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Completed Projects
Updated on February 20, 2017 | Completed Projects

Park Crest- Burnsville

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for your interior painting project at Park Crest on Nicollet in Burnsville. We are excited to be back onsite with you!

Friday, February 3rd: Happy Friday ya’ll! We hope you had a great week. It’s finally here, Superbowl 51 is kicking off Sunday at 5:30pm. Tom Brady and the New England Patriots will take on the Atlanta Falcons at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. And if the actual football game isn’t your jam, the Superbowl is synonymous to gatherings, usually with some great food, top-of-the-line commercials, and a Halftime Performance by Lady Gaga that is sure to wow! Check out the most-anticipated commercials here, Lady Gaga’s pre-performance interview, and 70 recipes sure to satisfy all cravings. 

Our Job Supervisor, Isaac was onsite this afternoon completing a walk though with the Park Crest crew that has been aiding and facilitating your project. We’ve marked off some areas with blue tape throughout the building. Please leave the tape as it designates touch up areas for our crew who will be back early next week. 

Thank you again for having us. It’s been a pleasure working with and for you and we hope you enjoy your freshly painting building- inside and out!

The ‘Blue Tape Guy’ has been @ Park Crest.

Wednesday, February 1st: Happy February everyone! Though we don’t have wamer temps, the sunshine sure feels good. I’m also willing to sacrifice some sun tomorrow so our beloved ground hog can’t see his shadow and then we’ll see spring a bit sooner!

We’re thrilled to say we’ve completed your project at Park Crest! Thank you to everyone who helped to coordinate and facilitate this total building project. It has been our distinct pleasure working with and for you and hope you are enjoying the freshly painted areas. Thank you to the residents for their cooperation and understanding while we occupied your shared spaces. 

We’ll be back on Friday to complete a walk-through and make sure we have crossed our t’s and dotted our i’s. We’ll then complete touch-ups as necessary to make sure everyone is thoroughly happy.

Our keen eyes will be inspecting the building on Friday.

Tuesday, January 31st: Who else is ready to turn the page on January? One of our coldest months yet, so we’re ready for February and hopefully the warmer weather it will bring. If you’re a Disney fan, the full trailer for Beauty and the Beast has been released and it has my six-year-old self giddy with excitement. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite movie and the trailer has brought back memories of being ‘Belle’ and singing all of the songs. Check it out. The movie is set to open March 17th. 

The crews have finished the fitness room and continue to paint in the hearth room. They’ve also started painting the entryway vestibule. Please use caution as we’re utilizing some large ladders.

We’ve brought out the big guns to tape and prep in the entrance lobby.

The fitness room is ready for some heavy lifters and treadmill runners.

Monday, January 30th: We hope you all had a great weekend. Fun fact: Serena Williams won the Women’s Australian Open this weekend. She defeated her sister, Venus to win her 23rd Grand Slam singles title. This is also her 7th time winning an Australian Open title. 

We have great news; the crew finished both of the stairwells this weekend! Thank you for your understanding and patience as we restricted access to these areas while we were working. The crews have now started prep and painting the hearth and fitness rooms. We’re still projecting we’ll finish by mid-late week.

Manuel prep the hearth room for ceiling painting.

Friday, January 27th: Happy Friday folks!! The sun is really shining today and we’re loving the extra shot of vitamin D. We are so proud of our crews at Park Crest; the hustle is real. Today and tomorrow we’ll be painting in both of the stairwells, so we advise to please use the elevators until we’re done painting. We have ladders and drop cloths throughout so this is for your safety as well as our crew’s safety. 

Our team is also painting in the main lobby area and we plan to complete this today. If you’ve clicked on the hyperlink, we apologize for the looping of this song in your head : ) 

That’s all for now; have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 26th: Good afternoon Park Crest! The sun is shining, well partly shining and the weekend is in sight. For some icon-news, yesterday it was announced that the beloved Mary Tyler Moore passed away at age 80. She was an icon for numerous reasons, some which include portraying an independent career woman living in the heart of the Midwest on her self-named TV show. She won 4 Emmys during the 4-season run of the show. Linked is an ABC News video with career highlights and adorations from some of her biggest fans. 

While we’re all busy throwing our hats up in the air as tribute, the crews at Park Crest are all business. The 1st floor should be completely done, aside from the elevator lobby and we’re working to finish up the 2nd floor as well. We’ll be starting in both the east and west stairwells tomorrow. For safety, we ask that you please utulize the elvators. We apologize if this is how you get some extra steps in for the day : ) Also, as an FYI the crews will be onsite in the stairwells on Saturday of this weekend. If all goes to plan, we hope to complete your project by next Thursday. 

Marvin & Isaac smile for the camera. Can you tell who’s been painting and who’s been out bidding jobs??

Don’t worry our Marvin isn’t a Martian, but our painting IS out of this world!!

Floor plans for 1st and 2nd floors @ Park Crest. Please refer to the map when blog describes ‘parts’ completed.

Wednesday, January 25th: Happy Hump Day residents of Park Crest. We hope the time spent in your car was safe and not too lengthy. It seems as though the snow has subsided and now everything can get properly plowed. Looking ahead to the rest of week for weather, flurries are forecasted for tomorrow and Saturday. At least there won’t be freezing temperatures…

The crew on the 1st floor is painting the walls both above and below the chair rail in the 2nd part of the hallway. And the crew on the 2nd floor is painting the wall below the chair rail and completing some toucn ups in the 1st part of the hallways. They will also begin painting in the 2nd part as well.

Omar carefully starts the new color for above the chair rail.

Deja vu here on the 2nd floor for Manuel. We’re still rollin’ at Park Crest!

Tuesday, January 24th: Good morning Park Crest! The 2017 Oscar Nominations were released this morning. The awards will take place on Sunday, February 26th and Jimmy Kimmel will be the host. The Musical, La La Land receives 14 nominations which ties the record held by Titanic and All About Eve and Meryl Streep extends her lead as most nominated performer. Here is a complete list of all categories and nominees, it’s also a ballot if you’d like to test your movie-critic skills along side the Academy. 

On the second floor at Park Crest, the ceilings and chair rail are complete. Today the crew will be working on painting the walls above the chair rail starting in the SW corner. They’re planning to get to the 1st fire door, as was the case for the 4th and 3rd floors- check out on the green highlighted map a few entries below.

On the first floor, the crew is wrapping up the ceiling and chair rail painting. They’ll also begin painting a section of wall above the chair rail in the SW corner of the building.

Prep in progress for the top portion of walls.

Marvin cuts in with an angle brush to achieve a crisp division of wall and ceiling.

Monday, January 23rd: Happy Monday everyone! We hope you had a great weekend. The top two teams in both the NFC and AFC faced off to claim a spot in Superbowl 51. Neither game was pretty as the top teams both won by 20 plus points. Though this is good news if you’re a Falcons or Patirots fan. These teams will face off in Superbowl 51 on Sunday, February 5th. Luke Bryan has announced he is singing the National Anthem and Lady Gaga will headline the halftime show. 

It’s Monday and back to work we go. The crew is tackling touch ups and completing wall repairs in trash rooms on the 4th and 3rd floors. They are also prepping and beginning to spray the ceilings on the 2nd and 1st floors.

Seen here: the latest in fashion- ‘Painter’s Plastic’ head coverings.

Effective tape and prep aids to prevent overspray and drips.

Saturday, January 21st: Well, it’s January and its, um, drizzling outside…that’s right, drizzling! Despite the unpredictability outside, things are as predictable as can be on the inside at Park Crest as the crew has wrapped up work (except for the trash rooms/elevator lobbies) on the 4th and 3rd floor at Park Crest.

It’s been a great week with lots of nice compliments from residents…among the sentiments expressed…

I want you to know that Jesee is going out of his way to help ensure our color selection is right on….as you know it is always difficult to get the right color from a small sample. Jesse never makes us feel like we need to compromise….that is really appreciated! And the guys on the floor are focused and gentleman at all times. You have a great organization. I respect that!

Your crew is doing a terrific job. We will have a beautiful building when it is all finished. 

Thanks for the kind words Park Crest…we’ll keep up the hard work next week!

Thursday, January 19th: And just like that it’s Thursday! The best part about painting inside is that you never get delayed by the weather (which was glorious again today by the way!). That means the fellas in white are staying right on schedule and have completed approximately 1/2 of the hallway areas on 4th and 3rd floor. They will be working clockwise towards the SE corner tomorrow and should be wrapping things up on those 2 floors by Monday @ the latest. 

The residents have been very kind an accomodating and for that we, we extend a huge thank you! Have a great evening everybody!

 Manuel and the gang keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin along @ Park Crest.

Wednesday, January 18th: Good afternoon residents of Park Crest. Can you believe this weather?! If you can, get outside and enjoy the sunshine and nearly 40 degree temperature! 

The crew at Park Crest is cruising along. They’re working on painting the walls above the chair rail in the hallways of the 4th and 3rd floors. They’re anticipating to make it to the first firedoor- the area to be completed is highlighted in green.

Upper portion of chair rails being completed to the 1st firedoor.

We wanted to extend a thank you to Kathy, Don, and Bernadette for taking time out of their days to meet with Isaac. We appreciate your keen eye for color!

Kathy, Don, Bernadette and Omar in the back pause for a quick picture onsite at Park Crest.

Exhibited: Superb rolling technique.

Tuesday, January 17th: Update- so our crew has sounded the alarm…fire alarm that is. The dust resulting from the project triggered the alarm in the 3rd floor elevator lobby area. The crews will be covering the alarms going forwrad to prevent this from happening again. We want to apologize for any inconveniences the alarm going off may have caused and also want to assure you that we’re going to do all we can to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding as there can be unforseen variables on any given project. Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 17th: Good afternoon Park Crest! We hope your morning was free from any icy-road obstacles. At least the rest of the week is ice/snow free and temperatures are rising! We have some exciting news to share: we’ve been awarded the ‘Best of Houzz 2017- Customer Service’ award. This is our third year in a row winning this award and we couldn’t be more proud! We truly value the customer experience from the initial meeting to final touch ups. It’s an honor to be asked to complete a project and work in a customer’s home or for an association in your townhome or building. So thank you for granting us the privilege of working at Park Crest!

Roell Painting is awarded ‘Best of Houzz 2017- Customer Service.’

The crews are painting the chair rail on the 4th and 3rd floors along with spraying some texture on wall patches. They’ll likely start painting the walls today as well.

Omar preps and tapes the chair rail.

Monday, January 16th: Update– the crews have just about completed the ceilings on the 4th and 3rd floors, aside from a patch on the 4th floor that needed some repairs. They’ve also started some wall repairs on both of those floors.

Monday, January 16th: Happy Monday Park Crest! We are thrilled to be back onsite working with and for you on your interior painting project. It is always an honor to get invited back! 

As we get things underway this year, we want to extent a special thank you to Paul, Don, and the entire Park Crest Board in the starting and facilitating of this project. It is always helpful to have a game plan and agenda when coordinating several trades and we appreciate all of their efforts in overseeing this collaboration. 

Just as was the case last fall, we will be providing frequent project updates, complete with pictures and progress so that you can see first-hand the work being done and plan accordingly when our crew will arrive in your area to perform work. 

In general, the scope of work includes: painting of common residence hallways and ceilings, entry foyer, stairways, elevator lobbies, trash rooms, fitness room and the main lobby. 

As the project starts today, we’ll be starting on the 4th and 3rd floors with prep and painting of the hallway ceilings. We’ll be starting in the SW corner, referenced from Nicollet Ave, on each floor and make our way clockwise towards the NW corner and we anticipate to get to the firewall doors today. We’ll work from top to bottom with ceilings being completed first and then the walls following. We anticipate this project will take about 2- 2 1/2 weeks to complete. 

Stay tuned right here for progress updates and pictures and be sure to watch for ‘Wet Paint’ signs as we’ll be in your common areas for this project.

Precise prep from the Roell Painting crew.

No drips on this carpet.

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296