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Completed Projects
Updated on July 6, 2015 | Completed Projects

Parkview Highlands – Bloomington


Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project @ Parkview Highlands. We are thrilled to be back with you this year!

Monday, June 15th: How in the heck is it June 15th already?! The good news is that as things are trending right now, we should be near completion of this years painting project by the end of this week. This afternoon, we will be posting notices to notify homeowners that front door painting is scheduled for this coming Thursday-Saturday. The crew will be knocking on front doors and you are home, fantastic. However, if you’d like to schedule a specific time to have your door painted on those days (between the hours of 8-5 Thursday/Friday, and 8-12 on Saturday) you can contact us directly via the blog or by phone to schedule that time. 

Thanks in advance everybody!

Ladders, ladders, everywhere on Building #3.

Friday, June 12th: After it rained on our parade, so to speak, all day Thursday, the clouds have parted and the sun is shining again in Bloomington! While we are waiting for Building #3 to dry out, Victor is pressure washing 7811/7813. We will be returning onsite on Monday to resume painting on Building #3 and prepping the 7811/7813 Building. Please keep your eyes peeled for notices being posted alerting you of our plan to paint your front doors. We will need to paint your doors in the open position and we will be knocking on doors sometime next week to try to catch you when you are at home, OR we will be providing instructions to schedule a specific time through the project blog. We’ll see you back onsite on Monday!

Pressure Washing was completed on 7811/7813 on Friday.

Wednesday, June 10th: The guys continue to take advantage of the great weather and are making terrific progress on Building #3 today. The building is about 1/3 completed. As you’ve probably noticed, the key with cedar siding is spraying and back-rolling, to really work the paint into the substrate. With heavy rain in the forecast for tomorrow, we will likely be shut down, but will return as the weather permits. Thanks!

If you haven’t already, follow the project progress on the blog!!!!

Tuesday, June 9th: While Francisco meticulously performs touch-ups on Building #6, the majority of the crew has shifted to Building #3 and preparations are being completed before they begin spraying and backrolling the Cedar Lap siding this afternoon. You might feel a bit like a caged bird throughout this process but if the weather cooperates, we’ll be done before you know it! We will likely be pressure washing before the end of the week at 7811/7813, and next week we will begin painting all the front doors. Notices will be posted alerting residences of both of these project considerations. 

Thanks everybody!

Victor takes a quick break from caulking to flash his pearly whites to the residents of Parkview Highlands!

Monday, June 8th: As the crew nears completion of the 7905 building, prep is underway (caulking and scraping, primarily) on the 8023 Building. With sunshine in the forecast for most of the week, except for Thursday, they should darn near finish that building by Friday. They will obviously follow the same sequence as they did on Building #3, and near the end of the week, they will pressure wash the 7811/7813 building so it’s ready for prepping and painting by early next week.

With trees and full bloom and freshly painted homes, the stage is set for a picturesque summer for the residents of Parkview Highlands!

Friday, June 5th: Now that all the siding has been sprayed and backrolled on Building #3, the guys have shifted their attention to the trim areas and the garage doors. As you can see, once the prep work is completed, the painting goes relatively quickly, especially when we are as familiar with the property as we’ve become having worked there last year. We can’t thank all the residents enough for their incredible cooperation and we want to extend a special thank you to Kimberly Dupont for furnishing great project details for us to execute. Your building is really looking sharp!!!

Victor, Francisco and the whole crew work in perfect unison.

Thursday, June 4th: The skies have parted and work has resumed on Building #3 at Parkview Highlands. Carpentry repairs are also underway and we will be performing those over the next couple of days. We are approximately 70% of the way around Building #3 and as long as the weather cooperates, we anticipate completing this buiilding by early next week.

Carpentry repairs are underway as Chris repairs one of the garage door frames.

Wednesday, June 3rd: The fellas took advantage of a gorgeous day yesterday and completed approximately 50% of the areas on Building #3. We are going to resume work on Building #3 this morning and we will keep a close watch on the weather. There’s a good chance the rain will have other plans, but we will keep you posted. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 2nd: The Roell Painting media arm was out in the field today getting in the field updates on Parkview Highlands…

Monday, June 1st: Now that pressure washing is completed on both 8 plex buildings included in this years painting project, prep and painting begins TODAY on Building #3. The full crew is onsite today and among the tasks being performed are caulking, scraping, priming, covering, and of course, applying the top coat of paint. All of these tasks are critical to ensuring a lasting, beautiful end result and that was on display last year when we were first granted the distinct privilege of working for the fine folks at Parkview Highlands. For those residents of Building #3, be forewarned that you might sorta feel like caged birds while we are painting your building, but it will be over before you know it! Let’s just hope the Twins are still in first place when we finish your building (and the entire project for that matter!)

As you can see, pressure washing is a critical first step in identifying areas where there is coating failure.

Saturday, May 30th: Victor was back onsite this morning and completed the pressure washing on the 8-plex buildings. As we’re sure you can probably tell, the coating failure is fairly prominent so it’s good timing that we are back onsite performing the next phase of painting. Thanks everybody for all of your cooperation. We’ll see you back onsite Monday (weather permittting!)

Friday, May 29th: Pressure washing is underway today and both 8-plex buildings designated for painting will be completed by day’s end. Thanks to any folks who have reached out with special considerations. Your in good hands with Victor. After pressure washing, the full crew will arrive onsite (if the sun ever shines) to begin prepping and painting! Thanks!

Thursday, May 28th: It is the eve of yet another year of painting out at Parkview Highlands and we are absolutely delighted to be back with you again this year! Teh buildings designated for painting this year are Building #3 (7902-7904), Building #6 (8022-8024) and Twin Home #1 (7811/7813). We will begin the project tomorrow with pressure washing ONLY Buildings #3 and Building #6. WE WILL NOT BE PRESSURE WASHING 7811/7813. You’ve probably noticed blue notices posted throughout the property and these are obviously another indication of the areas that are designated for completion. Thanks in advance for having us again this year! We are are very excited to get things underway and you’ll be in good hands again with Victor again this year!