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Completed Projects
Updated on March 10, 2020 | Completed Projects

Greenbrier HOA – Hopkins

Project Complete 

Welcome to your project blog! ***Note – we are starting on the 5th floor.

Tuesday, March 3rd: Greetings! 

We wanted to let you know that the crews were wrapping up their ‘blue tape’ marked touch ups today and we are set to call your project complete. We are blown away at the updates the neutral and consistent color palette brings to your hallway and lobby areas. 

Collecting the blue tape and completing our touch ups.

We also wanted to share the color formulas for the walls and wallpaper accents: 

Hallway walls: ProMar 200 in SW 7506 – Loggia, Eggshel finish

Wallpaper insets: ProMar 200 in SW7011 – Natural Choice, Eggshel finish

Monday, February 24th: Good afternoon! 

The crew was back onsite today to continue with their touch ups and cleaning in areas completed. Here are a few photos of the completed lobby area — we think it looks fantastic! 

The lobby is shining bright!
We are loving how much brighter your lobby looks!
Always looking up!

Thursday, February 20th: Good morning! 

We are wrapping up in the entry lobby today with prep and painting of final areas, touch ups, and clean up. 

We’ll also be completing a walk through to identify areas needing attention so please be mindful if you see blue tape around the building. It has been our pleasure sprucing up your hallways and entry lobby and we think it looks so much brighter with this lighter color palette. Thanks! 

The lobby is coming right along!

Tuesday, February 18th: Greetings!

The crews are continuing to prep and paint in the entry lobby as well as the hallway walls of the 2nd floor. 

Painting the accent alcoves.
Go-go gadget arms!

Monday, February 17th: Good afternoon! 

We are back at it! 

The crew will be finishing up the entry lobby today and use of their lift as well. They’ll continue to work in the hallway of the 2nd floor with wall prep and painting. We are anticipating to be wrapping up in the next few days. Thanks! 

Prepping and painting the 2nd floor walls today.
Working on the lift in the lobby.

Friday, February 14th: Hello and happy Friday! 

We’ve got the 3rd week of progress under our belt and the crew is anticipating about 1 more week to wrap up in the 2nd floor hallways and in the entry lobby area. There were some significant wall repairs on the 2nd floor and we are waiting on the go ahead to get to painting those areas. While we are not working up on the 5th, 4th, and 3rd floors – we will be doing our walk throughs and marking tape for areas needing attention. So please know we are 100% complete. Thanks!

Going way UP in the entry lobby.
Reaching up to the entry windows.
Rolling on the wall paint in the 2nd floor hallway.
Taping around the millwork and light fixtures.
Painting the insets in the 2nd floor hallway.

Thursday, February 13th: Greetings! 

We hope you’re all staying warm today! 

We’ve had a special delivery onsite today. A large scissor lift has been delivered and set up in your entry lobby and we want to thank you again for your cooperation to utilize alternate entries and exits today and tomorrow!

They are wrapping up, completing touch ups, and cleaning up on the 4th floor. And prep and painting will continue in the 2nd floor hallways and lobby. Thanks!

Wrap up & clean up on the 4th floor.
Sanding and smoothing in the 2nd floor hallway.
The lift is going up in the lobby!

Wednesday, February 12th: Good afternoon! 

We’re in the thick of a deep freeze until Friday when it *warms up again… to the 30s. Stay warm everyone! 

We are continuing to remove wallpaper and prep on the 2nd floor. They’ve sprayed the ceiling and are readying for wall painting. We are also wrapping up and cleaning on the 4th. 

Painting the common area walls on the 4th floor.
Sanding and smoothing one of the common area doors.
The entry level takes its turn for prep and painting.
Prepping and priming.
We’ve moved on down to the 2nd floor — wallpaper removal is in progress.

Tuesday, February 11th: Greetings! 

We’ve moved on down to the 2nd floor and we are on our way! The crew is covering, prepping, and taping down the hallways. The crew on the 4th floor will be wrapping up tomorrow. Also, later this week, we’ll also begin prepping and painting in the entry way on Thursday and Friday. So please be mindful of your entry and exit options as we’ll have a large lift onsite that will at times obstruct the front doors of the lobby. Thanks!

Laying down some paper to cover the carpet.
Supplies are onsite and we are ready to prep the 2nd floor hallway.

Monday, February 10th: Good afternoon! 

Prep and painting continue on the 3rd and 4th floors today. We’ll be wrapping them up in the next 1-2 days. 

Prep and painting will be begin on the 2nd floor tomorrow. And on Thursday we’ll begin prepping and painting in the entry lobby. We’ll be utilizing a large scissor lift so we are asking you find an alternate route into and exiting the building on Thursday, 2/13 and Friday, 2/14 of this week. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. 

Sanding our way down the 3rd floor hallway.
Prepping and smoothing the insets.

Friday, February 7th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crews are cruising along on the 3rd and 4th floors. They are looking and finishing them up on Monday and Tuesday of next week. We’ll also be getting started on your entry lobby area early-mid week next week. So please be mindful of ladders and lift onsite to reach your upper wall areas. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Taping off the walls and chair rail.
Rolling on the paint in the 3rd floor hallway.
Cutting in with a brush.

Thursday, February 6th: Good afternoon! 

We’ve made it over the hump and tomorrow is already Friday! 

The crews are both continuing their wallpaper removal, wall prep, and painting on the 3rd and 4th floors. Check out our progress video with Production Manager, Jesse and Experience Coordinator, Dana. Thanks!

A completed section of the 5th floor hallway.
Looking bright and refreshed!
Love the refreshed color palette!
Working on glue removal on the 4th floor.
Sanding and smoothing on the 4th floor.

Wednesday, February 5th: Greetings! 

Another sunny day! How did we get so lucky?!

The ceilings are complete and the crews continue their prep work on the 3rd and 4th hallways with skim coating, sanding, and smoothing. The next step is applying the wall paint. Looking forward to seeing the transformations continue!

Down the hallway we go —prepping the walls.
Sanding and smoothing on the 4th floor.
Skim coating and prepping the walls.

Tuesday, February 4th: Good afternoon! 

The crews are working on wall paper removal, wall repairs and spraying the ceilings on the 3rd and 4th floors. 

Spraying the ceilings on the 3rd floor.
Spraying the solution on the walls to allow glue removal from the wallpaper.
Prepping and smoothing the walls on the 3rd floor.
Wall prep and smoothing on the 4th floor.
The ceilings are getting sprayed on the 4th floor.

Monday, February 3rd: Good afternoon! 

We are back onsite after the weekend and the crew is wrapping up on the 5th floor with some trim/millwork painting and a small section on wall painting. We also have a 2nd crew starting on the 4th floor with wallpaper removal and wall prep. Shortly the 5th floor crew will be moving down to the 3rd floor as well – likely this afternoon. Thanks! 

Caulking on the seams.
Hallway ‘After’
Hallway ‘Before’

Sunday, February 2nd: Hello and happy Super Bowl Sunday! 

We wanted to share a quick update – we’ll starting both the 3rd and 4th floors starting on Monday. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 

See you tomorrow!

Friday, January 31st: Hello and TGIF! 

We are turning a new leaf tomorrow… it’s February and that sure makes us feel like we are through the thick of winter and looking for spring – dare we say it?!

The crew is finishing up on the 2nd half of the 5th floor today and will be moving to the 4th floor on Monday, 2/3/20. We are keeping to our floor/week schedule so far! 

We hope you all have a great weekend and we’ll see you back onsite on the 4th floor on Monday. 

Ceilings – check.
Down the 5th floor hallway we go – prepping and painting.
So much lighter and brighter!

Wednesday, January 29th: Good afternoon! 

Big changes happening up on the 5th floor!

Yesterday, the crew completed the ceiling painting and today they are continuing to prep the walls, skim coat areas previously covered with wallpaper, and begin painting the walls. They are working on one ‘half/side’ of the building at a time. Looking much lighter and brighter already! 

Prep and covering the the resident doors.
Rolling on the wall paint.
Skim coating the walls.
Taped off and ready for the wall paint.

Tuesday, January 28th: Greetings!

The crew is off and running on the 5th floor. They are removing the existing wallpaper, skim coating the walls, completing mud work to fill in the imperfections of the walls, priming the walls, and then they’ll begin painting the walls.

After the walls are complete, they’ll prep and paint the ceilings followed by the accent alcoves. 

We are anticipating to complete 1 floor each week. Stay tuned for continued progress updates! 

Priming the walls.
We’ve removed the wallpaper and are sanding and smoothing the wall surface.

Monday, January 27th: Good afternoon and happy project start day! 

We’d be kidding ourselves if the news of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven other passengers’ deaths were not affecting us – great or small, we are all impacted by those around us and it’s clear that we can touch those we do not even know. We are all counting our blessings, squeezing our loved ones a little tighter, and wishing the families of those lost comfort and peace. 

The crew is starting on the 5th floor at Greenbrier will prep work, removing wallpaper and completing wall repairs. 

This will look like lots of plastic and paper on the floors, taping off edges, using a solution to remove the wallpaper residue, and scraping off any remains. 

We appreciate your cooperation as we are taking over your hallway for a bit – thank you!

Down the hallway we go!
And down comes the wallpaper.
Antonio scrapes and preps the walls.
Covering the carpets and taping off edges in the 5th floor lobby.

Friday, January 24th: Good morning! 

Welcome to your project blog for the upcoming project at Greenbrier in Hopkins! Here you can follow the project progress as we’ll post frequent updates. 

For your project we will be prepping and painting in your lobby and residence hallways. We’ll be getting start on Monday, January 27th and starting on the 5th floor and working our way down to the 2nd floor.. We are anticipating the project to take about 4 weeks to complete. The project will include wallpaper removal as needed, skim coat, prep and paint the  hallway walls and alcoves, spot prime, prep and paint the hallway ceilings, prep and paint the elevator lobby and ceiling.

You can continue to follow the project here – we’ll be posting updates and photos and having some fun along the way! 

We’re looking forward to getting started on Monday. Have a great weekend! 


Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296