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Completed Projects
Updated on January 28, 2020 | Completed Projects

Gallery Towers – St. Paul


Greetings residents of Gallery Towers in St. Paul and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming door painting project. We are thrilled to be onsite with you! 

Gallery Towers – Door Painting Schedule

Tuesday, January 28th: Greetings! 

The crew has wrapped up and we’ll be completing our walk through with your manager in the next few days. We’ll be marking any areas needing additional touch ups so please be mindful of any areas with blue tape. 

Thank you again for all of your patience and cooperation through the duration of the project and we hope you have a great rest of the winter… hoping for a quick one!

Monday, January 27th: Good afternoon and happy project start day! 

We’d be kidding ourselves if the news of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and seven other passengers’ deaths were not affecting us – great or small, we are all impacted by those around us and it’s clear that we can touch those we do not even know. We are all counting our blessings, squeezing our loved ones a little tighter, and wishing the families of those lost comfort and peace. 

The crew is prepping and painting on the 3rd floor today and will be completing touch up work and clean up in the next few days as well. Thanks! 

Taping off the frame.
Applying the 1st coat.

Friday, January 24th: Hello and TGIF! 

We’ve made it to Friday and the weekend is right around the corner. Major plus that we’re not getting freezing temps or more snow over the weekend as well! 

Taping off and prepping on the 4th floor.
Hermes is rocking the first coat on this residence door.

Thursday, January 23rd: Greetings and happy Thursday! 

Right on track and the crew is prepping and painting on the 7th and 8th floors. We’ll continue to move down to the next two floors tomorrow and be wrapping up early next week with the remaining floor and then completing our touch ups. 

Taping off on the 7th floor.
Sanding and smoothing one of the common area doors.
Prep work and caulking the frame.

Wednesday, January 22nd: Good morning! 

It feels good to be back in the 30s and we will continue to be through the weekend! 

The crews are continuing today on the 8th and 9th floors. They will also be painting the elevator doors today and tomorrow. So please be mindful because we will need to shut them down to paint the doors in the closed position – thanks in advance for your patience! 

Also to note, we’ll be wrapping up early next week and will begin our touch up painting to all floors starting on Monday and continuing on Tuesday. If there is blue tape, please leave it up as it signals to the crew areas needing touch ups – thank you!

Painting one of the elevator bay doors and frames.

Tuesday, January 21st: Greetings! 

We’ve moved on down to the 10th and 11th floors today – thank you again for your cooperation as we get your resident doors painted!

Project Updates from Jesse

Tape, prep, paint & repeat.
Another door checked off the list!
Steady hand to prep and paint the door.
Caulking one of the door frames on the 10th floor.

Monday, January 20th: Good afternoon! 

We’ve survived the weekend snow and cold and today we are back to work! 

A tad warmer and sunny this week!

The crews are continuing to make their way down the floors at Gallery Towers. Today they are prepping and painting on the 12th and 13th floors. 

Painting the common area doors at the stairs.
Prepped and sanding is in progress.
Taping off the door and away we go!

Friday, January 17th: Hello and TGIF! 

Snowmageddon is upon us and we are awaiting its wintery arrival! 

While we wait, the crews are finishing up the common areas doors on the 15th floor as well as prep and painting the resident doors on the 14th floor. 

We’ll resume our prep and painting on Monday with the 12th and 13th floors. Thanks and have a great weekend! 

Thumbs up from Hermes on the sanding of this resident door.
Completing one of the common area doors on the 15th floor.

Thursday, January 16th: Good morning! 

The cold is here!

It’s the coldest morning of this winter and we are feeling it! Bundle up, start your car early, and grab that extra hat! The cold sticks around through the weekend and we’re expecting some serious snow. Time will tell – but please stay safe if you’re needing to be out and about! 

The crew is prepping and painting on the 15th and 16th floors, resident doors as well as painting the elevator doors. This means that only one elevator is usable while we are painting the other. Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 

Wednesday, January 15th: Good morning! 

We are right on schedule as the crews have moved down to the 18th and 17th floors. They are taping off frames, caulking edges, sanding the doors, and the applying the top coats. They are already looking refreshed and renewed with a fresh coat of paint!

Sanding and prepping one of the doors on the 17th floor.
Taped off and caulking the edges.

Tuesday, January 14th: Greetings! 

The crew completed common area doors and frames yesterday and today is moving onto prepping and painting the resident doors on the 19th and 20th floors. We’d like to say thank you to the residents for their cooperation to get your resident doors painted! 

Taping around the door frame.
Prepping and sanding the door.
Production Team member, Jesse gives one of the doors a good sanding before painting.

Monday, January 13th: Good afternoon! 

We are off and running at Gallery Towers! The crews are starting on the 20th and 19th floors with prep work and painting of common area items. They’ll then begin painting the doors on the 20th and 19th floors tomorrow and will make their way down, completing 2 floors/day as the schedule shows above. Thanks for following along and we’re looking forward to sharing the process here on the blog!

Prepping common area door frames.
Taping off the door frames.
And the tape comes off.
Prepping and painting along the top edge.
Prepping and caulking the door frames.

Tuesday, January 7th: Good afternoon and welcome to your project blog! 

We’ll be kicking off your project on Monday, January 13th. This project consists of prepping and painting the residence front doors and door frames as well as the common area doors and frames – i.e. trash rooms, stairwell doors as well as elevator doors and frames. 

We’ve posted the door painting schedule above for your reference and we will begin on the 20th floor and work our way down. The schedule states we’ll be painting doors on two floors/day. If you are not home while your floor/door is scheduled, a representative from First Service, your management company will be stationed on each floor where work is currently being completed to open and close doors as they are dry. 

Once the doors are painted they’ll need a minimum of 3 hours to be left in the open position for sufficient dry time. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation and we’re looking forward to getting started next week! 




Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296