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Completed Projects
Updated on October 29, 2019 | Completed Projects

Private Residence, Eden Prairie – Kitchen Enamel Project

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the project blog for a residential kitchen enamel project. We are thrilled to be showing you the process and progression of before to after!

Monday, October 28th: Good morning! 

The crew has wrapped up on this kitchen project over the weekend and there are only a few touch ups and misc. items remaining. We are loving the brighter and lighter space with the newly painted cabinets, island, and butler pantry as well as the kitchen walls. 

The wall color is Knitting Needles by Sherwin Williams, the Enamel/Cabinet color is White Dove by Benjamin Moore, and finally the Island color is Pewter Cast by Sherwin Williams. 

The Butler Pantry is ready to be stocked.
Light and Bright in the kitchen.
The accent island in Pewter Cast is bold and refined.
Can’t go wrong with brightening up the space with White Dove.
The newly enameled window trim and baseboards are looking great!

Friday, October 25th: Greetings and TGIF! 

We’ve got an extra pep in our step after the Vikings Thursday night win over the Washington Redskins – they are prepping and painting the walls and returning the doors and drawers back to their correct places. 

They are hopeful to wrap up tomorrow, but at the latest a few items on Monday. It has been our pleasure sharing the project progress here on the blog and we’re looking forward to posting the famed ‘After’ photos! 

The butler pantry is sprayed and ready!
Lots of doors and drawers to put back on.
The kitchen island is back in business.
Putting on the doors and drawers.
Wall painting in progress.

Thursday, October 24th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is cruising along in this kitchen. They are prepping and covering the kitchen cabinets and areas sprayed white. They’ll be spraying the accent areas – the island and butler pantry. We can’t wait to see it all completed!

The butler panty built in takes a turn!
Covering the already sprayed areas to complete the island.

Tuesday, October 22nd: Good morning! 

The crew has recently completed their prep- applying putty/Bondo and sanding to the cabinets, doors, drawers and insets. They have also sprayed the 1st coat of enamel. Next up is another round of applying putty and sanding before they spray the 2nd and final coat of enamel. 

Round 1 of enamel is complete.
Make no mistake, this kitchen is going to brighten right up!
Now the crew will complete another round of filling in the gaps, imperfections and sanding it down.
Making progress in the kitchen!
The first coat of enamel has been sprayed.

Monday, October 21st: Good afternoon! 

Over the weekend the crew sprayed the primer onto the cabinet faces, bases, island, trim and some of the doors and drawers. Once the areas have been primed they then start to use a product called Bondo to fill in the imperfections and unevenness of the wood grains. This step of Bondo and sanding is what the crew will be focused on today. Once areas are sanded, they’ll spray the enamel. 

The kitchen has been primed.
Prepped and primed.
The crew will utilize a spotlight to see imperfections in the wood surfaces.
Bondo, the red putty, is applied to fill grains and is then sanded down.
Lots of plastic and covering of ceilings, floors, and appliances.
The crew will utilize a spotlight to see imperfections in the wood surfaces.

Friday, October 18th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew has started at this home. Step 1) remove doors and drawers, label them, and tape off and line the cabinets with plastic. The first day is heavy on the prep as you can see by the amount of covering needed — floors, drawer and cabinet openings, and around walls and ceilings. Once the area is prepped and covered they’ll begin to apply the primer. Stay tuned for more updates!

Taping off the inside of the cabinet fronts.
Paper, plastic, and tape – Oh My!
Prep day!
Covering the floors and putting plastic on the cabinet fronts.
Removing doors and drawers.
Taking off and labeling doors and drawers.

Thursday, October 17th: Greetings and welcome to your project blog! 

You can follow along the progress of the project as we’ll be posting photos and updates for the kitchen enamel project. Currently the cabinets are a Maple finish and we’ll prepping, filling wood grains, sanding, priming and applying two coats of the enamel. It will be a complete transformation as we paint the cabinets OC-17 White Dove by Benjamin Moore, the island AW 7673 Pewter Cast, and the walls SW 7672 Knitting Needles. The white cabinets are really going to pop and make the space so much brighter! 

We’ll be posting a few before photos and will also add some prep photos as the crew gets started later today. Thanks so much for following along and we’re looking forward to sharing the transformation! 

The desk area is ready to be brightened up!
The pantry stands tall and is ready for a color change.
Can’t go wrong with a white and gray combo!



Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296