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Completed Projects
Updated on October 11, 2018 | Completed Projects

Chelsea Mews – Plymouth 2018 Painting Project

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the 2018 painting project at Chelsea Mews in Plymouth. We are looking forward to being back onsite!

Site Map @ Chelsea Mews

Monday, September 17th: Good afternoon!

The border battle was a game for the books, but not where either is excited over a win or defeated with a loss. Instead, the green and purple teams ended their first show down of this season in a tie. Missed kicks, defense misses, and penalties piloted the game in a flip flop of emotions. The teams will face each other again on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, in which I’m sure both teams will be all-in to get a W!

The crew is completing their touch up work today at Chelsea Mews. 

Thursday, September 13th: Hello!

It’s a big weekend ahead for the Purple People Eaters — the Border Battle vs. Green Bay is on Sunday! The guys in purple are headed to Lambeau to take on the cheese heads of WI. 

The crew has wrapped up the garage doors and there are a few outstanding items, which the crew wil take care of over the next several days. Thanks!

Prepping and spraying the garage doors. 

Action shot!

Thumbs up from Melvin!

Wednesday, September 12th: Hello! 

The crew are painting the garage doors today and then will be completing some touchups as well. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 11th: Good afternoon residents of Chelsea Mews!

The crew will be wrapping up in the next day or two – most of which remains are painting the residence doors. If you’re home while the crews are onsite, please open your door to have it painted. Thanks! 

Monday, September 10th: Good afternoon! We hope you all had a great weekend! 

The crew is continuing to prep and paint on the last building and will finish in the next day or two. If you stil need your door (s) painted and you’re home, please open your door for the crew so they can paint it in the open position. Thanks!

Caulking the seams in advance of painting.

Touch ups on a section of the 6th Building.

Friday, September 7th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crews are relieved to see continued clear and blue skies after a few rain days earlier this week. As we mentioned the Vikings home-opener is on Sunday and aside from the game itself, food and drinks are the next priority! Linked is a list of the new foods at U.S. Bank this season- our picks to try are the crab fries and cheesesteaks from Chickie and Pete’s! 

The crew is prepping and painting on the 6th and final building. They’ll wrap up on Saturday or Monday. Thanks!

Priming on Building #6.

Prep and Priming on one of the deck skirts.

Thursday, September 6th: We are back in business after 2 days of rain.

‘Tis the season- Regular season NFL football that is! The first Thursday Night Football of the season kicks off tonight with the Falcons at the Eagles. The Vikes play their home-opener on Sunday vs. the 49ers. Are you ready for some football?!

The crew has resumed their prep and painting. They are currently painting at Building #5 – 16100.

Brush & roll on the 16100 Building.

Spraying the garage frames on 16100.

Wednesday, September 5th: Good morning! It’s still too wet for the crew to paint today. We’ll resume prep and painting tomorrow. Thanks! 

Tuesday, September 4th: Rain Delay

Friday, August 31st: Hello and TGIF! 

Brief update today: the crew has completed Building #3 (16025) and is beginning prep on #5 (16100) as well as continuing to prep/paint on building #4 (16010). 

Have a great Labor Day weekend! 

Thursday, August 30th: Hello residents of Chelsea Mews! 

The crews are continuing to prep and paint on the Phase II Buildings, in orange above.

Quite the debris from your neighborhood trees- but it’s nothing we can’t sweep right off!

Prep work is underway on the 16010 Building.

Today’s scraping and prepping brought to you by Coca Cola : )

Wednesday, August 29th: Good morning!

The crew is onsite this morning completing some prep work on the 16023-16027 Building. They’ll then start painting in a few hours – they are letting the surfaces dry a bit before painting.

Prep work on the deck undersides at 16025 Building.

Prepping and priming on the 16025 Building. 

Tuesday, August 28th: Rain Delay

Monday, August 27th: Good afternoon residents of Chelsea Mews. We hope you all had a great weekend!

The crew is pressure washing the last two buildings (15930 & 16100) today. Today they are also painting on the 16025 Building.

Pressure washing the final 2 buildings of this year’s project.

The crew makes sure to wash all paintable surfaces.

Friday, August 24th: Hello and TGIF! 

We’ve got ourselves a rain day folks. The crew will return once the weather permits. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 23rd: Good afternoon and happy start of the MN State Fair! The twelve days of fried goodness has begun and it couldn’t have been a more perfect day to kick it all off! Be sure to check out the list of new foods, band lineups, and other attractions before heading over to St. Paul! 

Stretchy pants, empty stomachs, can’t lose! 

The crew is continuing to prep and paint at the 16025 and 16010 Buildings.

Spraying your garage siding.

Rolling on the paint!

Wednesday, August 22nd: Hello and good afternoon!

The crew has completed their pressure washing of the next two buildings and wrapped up on 16032 yesterday. Today, they’re starting their prep and painting on the next building. 

Prepping on the 3rd Building at Chelsea Mews. 

Scraping and prepping before we start to paint. 

Monday, August 20th: Good afternoon residents of Chelsea Mews! We hope you all had a great weekend!

The crew is pressure washing the next set of buildings- 16010 & 16025.

Spraying the siding under the deck area.

All hands on deck to tackle pressure washing today!

Friday, August 17th: Good afternoon and TGIF! 

Note- The crew plans to paint the front residence doors on Monday, if you are availble to open your door. Thanks!

The crew is finishing up on the 15925 Building and prepping and painting on the 16032 Building. As a reminder, they’ll be pressure washing the Phase II Buildings – 16010 & 16025 on Monday, 8/20.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Prep and plastic to cover the awnings.

Plastic to cover the garage doors.

 Ladders up to brush and roll on the paint.

Are we seeing double?

Thursday, August 16th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is wrapping up on the 1st Building (15925) today as well as beginning prep and potentially painting on the 2nd Building (16032). They are anticipating to finish these buildings on Monday, as weather permits. They’ll also be pressure washing the 2nd round of buildings (Phase II- in orange above) on Monday, 8/20 and then beginning prep on Wednesday, 8/22. Thanks!

Brushing and rolling on the 15925 Building. 

Prep is underway on the 16032 Building.

Wednesday, August 15th: Good afternoon residents of Chelsea Mews! 

The crew is kicking off your project with prep on the 1st Building (15925). They’ll scrape, caulk, and prime areas before beginning their painting.

Priming areas on the door frame.

Scrape, caulk, prime – repeat. Prep is in full effect here at Chelsea Mews. 

Prepping and scraping one of the divider walls.

Monday, August 13th: Hello and welcome to your project blog!

The crew is off and running at Chelsea Mews. They are pressure washing the first 2 buildings as your association today. They’ll return mid week to begin their prep and painting on these buildings. 

Ladders up to reach all areas for pressure washing.

Rinse and repeat on the deck boards.

Ever pressure washes in advance of the prep and painting.

Wednesday, August 8th: Good afternoon residents of Chelsea Mews! 

We hope you had a great year and we want to say we’re grateful to be back onsite and completing another round of painting at your association. We are slated to paint select exterior areas: including siding, soffits, garage doors/frames, deck railings/spindles, deck skirts, and deck support pillars.

We’ll be getting started on Monday, 8/20 with pressure washing. We’ll be painting the buildings in 3 phases, and have grouped buildings together based on similar paint colors. We’ll begin with the buildings colored blue to start. 

For pressure washing we kindly ask you to remove small items from the outside of your home/deck to allow the crew unobstructed access for washing and then also for painting, though it’s not necessary to completely clear your deck of its contents. 

Once the pressure washing is complete and the areas have had time to dry, we’ll be back onsite to begin our prep work and painting and we anticipate this to begin on Wednesday, 8/22 – weather permitting. 

We anticipate the finishing of each building to take about 7-10 working days. Please stay tuned here on the blog for project progress updates, pictures, and any delay should they come up. Thanks again and we’re looking forward to getting things underway on Wednesday!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296