that works best (i.e. 7640 Southridge Court, Friday, July 8th at 10 AM). 

The goal is to have your door painted in the open position and after we paint, we advise giving the paint a couple hours to dry so we kindly ask that you plan accordingly.

Carpentry repairs are also underway so if you see a misc. board replaced here or there, fear not…that’s on purpose! Those will be stained after repairs are completed. Thanks everybody!

Saturday, July 2nd: After some machine malfunction and the threat of rain subsided earlier in the week, the boys are ON SCHEDULE at Ridgewood! As promised at the outset, we have completed the staining of all the private residence decks (except for front stairs on 1 building) on Buildings #1-3. That means you can move your furniture back out on your deck and enjoy what promises to be a lovely holiday!

Ray stains one of the front entry stoops on Building #2 as the Good Year Blimp flies over and captures the scene.

Manuel slakes the thirst of one of the residence decks.

Friday, June 24th: Perhaps you’ve found your way to our humble little blog by way of blue notices posted throughout your property. If that is the case, welcome! We do LOTS of HOA projects throughout the metro area and we’d like to think we’ve got it down to a pretty good science! 

With that being said, each project is unique in its own right and at Ridgewood, this is no exception. 

We also want to take a moment to say thank you to Sharper Management, and in particular, your manager Josh Reams, for all of his efforts in putting together a very clear project scope and for providing us with all the necessary information to provide a detailed and thorough bid. It is our distinct privilege to be working with/for you and we are confident the project will go very well! 

As you’ll see on the notices we’ve posted, we included a map with numbered buildings, as well as informationg regarding our projected schedules. As with any exterior construction project, timelines are subject to change due to weather, but the best way to keep apprised of any and all project information is right here on the blog, which will be updated a couple times per week. 

On Monday-Wednesday next week, Buildings #1-#3 will be presssure washed and trim painting on all the quad homes will get underway. Be sure to reference the below map/schedule for the washing and staining schedules.

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296