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Completed Projects
Updated on November 27, 2019 | Completed Projects

River Towers – Minneapolis ~ Winter 2019

Prep & Painting IN PROGRESS

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the Winter 2019 Hallway Painting Project at River Towers. We’re thrilled to be back onsite!

Wednesday, November 27th: Good morning! 

We hope you all had a safe journey if you had to be on the roads already this morning! 

The crew will be wrapping up on the 26th floor today. They’ll return on Monday, 12/2 on floors 15 and up. We want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Rolling it on through the 26th hallway.
Cutting in along the top edge.

Tuesday, November 26th: Good afternoon! 

We’ve got our first big snow approaching and everyone is getting ready to face it — ice scraper, blanket in your car, flashlight, and a calm demeanor if you’re going to be facing the snow tomorrow. Be safe everyone!

The crew is prepping and painting on the 24th and 25th floors today and will wrap up on the 26th tomorrow – woo! Just in time for Thanksgiving and the remainder of the holiday week/weekend. 

Happy Thanksgiving every one!

Rolling it on – 25th Floor Edition.

Monday, November 25th: Good morning and happy Monday! 

It’s a short week and we’re giving it all we’ve got. The crew is making their way down the hallway of the 23rd floor today – thanks! 

Prepping this morning on the 23rd floor.
Laying paper along the carpet edges.

Friday, November 22nd: Hello and TGIF! 

Lots to do this weekend as we’re approaching Thanksgiving next week – make those lists, check them twice, and get to the grocery store! 

The crew is working on the 22nd floor today. Have a great weekend! 

Wall prep is in progress.
Smoothing the walls on the 22nd floor.

Thursday, November 21st: Good morning!

We are back to prepping and painting new hallways – and will be working on the 21st floor today. 

Laying down paper to cover the carpet.
Floor 21 gets spruced up!

Wednesday, November 20th: Greetings residents of River Towers! 

We have a brief update today as the crew is completing touch up work on the floors already painted – thank you!

Tuesday, November 19th: Good afternoon! 

We’ve completed the 18th floor and have moved on to prep 2 more today – the 19th and 20th floors. 

Attention to detail on the 20th floor.
Painting the accent walls.

Monday, November 18th: Good morning and happy Monday! 

We hope you all had a great weekend! The Vikings took a crucial win over the LA Rams in the final seconds of the game; however our Golden Gophers couldn’t stop the Hawkeyes and are now 9-1. 

The crew is prepping and painting at the 18th floor today. 

Attention to detail on the 20th floor.
Painting the accent walls.

Friday, November 15th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is moving like clockwork and are working on the next two floors today – 16 & 17. 

Wall prep is in prorgress.
Smoothing the walls.

Thursday, November 14th: Greetings! 

We are moving along and working our way up. The crews are prepping and painting on the 14th and 15th floors today. 

Sanding and smoothing.
Laying down the drop cloths.
Painting in sections down the 14th hallway walls.

Wednesday, November 13th: Good morning! 

We’ve got some snow flurries in the mix for today, but that won’t disturb our crews at River Towers. They are prepping and painting on floors 11 and 12 today. 

Antonio patches a section of the wall.
Rolling down the hallway.
Wrapping up on this side of the hallway.

Tuesday, November 12th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is prepping and painting on the 9th and 10th floors today – thanks!

Patching and sanding a section of the hallway wall.
Cutting in and brush and ‘roell’ing down the hallway.
Down the hallway we go! Checking 9 and 10 off the list today.

Monday, November 11th: Happy Monday! 

Lots of happy Golden Gopher fans after their win over Penn State 31- 26. They are now ranked in the AP Top 25 poll as #7.


Another week and the crew is onto another floor at River Towers. Today they’re prepping and painting on the 7th and 8th floors. 

‘ScuffX’ is getting the job done!
Another day and another hallway to paint.
A look at one of the completed hallways.

Friday, November 8th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew has completed floors 1 – 5 and are currently prepping and painting on the 6th floor. They’ll then begin on the 7th floor on Monday. Thanks and have a great weekend!

One of the completed hallways shining bright!
Work in progress – floors are covered, edged are taped off, and wall repairs are underway.

Thursday, November 7th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is moving along and prepping and painting on the 3rd floor today.  As our crew has spent a multitude of hours at your Building and painting in your hallways, all of the nooks and crannies and imperfections of the walls have become like 2nd nature. There is one particular crack that shows through on most of the floors as a result of the structure of the building and the way it has changed over the years.  The SCUFF-X product and sheen we’re applying is aiding in masking and hiding these imperfections on the hallway walls. 

The infamous crack, analogous to a pesky fly that just won’t go away.
After applying Scuff-X to the walls.
And somehow we’ve gotten rid of the flies!

Wednesday, November 6th: Greetings! 

We are off and running on the 2nd floor of the “B” tower. We’ll be completing about a floor/day and after we complete the 2nd floor we’ll move up to the 3rd and so on. 

The crew is applying a Benjamin Moore Product called SCUFF-X. This product is a single component and Low-VOC paint which resists scuffing and is built for high traffic areas – whether it be a school setting, office and conference rooms, gyms and locker rooms, or in your case – hallways and lobbies. 

Scuff-X combats scuffing from the start with its smooth and thorough coverage which results in lower maintenance costs over time. 

Stay tuned here for further updates as there is potential to bring in a 2nd crew. We will keep you apprised of scheduling of the floors and if anything should change. Thanks! 

Brushing and rolling our way down the 2nd floor hallway.
Crisp cut lines along the top.

We are also combatting your stubborn hinges on the electrical boxes to access the HVAC vents. We’re lubricating to allow more ‘easy’ movements to decrease any pressure put on the surrounding wall area. 

Lubrication the hinges to decrease pressure put on the wall when previously tugging them open.

Tuesday, November 4th: Good afternoon! 

We Are Back! 

The crew will be getting started in the “B” Building on Wednesday, 11/5 and painting your hallway walls. We’ll soon post further details regarding which floor we’ll be starting on, projected completion times for each floor and the progression of floors we’ll take. Thanks! 



Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296