Phalen Crossing II – St. Paul

Phalen Crossing II – St. Paul

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the project blog for the painting project at Phalen Crossing II in St. Paul. We are thrilled to be onsite with you!

Sign Up for Door Painting HERE

September 2024

1 Monday, April 26th  Monday, May 3rd
2 Tuesday, April 27th Friday, May 7th
3 Tuesday, April 27th Wednesday, May 12th
4 Wednesday, April 28th Monday, May 17th
5 Monday, May 17th Tuesday, June 1st
6 Tuesday, May 18th Tuesday, June 1st
7 Wednesday, May 19th Tuesday, June 8th
8 Thursday, May 20th Wednesday, June 9th

Tuesday, July 6th: Good morning!

The crew has completed the project and has finished the touch-ups as well. It was our pleasure being onsite. We hope you are enjoying the newly painted exteriors and have a great rest of your summer! 

Tuesday, June 29th: Greetings!

The crew will be finishing the touch-ups at Phalen Crossing today. It will then be ready for our production manager Jesse to do a final walk through.

Saturday, June 26th: Good afternoon!

The crew has wrapped things up at Phalen Crossing. We will be doing our walk-through and marking things up with blue tape for touch-ups in the next few days. Please do not remove the tape, this indicates to the crew what needs to be touched up.

Friday, June 25th: Good morning!

The crew finished up with the staining today. They will be painting doors today and tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day to have your door painted. If you did not make an appointment and do not answer your door when the crew knocks your door will be painted while it is closed. The crew will be wrapping up the project tomorrow as well.

Working hard to stain your decks.

Lots of focus while painting your doors!

The doors are looking great/

Thursday, June 24th: Good afternoon!

The crew is finishing putting the stain on Building 8 today.

Look at that focus!

Wednesday, June 23rd: Greetings!

The crew is onsite and they are painting Building 8. They hope to be finished with all of the project on Saturday.

The crew is working hard on Building 8.

The progress is looking great.

Monday, June 21st: Good afternoon!

The crew is continuing to work on painting the rear elevations and trim. They are working on Building 6 today. They are also working on the railings at Building 7.

Thumbs up for trim painting.

Smiles on as we work on the railing!

The railing progress is looking great.

Friday, June 18th: Greetings!

The crew is onsite this morning and working diligently on Building 5. They are painting the rear elevation and trim. Remember to get on the schedule to have your door painted if you haven’t already. You can do this by using the calendar tool above.

The crew is working hard on Building 5!

Ready to paint this morning.

Thursday, June 17th: Good morning!

We are onsite this morning and working diligently. The crew is painting the trim on Building 4.

Getting the trim ready to paint.

Prepped and painting away.

Getting the job done.

Wednesday, June 16th: Greetings!

We’ve posted notices regarding door painting at Phalen II. The crew will be knocking and completing door appointments, which you can schedule above using the calendar tool. Thank you!

The crew is back at it again today! They are currently working on Building 5.

Working hard this afternoon!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Tuesday, June 15th: Good afternoon!

The crew is continuing to paint the rear elevations. They are also painting the signs today.

Painting the rear elevation.

Your sign is looking great!

Fixing up your sign.

Monday, June 14th: Greetings!

The crew is onsite today painting the rear elevations on Building 4.

Working hard!

Friday, June 11th: Good afternoon!

The crew is picking up from where they left off yesterday painting the trim of Building 7. 

Painting the trim with a smile!

Ladders up and we’re working hard.

Smiling because it’s Friday!!

Thursday, June 10th: Greetings!

The crew is continuing to paint the trim of Buildings 7 and 8 today.

Thumbs up as we paint the trim!

Painting away today.

Wednesday, June 9th: Good morning!

The crew is onsite and will be prepping and painting at Buildings 7 and 8 today.

Prepping the garage door.

Working hard this morning!

Tuesday, June 8th: Good afternoon!

The crew is continuing to paint the trim on Building 6 and has started to paint Building 7.

Caulking this afternoon.

Smiles on and painting away.

Ladder is up and we are ready to go.

Monday, June 7th: Greetings!

Hope you all stayed cool this weekend! The crew is onsite starting prep on Building 7 and painting the trim on Building 6.

Prep on Building 7 is underway.

Smiles are on as we paint the trim!

The trim is looking great.

Friday, June 4th: Good morning!

The crew is continuing their work on Buildings 5 and 6 today. Have a great weekend!

Thumbs up & ready to work.

Ladders are going up!

Thursday, June 3rd: Greetings!

The crew is onsite today and will be working on Buildings 5 and 6.

Ladders up and painting away.

Smiles on as we are caulking.

Wednesday, June 2nd: Good morning!

The crew is continuing on their route and will be painting Building 5 today. 

Painting away at Building 5.

Tuesday, June 1st: Greetings and Happy June!

The crew is onsite after a beautiful memorial weekend. They are working on painting Building 4 today.

Working on painting.

Painting the door frame.

Ladders are up and smiles are on!

Friday, May 28th: Good afternoon!

The crew is back onsite today. They are continuing their work on Building 4. Have a great memorial weekend!

Ladders up at Building 4!

Thursday, May 27th: Good morning!

The crew will not be onsite today but we are hoping to be back tomorrow as long as the weather cooperates.

Wednesday, May 26th: Greetings!

The rain has finally stopped and the crew is back onsite! They are continuing to paint Building 4 today. 

Focusing hard to get the job done.

Ready to start the day painting!

Tuesday, May 25th: Good morning!

Unfortunately the weather did not hold off so the crew is unable to work today due to the rain.

Monday, May 24th: Greetings!

The crew will not be onsite today because it is too wet to paint. They will return tomorrow as long as the weather holds off.

Friday, May 21st: Good morning!

The crew finished pressure washing all buildings yesterday. They are now just waiting for the weather to improve so they can return to paint. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 20th: Good afternoon!

The crew is onsite pressure washing and will finish all buildings today.

Pressure washing the front.

Almost done with the pressure washing!

Wednesday, May 19th: Greetings!

Due to the rain yesterday we are going to let things dry out before coming onsite today. The crew will be back around lunchtime to continue working!

The crew is onsite now and will be pressure washing today and tomorrow. They will delay painting until there is no more rain.

A little rain delay isn’t gonna stop us!

The crew is hard at work today.

Your sign will look brand new in no time!

Tuesday, May 18th: Good morning!

The crew is painting Building 4 and pressure washing Building 6 today. 

Painting is underway on Building 4.

Pressure washing Building 6.

Hard at work on Building 6.

The crew is working hard on Building 4!

Monday, May 17th: Greetings!

The crew is pressure washing Building 5 today. They will get started on their prep and painting of Building 4 today as well. 

Pressure washing the siding.

Hard at work!

Ladder is up and we are ready to go.

Friday, May 14th: Good afternoon and happy Friday!

The crew is working on painting the trim at Buildings 1, 2, and 3 today. They’ll be starting to pressure wash the next phase of Buildings starting at #5 on Monday, 5/17. They’re planning to get through about 1 each day. 

We’ll also begin prep/painting at Building #4 on Monday as well. 

Working on trim at Phalen Buildings 1, 2, and 3.

Brightening up the door frames.

Wednesday, May 12th: Greetings! 

The crew is working on the siding and trim areas of Buildings 1, 2, and 3. They are working in blocks of work — first they are prepping and covering areas, then painting the siding, and lastly they will paint the trim. The crew will also be painting the pergola structures. 

The resident front doors are a part of the painting scope and we will post notices to sign up for a set date/time in the next few weekends. 

Prepping begins at Building #3.

Prep and covering.

Caulking on Building #3.

Tuesday, May 11th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is back onsite after the rain delay yesterday. They are continuing to prep and paint in sections around Building 2. 

We’ll be posting more notices on blue paper for Buildings #5 – #8 to begin pressure washing them on Monday, May 17th. We’ll plan to complete 1 each day and then use Friday, 5/21 as a make up day as needed for washing.

Back rolling the siding.

Spraying the siding.

Prep and covering windows.

Monday, May 10th: Good morning! 

With the morning rain, the crew will not be onsite today. They’ll resume prep and painting tomorrow. Thanks!

Friday, May 7th: Good afternoon and happy Friday!

The crew is continuing on Building #1 and has also started to prep on Building #2. 

Prep work on Building #2.

Taping off soffits.

Thursday, May 6th: Greetings! 

Blue skies and sunshine! 

The crew is continuing to prep sections of Building 1 and they are also starting to paint. 

Spraying the siding.

Spray… and then backroll.

Accent peaks are looking good!

Wednesday, May 5th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is continuing to prep and cover areas of Building 1. They are planning to begin painting towards the end of the week. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 4th: Good morning! 

Keeping on par with another sunny day. The crew is continuing to prep and paint around Building 1 at Phalen. 

Taping off the soffits.

Ready, set, spray!

Monday, May 3rd: Good afternoon! 

Hello and happy May! 

The crew is starting off at Building 1. They are prepping – taping off and covering areas, completing some caulking, and will then start to paint the select areas. 

Taping and prepping Building 1.

Onsite caulking and prepping.

Friday, April 30th: Good afternoon! 

We are thrilled the weather has turned and we haven’t seen rain in 3 days!

The crew has completed pressure washing Buildings 1 – 4 and will return on Monday to begin prepping and painting at Building #1. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Monday, April 26th: Good morning and happy project start day! 

The crew is onsite and we’ve fired up the pressure washers. We’ll be starting and building #1 and continuing through Building #4 over the next few days. 

Weather permitting, we are planning to be back next week to start our prep and painting on Building #1. 

Onsite and ready to pressure wash!

Spraying down and readying your buildings for prep and painting.

Tuesday, April 20th: Greetings!

Welcome to your project blog for the upcoming painting at Phalen Crossing II in St. Paul. We are looking forward to refreshing the exterior of your buildings. 

We have a crew that will be kicking off on Monday, 4/26 with pressure washing. We will begin with washing Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 4 which will likely take the crew through Wednesday, 4/28 to complete.

We kindly request that you please remove all small personal items from the exterior of your home for the pressure washing to allow for safe and unobstructed access for washing. Pressure washing will take multiple days to complete.   Once the washing is complete, you may return the items to their normal place.    

After the surfaces have had time to dry (about 5-7 days) the crew will return to begin their prep and painting on Building 1. We are projecting this prep/painting to begin on Monday, 5/3. 

We are projecting the entire project, all 8 Buildings to take about 6-8 weeks to complete. We will begin to wash another grouping of buildings as were progress onto the 3rd Building. Look for updates to the tentative finishing schedule above and also more blue notices posted regarding washing. 

Weather will have the biggest impact on our scheduling so please check back here for updates pertaining to rain days. 

You can continue to follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll post updates, share photos, update the finishing schedule and alert you of any weather delays. Please reach out to the contacts below if you have any questions. 

We’re looking forward to getting started next week! 

Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296

Houzz Best Of 2021 - Client Satisfaction

Houzz Best Of 2021 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2020 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2020 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2019 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2019 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2018 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2018 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2017 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2017 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2016 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2016 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.
Best of Houzz 2015 - Client Satisfaction

Best of Houzz 2015 - Client Satisfaction

This professional was rated at the highest level for client satisfaction by the Houzz community.


Comments (2)

  • Dereje Firissa Daba


    The system doesn’t allow to schedule an appointment. I need my doors to be painted on June 19 between 10-11 am. 1473 magnolia ave.


    • Dana


      Hi Dereje — you should be all set for painting on Saturday 6/19 at 10am. Thanks!


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Office: 763-559-5296
Fax: 763-557-9597
7301 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55423