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Completed Projects
Updated on October 22, 2019 | Completed Projects

Hillcrest Apartments – Little Canada

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog! We are thrilled to be back onsite this summer and to be sprucing up your exterior, decks, and some misc. areas.

Route Map at Hillcrest

Friday, October 11th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is wrapping up at Hillcrest (cheers!) and just love how the accent bands and pops of blue really brighten up the building. We want to extend a huge thank you for having us at your property and it has been our pleasure working with and for you this year!

Pops of blue in the entryway.
A completed section of deck stacks.
Reaching to remove the paper.

Thursday, October 10th: Greetings! 

It seems the weather has turned for today… rain delay for the crew. We’ll resume as we are able. Thanks and we appreciate your patience as we just can’t control the weather!

Tuesday, October 8th: Good afternoon! 

Another sunny and beautiful day! The crew is finishing the last few sections of the accent bands, service doors, and remaining areas. And they are hopeful to wrap up tomorrow!

Things are looking up on this beautiful Tuesday!
Spraying the garage service doors.
Rounding out the last few sections of the accent band.

Monday, October 7th: Greetings and happy Monday! 

We are thrilled to be back onsite and painting on a sunny day! 

The crew is painting the accent band along the top perimeter of the building as well as finishing up the entry area. We hope to be wrapped up by the end of the week. Thanks!

We couldn’t be happier about these blue skies!
Ladders up to prep and paint the accent band.
Prepping and painting some remaining misc. areas.

Friday, October 4th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is onsite and painting the accent colors near the entry way and continuing to paint he accent band at the top perimeter and also the brick band around the building. With continued good weather, they’ll hoping to have everything done by end of next week. Thanks!

Painting along the accent band.
Painting at the front entry way.

Thursday, October 3rd: Good afternoon!

The crew is back onsite after the rain delays. They are working on priming the brick perimeter around the building. Thanks!

Over and under.
Making our way along the brick surround.
Priming the brick.

Wednesday, October 2nd: Greetings! 

We’ve still got some pretty wet surfaces. We’ll be holding off on prep and painting for today. Thanks for your patience!

Friday, September 27th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is prepping and painting at your front entry areas, the accent band, and the brick base areas. 

Prepping and painting the entry pillars.
Time for your entry to get all updated!
Painting the brick areas.

Thursday, September 26th: Good afternoon!

The crew is finishing up the painting on your decks and will continue to prep and paint the accent band at the top of your building. 

Painting the deck undersides.
Wrapping up your deck stacks.
We brought out the big ladders to get to the accent band at the top.

Wednesday, September 25th: Greetings! 

The crew will be finishing up with the deck floors tomorrow – all the way around the building. After the decks are complete, they’ll be painting the accent band and also the brick areas near the front of the building. Thanks! 

As a reminder, please wait a day after your deck has been painted to put your items back onto your deck. 

Monday, September 23rd: Good afternoon! 

The crew has started to prep and paint the deck floors and undersides on each deck stack. They’ll continue to move around the building, counter clockwise from the southeast corner facing the parking lot. We anticipate they’ll finish all decks/undersides by the end of the week, weather permitting.Thanks! 

Ladders up to prep and tape off one of the deck floors/undersides.
Painting the deck underside.

Friday, September 20th: Hello and TGIF!

As Jesse mentioned in the video, the crew has begun painting the first deck stack to the left of the entry and will follow the route as documented above on the map.  The crew plans to continue work on Saturday and as they wrap around the rear of the building, we are anticipating that that the deck stacks (floors/undersides) will be completed by 9/26 or 9/27 (weather permitting). After a resident deck has been completed, we advise tenants to wait 24 hours to before going back out on the deck or returning items back to it. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 19th: Greetings! 

After yesterday’s rain delay, the crew is happily back onsite and painting the siding of the deck stacks. They are making their way around to all of the deck stacks – from the front around to the back to paint the siding areas first, they’ll then start back at the beginning and work on the deck- specific areas, again following the route around the building. They are anticipating to finish the siding areas today and then begin on the decking tomorrow. Thanks!

Ladders up and away!
Prepping and painting the siding on this deck stack.

Tuesday, September 17th: Good afternoon! 

Brief update and a few photos as the crew continues to prep and paint the deck stack areas – skirts, undersides, siding, fascia, etc. Thanks! 

Taping off the deck undersides.
Painting is in progress and looking good!

Monday, September 16th: Good morning and happy Monday! Hopefully you don’t encounter too many spritely Packer fans today!

After last weeks’ rain, the crew is happily back at work. They’re prepping and painting, starting at the South East side of the building and they’ll make their way around clockwise. 

Prepping around the patio doors.
Action shot!
Spraying the siding.

Friday, September 13th: Friday the 13th, a full moon, and a Border Battle weekend for our Vikings and Packers — oh my!

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!

Thursday, September 12th: Good morning! 

We’ve got ourselves another rain delay. The forecast looks on and off rain for the remainder of the day, but clear tomorrow. We’ll update the blog if the surfaces will be dry enough for us to be onsite tomorrow – maybe mid day. Thanks! 

A little laugh to brighten this gloomy day.

Wednesday, September 11th: Good morning residents of Hillcrest. 

The crew has completed their pressure washing and will return to begin their prep and painting as the weather allows. Thanks!

Today we are taking a pause in honor and remembrance of those lost on 9/11 and we pay tribute to the heroes that day brought forth. We will never forget.

Tuesday, September 10th: Greetings!

The crew will be wrapping up the pressure washing today of the exterior surfaces and will then start their prep and painting as the surfaces dry and the weather allows. Thanks!

Last day of pressure washing here at Hillcrest.

Monday, September 9th: Good afternoon! 

The rain is falling, but this is no obstacle for our pressure washing crew. We’re continuing to pressure wash the exterior surfaces of your building. Once washed, the crew will begin their prep and painting as the surfaces are dry enough.

Spraying from top to bottom.
Adding our own mist and rain tot he day.
Spraying off the build up.

Friday, September 6th: TGIF! 

Football Season is upon us! Green Bay and Chicago kicked off the 10th season last night at Soldier Field with a pretty uneventful win by the Packers. The Viking will start off their season with a home game against Atlanta on Sunday — SKOL!!!

Pressure washing continues today for the crew and they are anticipating to finish pressure washing on Monday or Tuesday.

Ladders up to pressure wash the siding.

Thursday, September 5th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is off and running at Hillcrest Apartments. We’re starting with pressure washing the exterior and included areas and will return on Monday, 9/9 to begin prepping and painting. You can continue to follow the project’s progress here on the blog as we’ll post updates frequently, upload photos, and share any weather delays should they come up. 

Thank you again for having us and we’re thrilled to be back at Hillcrest!



Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296