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Completed Projects
Updated on July 31, 2018 | Completed Projects

Parkway Estates – Burnsville


Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the painting project at Parkway Estates. We are looking forward to working with you!

Progress Update: April 13th

Monday, April 23rd: Good morning and happy Monday! It seems we’ve turned a page and hopefully even started a new chapter, Spring! This weekend’s weather was just gorgeous and we hope you got a chance to enjoy it! Minneapolis is buzzing as the Timberwolves are playing at home for game 4 in Round 1 of the playoffs. Let’s keep this ‘W’s coming! 

We’ve completed about 2/3 of our walk through and marked areas for touch ups. Over the course of the week, the crews will be tackling their touch ups and we’ll be back onsite soon to complete our walk though. Also, this week we’re putting up your unit numerals, replacing a few wood boards that contain over spray and then once the door hardware has been finalized and ordered, we’ll be putting that up as well. 

Crossing our “t’s” and dotting our “i’s” to replace your unit numberals.

Checking one more door off the list.

Tuesday, April 17th: Good afternoon! You might even say it’s a great afternoon – the sun is shining and working it’s magic on our mountainous snow banks, even if slowly, but surely. 

Our carpentry crew is continuing their installation of the wooden accent boards that surround the residence doors and will finish by week’s end. 

Who’s excited the sun is shining and the snow is melting?!

Monday, April 16th: Good afternoon residents of Parkway. We’re thankful for the sunshine that helped to chip away at the mounds of snow from this weekend’s spring snowstorm. Hopefully it won’t be too long before it all clears!

We have a crew completing touch ups and also finishing an entry way that was missed today. Also the carpenters are continuing to install the accent boards in the 1501 Building. We’re hopeful that this will be complete by week’s end!

Friday, April 13th: We are in for another April snow storm and not a more fitting day than today, Friday the 13th. Today’s rain will turn to snow late afternoon and the Metro could see between 6″- 12″ of snowfall. Fingers crossed this is the last snowfall Mother Nature throws our way. Stay safe and have a great weekend!

The Parkway crew is continuing and finishing painting on the 3rd floor on the 1501 Building as well as painting residence doors there.

Thursday, April 12th: Good afternoon! It’s a great day to be a Timberwolves fan; the 48 minutes of regulation play wasn’t enough for the team to seal the deal, but they brought their best in five overtime minutes to beat the Denver Nuggets. With this win, the team has earned their first play-off appearance since 2004. They’ll first face the top-seeded Houston Rockets, but the team is all heart and will keep it going as long as they can!

We’ve got one crew prepping and painting in the 1501 Building on the 3rd floor. They are working to finish up the hallway walls and door frames today. Tomorrow, they’ll be painting the residence doors on this floor. Thanks!

Hermes tackles another door frame at Parkway.

Wednesday, April 11th: Good morning residents of Parkway! 

The crews in the 1501 Buiding at Aberdeen is finishing up their painting on the 3rd floor as well as tackling residence doors on the 5th and 4th floors. We hope to finish the rest of the doors on the 3rd floor by week’s end – look for a notice to give residents a heads up. Thanks!

Spotlight is on as the crew sands and preps the door frames.

Monday, April 9th: Hello and Happy Monday! We hope you all had a great weekend. Just as we were hoping to catch a break in the weather, Mother Nature has graced us with yet another dusting of snow. I think we can all agree that we are ready for spring, but in the meantime we can take note of the Rolling Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want and search for the silver lining. 

That silver lining is at Parkway Estates with the crews tackling your residence doors in the 1513 Building on the 2nd and 3rd floors. They are also completing some touch-up work in the 1501 Building on the 4th floor. 

One of the residence doors has been patched and primed and is ready for the top coat.

We think this green is a winning color, just ask Patrick Reed.

Friday, April 6th: Good afternoon and TGIF! The sun is shining and warmer weather is in sight…

Slowly, but surely warmer weather will come. 

But for now, we can be thankful for the sunshine and your crews’ sunny disposition for painting at Parkway Estates!

Sun’s out, smile’s out.

The crew is wrapping up on the 5th floor today while also continuing their painting of hallway walls and door frames on the 4th floor. We hope you all have a great weekend!

After priming, Ruben paints the door frame.

Thursday, April 5th: Bundle up for Baseball. Yes, today is the Twin’s home-opener and we’re rivaling for the record-setting low temperature for the opener. To date, the lowest at Target Field was in 2013 with a low of 35 degrees for the first pitch. Target Field has been buzzing with extra help to clear snow, melt ice, and ready the stands and field. If you’re headed to the game, be sure to bundle up! 

Our crews in the 1513 and 1501 Buildings are painting your residence doors today: In the 1513 Building on the 1st and 4th floors & in the 1501 Building on the 2nd floor. Thank you for your cooperation in painting the doors while in the open position; this will ensure a complete finish with painting of the hinge-side edge. 

Door Painting is underway.

Taking to a smaller brush to cut around the metal poles.

White and bright on the ceilings @ Parkway Estates!

Wednesday, April 4th: Hello residents of Parkway Estates. It’s hard to think of anything green with all of this white snow covering the ground, but for all you golf fans, that iconic ‘green’ Masters jacket is on the brain. The players tee off starting tomorrow and by Sunday a new champion will be prized with the coveted green jacket. 

The crew in the 1501 Building is applying the 2nd coat to the hallway walls today. The 1513 crews are continuing on the 4th and 3rd floors with walls and trim. We’ll be continuing to paint your resident doors- Thursday: 1501 – 2nd floor & 1513- 1st and 4th floors.

Hermes cuts in with the roller for the 2nd coat of paint.

In between hallway brushes, Mariano, Hugo, Rafael, and Ruben pause for a quick smile.

Tuesday, April 3rd: Good afternoon! We hope you’re staying warm and the ‘Spring Snow’ hasn’t slowed you down too much. And now the Twins Grounds crew has their work cut out for them to ready Target Field for the Thursday home opener. Thankfully or not, this isn’t the first encounter with spring snow and the team knows all the tricks to ready the field and stands to ensure the game goes on, though you may want to bring your parka, mittens, and hat. 

The 1513 crew is finishing up the 3rd floor today and then moving down to the 2nd floor to begin on door frames and walls. In the 1501 Building, the crew is painting hallway walls on the 5th floor.

Hermes sands a residence door in preparation to lend a smooth finish.

The hallways are putting Bruce Springsteen’s hit, ‘Blinded by the Light‘ a run for it’s money!

Nolberto shines a light to tape around the door frame.

Monday, April 2nd: Happy Monday residents of Parkway Estates! We hope you all had a great weekend. Unfortunately, the cold weather and forecasted snow is not an April Fool’s Day joke… let’s hope spring is right around the corner. 

In the meantime, the crews are staying warm while trucking along on the 1513 Building. We’ve got crews on each floor tackling the hallway walls. The 3rd floor walls will be complete tomorrow and we’ve also started prep work on the 2nd floor. The 1501 crew will begin tomorrow.

The drop cloths are down as the crew paints their way through the hallways.

Another hallway and another fire alarm covered.

Did we mention how crucial thorough prep is to execute a precise finish?

Thursday, March 29th:  Work continues at a feverish pace at Parkway Estates in Burnsville and we are on the home stretch for the interior portion of the project. Wednesday was accompanied by 50 degree weather, and with that, the opportunity to apply the much anticipated samples to the south exterior walls on the 1513 building. Now that the mercury has dropped again, we’ve shifted gears back inside and work will continue there as we monitor the weather. If all goes according to plan, we’ll wrap up inside, and shift gears just as the weather permits.

The spotlight is shining bright on the team as we deliver a full makeover at Parkway Estates.

Thursday, March 22nd: Hello again Parkway Estates. As you have probably noticed from the blue notices posted throughout your hallways, door painting is underway. We want to thank management and the residents for their cooperation in helping us paint the doors in the open position. Eventually, accent boards will be installed, as will new hardware. The accent panels will be analogous to the rustic look of the mailboxes, that are in the process of being completed. Once work wraps up inside in the next 2-3 weeks, we will  shift gears and begin the makeover process on the exterior of the buildings! Thanks everybody!

Who doesn’t love getting mail!? But the residents love it EVEN MORE with their newly designed/remodeled rustic mailbox kiosks!

Friday, March 9th: Happy Friday once again Parkway Estates.  It has been another productive week onsite and the atriums/entry lobbies have now been completed in all three buildings. The residents how have not only survived the stairwell closures, but they’ve also survived parking restrictions as the plows have come through and cleaned up the parking lots! All part of community life, right! 

With the stairwells and atriums largely completed, we’ll now shift gears into the residence hallways with the 1505 building coming first. The fellas began painting the 5th floor ceilings, then they will sand the currently stained doors/frames, prime the fdoors, prime the wall conduit, then apply the finish coat to the doors/frames. Lastly, they will roll out the walls after all the millwork has been completed. 

Beginning on Tuesday, March 13th, work will commence on the 5th/4th/3rd/1st floors in the 1505 building where the above sequence will be followed. Our continued thanks to the residents for their ongoing cooperation.

The crew works diligently to paint the railings in the 1501 atrium.

Emer rolls out the entry lobby walls in the 1501 building.

When previously stained doors get enameled, caulking the seams ensure a smooth, uniform finish.

Friday, March 2nd: Happy Friday Parkway Estates. You are probably to hear that work on the stairwells is winding down (pun intended) and we’ve shifted gears into your entry atriums and mail lobbies. If you weren’t impressed enough by the transformation of the stairwells, perhaps you are now sufficiently amazed at our high wire act as we scale 40 ft ladders to get to the very top of your atrium walls. Such feats of bravery have not been seen since Philippe Petit scaled a tight rope between the twin towers back in 1974. 

As work in the atrium continues, hallway painting will likely commence the week of March 5th. Yes, that’s next week already! As we get to the hallway, we will painting residence doors which will require cooperation from residents. Thanks everybody! See you next week!

Tuesday, February 27th: At press time, the outside temp is 25 degrees and on the rise. Yes, you are reading that correctly. We are cautiously optimistic that we are exiting the deep freeze of Minnesota winter and spring is on the rise. So, too will be the ladders as we get set to paint your entry atriums. The crews onsite will be transitioning from your stairwells into the atriums by the middle of the week and we want to thank all the residents for their cooperation as they traversed the building while the painters worked diligently to complete the stairwells. 

What you can expect the rest of this week is a thorough walk-through of the stairwells where all touchups will be addressed and we will button things up nicely. We are loving the new colors! As the crews transition into the atriums, we kindly ask that you exercise caution as there will be tall ladders leaning against walls. Not only will this ensure the safety of the painters, it will also prevent you from getting 7 years bad luck.

The stairwells before…

Stairwells during….

Stairwells after….

Elevator or stairs? Let’s take the stairs!!!!

Thursday, February 22nd: Suffice it to say, the first 3.5 days at Parkway Estates has been productive! The crew will have completed 3 stairwells by day’s end today, and 3 additional stairwells are in progress. We are projecting that all 9 stairwells will be completed by the end of next week and you will be free to move about the cabin. Here’s the current breakdown:

1505: North Stairwell completed by end of day on Thursday. Prep in progress in center stairway.

1501: East stairway completed by end of day on Thursday. Center stairwell completed. West Stairway in progress. 

1505: Center stairway in progress.

Tuesday, February 20th: With the wintry mix behind us, and the crew settling into a bit of a groove at Parkway Estates, work continues on the stairways and they are getting a more on trend color scheme with the ceiling going to Eider White, the walls going to Magnetic Gray, and the metal surfaces going to Iron Ore, three of the more popular Sherwin Williams colors. 

Please note the following: Work will begin on the West/Center stair treads in the 1501 Building on Wednesday. The only stairwell that will be open in the 1501 Building is the East Stairwell. On Thursday, the NORTH stairwell in the 1505 Building will be closed as the crews paint the stair treads.

Fueled by a hearty breakfast of the Original “Nook and Cranny” the guys leave no stone unturned as they update the stairwells at Parkway Estates.

Monday, February 19th: Happy Monday residents of Parkway Estates. Despite the gnarly weather conditions, the crew arrived safely onsite and we are off and running in the stairwells. 

Work is underway in the 1501 Building in the West and Center stairwells, and in the 1505 Building in the North Stairwell. 

We will be onsite painting your stairwells, atriums, and residence hallways over the course of the next 3 months or so. We want thank all the residents in advance for their cooperation. 

Stay tuned right here for ongoing project updates.

Malvin tackles some wall repairs in the West Stairwell in the 1501 Building.

A painting project is only as good as the initial prep steps!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296