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Completed Projects
Updated on November 11, 2017 | Completed Projects

Steeplechase HOA – Eagan

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for your painting project at Steeplechase HOA in Eagan. We are looking forward to being onsite and working with and for you this fall.

Route Map at Steeplechase.

Monday, October 16th: Good afternoon residents of Steeplechase. We hope you all had a great weekend- and how about the Vikings win?!

It looks like we have a beautiful weather week ahead. The crew should be wrapping up their painting on the last few Buildings on the North end of Steeplechase Lane. Thank you for having us at your association. It has been our privilege sprucing up your homes and we hope you have a great rest of the year!

Temperatures in the 70s – Go Minnesota!!

Friday, October 13th: TGIF and Happy Friday the 13th!

The border battle showdown is this Sunday at U.S. Bank Stadium. The Packers are in town to take on our Purple People Eaters. Skol Vikes!!

The crew is continuing to tackle their various painting tasks on each building. Those that reached out to have their garage door painted, will have their doors painted today as well. The crew is painting on the far West side of the route map above, they’ll then jump to the buildings on the North side of Steeplechase Lane today and wrap up on Monday.

Thursday, October 12th: It’s official, the Timberwolves agreed to a multi-year contract extension with Andrew Wiggins. We can’t wait to see what Wiggins will continue to do for the Timberwolves over the next few seasons. Preseason is underway and the regular season will commence on 10/18 in San Antonio against The Spurs. 

The crew is tackling about 4 buildings per day and will continued dry weather, they hope to finish up by Monday.  They’re currently working at the 4906/4908/4910 Building.

The crew is cruising on…door frames, kickplates, and pillars. Oh My.

Team work makes the dream work.

Wednesday, October 11th: Good morning! We hope you’re all having a good week so far. 

The crew is making their way around the designated route and completed 6 Buildings yesterday. Today they’re anticipting to complete 4 more Buildings. Pictures coming soon.

Many hands make light work.

Mauricio paints the front door frame.

Monday, October 9th: Good afternoon residents of Steeplechase. We hope you all had a great weekend! We hope you all had a great weekend! We’re gearing up to watch Monday Night Football as the Vikings take on the Bears in Chicago! Go Vikes!

And they’re off!! The crew has started prep and painting at your association. They are on the east side of Steeplechase Lane and working their way down Steeplechase Circle. For those who have elected to have their garage door painted, we’ll be pressure washing those tomorrow and then beginning to prep and paint mid-late week. Thanks!

Friday, October 6th: TGIF!

We’ll be getting your project started on Monday, 10/9. The scope of the project will include prepping and finishing of garage door frames, front door frames, entry pillars & patio kick plates (where accessible by ladder). 

We ask that you please unlock your front strom door in preparation for the crew’s arrival. Other than this, the project will have minimal impact on your daily schedule. 

We’ll be following the route posted above and anticipate the project to take 8-12 working days to complete, which is mostly dependent on weather. The best way to stay apprised of the schedule, progress, and general updates is here on the blog as we’ll be posting several times a week. 

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!

Thursday, October 5th: Hello residents of Steeplechase! 

Update: We’ll be getting your project started on Monday, 10/9. We want to apologize for the back and forth, but the rain, which we simply can’t control has been dictating our production schedule. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Wednesday, October 4th: Good afternoon! We hope you’re all enjoying this break of rain and sunshiney day!

We’ve got a quick update of the start date of your project. With rain delays on current projects on Monday and Tuesday, we’ve pushed back your start to Friday, 10/6. Thanks!

Monday, October 2nd: Good morning residents of Steeplechase! We hope you all had a great weekend. 

With all the rain we’ve gotten and forecasted for this afternoon and tomorrow, we anticipate your project to begin mid to late week. Stay tuned here on the blog for further updates and a specific start date. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we just can’t control Mother Nature. Thanks!

Weather for Week of 10/2

Wednesday, September 27th: Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the 2017 painting project at Steeplechase in Eagan. 

This year’s project entails prep and painting of select trim areas in the association including garage door frames, front door frames- including kick plates, sidelights, and transom windows, and entry pillars. 

We’ll be posting notices later this week alerting homeowners of our presence and the general scope of work. Posted above is the route we’ll take for completing the project. We’ll be starting on the East end of the association on the South side of Steeplechase Lane, onto Steeplechase Ct, and then the North side of Steeplechase Lane. 

We anticipate the project with take about a week to a week and a half to complete, weather permitting. The specific start date is TBD. But we will post more details as they become available. Stay tuned, here on the blog for progress updates, start date, and any weather delays if they come up. 

Thanks so much and we’re looking forward to being onsite!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296