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Completed Projects
Updated on April 25, 2016 | Completed Projects

The Grand – St. Louis Park

Thursday, March 24th – PROJECT COMPLETED TODAY

Thursday, March 24th: Greetings again Grand Residents. We avoided Snowmageddon which means that work continues and we are headed for completion today. The fellas are working on the first floor and knocking out the office, and we’ve also added the west stairwell elevator vestibules to the scope of work.

Right now, the plan is to do a walk-through sometime next week where we will go over things with a fine tooth comb! 

We are so immeasurably grateful for your kind words, your cooperation, and your feedback throughout the project and we look forward to working with you again as your paint needs arise! Have a great spring!

Wilmer reluctantly agrees to a selfie with Isaac at The Grand!

Wilmer, Miguel, and Alvaro on the home stretch!

Friday, March 18th: Good morning residents of The Grand. Hopefully, you got a chance to zip over to McCoys for a green beer for St. Paddy’s Day yesterday! As we approach week’s end, we are thrilled to report that things are progressing wonderfully and we are projecting completion of the project by mid-week next week. Victor and Francisco have made their way to the bottom of the West stairwell and should wrap up Monday, while Wilmer and the gang are on second floor applying the primary “Balanced Beige” color throughout. They will follow the same procedures as they have on the above floors and should wrap up by mid-week next week. 

On another note, one thing that really fills our buckets (to borrow my daughters’ pre-school terminology) is when residents take the time to recognize the efforts of our team. Special thanks to Fran Sepler, who shared,

“I was home for 24 hours, and I really want to compliment our painters. They have done a great job, they are super nice guys and the blog rocks. That is all.”

We’ve shared your sentiments with the guys already this morning and it’s feedback like this that fuel our determination to continue to be the best painters in the business! Thank you, a million times over!

Though at first glance it may look like Banksy, that’s one of RP’s finest, Alvaro, doing wall repairs before painting. 

Monday, March 14th: After some R and R over the weekend, the fellas were back at it Monday. Victor and Francisco began prep work on the West stairwell, while Wilmer and the fellas have made their way down to 4th floor. But NOT before they circled back up to 5th floor to apply the brown match to the brown accent walls on 5th floor. After close inspection and approval by onsite color guru and overall good samaritan, Bill Skipton, 5th floor is essentially complete. However, like we always say at Roell Painting, no project is complete until you deem it so, so we welcome ongoing feedback to ensure you are thrilled with how things are looking.

Alvaro paints amidst a sea of plastic and Balanced Beige.

Wall repairs are underway in the West stairwell.

Thursday, March 10th: Greetings residents of The Grand. By now, you’ve surely noticed that the best painters in the business have been diligently working away on your east stairwell and 5th floor hallway walls. As of midday today, Victor and Francisco have made their way down to the 3rd floor stairwell landing and should have 2 coats applied to that area by day’s end. Meanwhile, Wilmer, Alvaro, and Kenny have continue work on changing over the yellow walls on the 5th floor common hallways. They will begin applying the new “Granite Peak” accent color tomorrow and after completion of entire floor, will then transition down to 4th floor, 3rd floor, 2nd floor, etc, etc, etc…

So far, all is smooth sailing and we tip our hats to the residents for their patience and cooperation as we settle into the project.

While Francisco is a little more reserved, Victor would describe his painting as “BODACIOUS.”

Alvaro, Kenny, and Wilmer navigate the expanse of the 5th floor hallways!

Monday, March 7th: And…we’re off! Now that final color selections have been made, you’ve probably seen that notices have been posted throughout the building notifying you, the residents of our impending arrival tomorrow morning. Isaac will meet crew supervisor Victor at 8 AM sharp to get work underway in the stairwells. Then, on Wednesday, we will be deploying a second crew to begin work in the hallways, starting on 5th floor and making our way down. 

Stay tuned right here for project updates and thanks so much for having us! 

See you tomorrow morning at 8 AM sharp when we will begin working on your masterpiece! 

To borrow a phrase from Minnesota’s own, Bob Dylan, tomorrow we begin “painting our masterpiece” at The Grand!

Friday, February 26th: WHAT. A. DAY. Spring is on the way (fingers crossed!) But before we start painting outside, there’s work to be done inside! New samples have been applied in the Northeast stairwell for your reviewl We look forward to getting going once you arrive at your color selections!

Head down to the NE stairwell to peruse Accessible Beige and Balanced Beige.

Sunday, February 21st: We are very excited to get the project going at the Grand in St. Louis Park and we want to thank the board in advance for entrusting us with the project. We also want to thank Eric Davison for masterfully guiding the bid process and putting together a terrific scope-making it easy for us to provide you, the board, with accurate and precise numbers. 

We are just awaiting final color approval and once that occurs, we will deploy the Twin City’s finest painters to transform your hallways and stairwells. 

For any interested parties, we’ve applied color sampels by 205 and they are “Granite Peak” and “Balanced Beige.”

“Balanced Beige” and “Granite Peak” have been applied near Unit 205 at The Grand.

Stay tuned right here for any and all pertinent project details. We’ll see you all very soon!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296