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Completed Projects
Updated on July 20, 2016 | Completed Projects

Staring Lake Courthomes – Eden Prairie

Project Walkthrough to be performed this week

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the painting project @ Staring Lake Courthomes in Eden Prairie. We are thrilled to be working for you!

Wednesday, July 6th: We hope everybody had a wonderful and safe holiday! Our crew supervisors will be onsite this week performing a series of onsite walk-throughs to address any touchup/clean up tasks. We also still need to perform the carpentry repair assessment which we are hoping can happen early next week. Our senior estimator is OOF on some much deserved vacation and will perform the assessment upon his return. Thanks for your patience.

Tuesday, June 28th: Good afternoon Staring Lake. We hope you are as delighted as we are with all the sunshine we’ve been getting! We’ve completed the painting portion of the project but in midst of doing so, we uncovered a fair amount of wood rot throughout the trim areas. PLEASE NOTE THAT TODAY WE ARE COMPILING AN INVENTORY WHERE THESE REPAIRS WILL NEED TO BE PERFORMED AND WE WILL BE FURNISHING THAT LIST TO YOUR MANAGEMENT COMPANY. 

Stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for any updates right here on the blog.

Friday, June 24th: Happy Friday residents of Staring Lake! Hope you’ve had a great week! To date, it’s the first week this year that work was not interrupted by any rain so we are in a particularly jovial mood! With that being said, Saturday looks like rain so completion of the painting project will have to wait until Monday. The fellas have been completing about 4 buildings a day and as of late morning today, we are about halfway down Spencer Sweet Pea Lane. 

NOTE: We have received feedback from both the crew AND residents that there are numerous frames that are in need of repair. We WILL be assessing these separately and will provide pricing to the board to address these areas. However, because the majority of the trim areas are in good shape, we want to complete the bulk of the project and tackle those areas as part of a separate project. 

Thanks everybody for having us and we should be wrapping things up on Saturday or Monday, depending on weather. 

Have a great weekend!

Carlos meticulously covers and paints the trim areas at Staring Lake.

Monday, June 20th: Perhaps you’ve found your way to our humble little blog by way of blue notices posted throughout your property last Friday! If that is the case, welcome! 

We’ve been hired by your board of directors to paint the trim areas on your homes including your front door frames, your patio door kickplates, your garage door frames, and the service doors/frames. 

As we get things underway, there will be clear indicators of paint/prep work being performed (tape, paper, etc…) and we kindly ask that homeowners please refrain from removing any of these articles as they are necessary for the painters you render a great end result.

While the project will have little or no impact  to your day-to-day routines, you can monitor the project progress right here on the blog if you want to know when work will be performed at your home. 

We anticipate the project will take approximately 7-10 days to complete, weather permitting!

The crew will be starting on the south end of Terra Verde Trail and will be making their way clockwise around the association.