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Completed Projects
Updated on July 19, 2018 | Completed Projects

Sunflower Ridge – Ramsey

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the painting project at Sunflower Ridge in Ramsey. We are excited to be onsite with you!

Route Map @ Sunflower Ridge

Friday, June 22nd: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is wrapping up on Building 15 this morning and then we’ll be on our way! Once your deck is complete, we recommend at least 24 hours before returning items to your deck. It has been our pleasure working at your association and we hope you have a great rest of the summer! 

If anyone has any concerns please reach out to Jesse our job supervisor- 612-363-4586.

Thursday, June 21st: Good afternoon! 

The crew is staining on the last few buildings and they are hopeful they’ll wrap up today as well!

Applying the stain to the deck skirt.

Staining on one of the decks.

Wednesday, June 20th: Hello and happy Wednesday! 

We’re back after 2 days of rain and the crew is making their way through your decks and entry stairs. They are working at Buildings 10 and 11 today. They are also hopeful to finish by Friday.

We are loving how the new stain is brightening up your deck boards.

Taking care of business – one deck at a time.

Monday, June 18th: Good morning!

With the weekend and last night’s rain, the crews are not onsite today. We’re hopeful that the substrates will dry out the remainder of today and that the crew will return tomorrow. Last week they completed the decks through Building #9. We’d anticipate there are 2 working days remaining. Thanks!

Friday, June 15th: Hello and TGIF!

Mother Nature has ordered up some ‘Hot & Humid’ weather for the weekend with the possibility of showers/storms scattered throughout. You can take your chances and head outdoors for numerous Farmer’s Markets as well as the Stone Arch Bridge Festival happening over the weekend. Don’t forget about Father’s Day on Sunday! 3 cheers for all the dads, grandpas, uncles, great-grandpas, and all of the dudes that have influenced you!

Plastic coverings to protect from drips, spray etc.

Staining your entry stairs.

Thursday, June 14th: Good morning residents of Sunflower Ridge! 

The crew has made their way to Building #3/4. They’ll continue on these Buildings today as well as start on #5. They’re getting through roughly 4 Buildings/day. So if all is clear with weather – they’ll get through #8/9 tomorrow, #11/12 Saturday and then finish on Monday. However, we are seeing some pending rain in the forecast for the weekend.

If you are in the 2nd half of the Buildings, we’d say you can put your furniture back onto your deck for the weekend. We’ll update the blog as best we can with weather delays and also progress as to when we’ll be at your Building. Thanks!

Projected Weather for the weekend.

Wednesday, June 13th: Hello and good afternoon! We hope you’re all having a great week thus far! 

The crew is off and running with the staining portion of your project. They’re starting in the N/NW corner and making ther way counter clockwise to each deck/stair area.

Deck staining – in progress!

The support beams take their turn for staining.

Friday, June 8th: Hello and TGIF! 

Your project is officially started and the crew is onsite pressure washing your decks and entry stairs. Once they are washed, the surfaces will need adequate time to dry to allow for optimum adhesion of the stain. The weekend’s weather forecast is somewhat variable with rain, so we’ll keep an eye on the weather and let you know if there are any delays to starting the staining on Monday, June 11th. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Washing and prepping @ Sunflower Ridge.

Ladder coordination to reach the 2nd story decks.

Nothing beats a Friday, Sunshine, and Pressure Washing.

Wednesday, June 6th: Hello residents of Sunflower Ridge! We’ll be starting your project on Friday with pressure washing your decks and entry stairs. We ask that you please remove any belongings from your deck during the pressure washing dates. After the decks have been pressure washed the wood will need some time to dry. You may replace and use your deck furniture for the weekend. Once the surfaces have had time to dry, we will be back onsite to begin the staining process. And we anticipate this will be on Monday, June 11th. 

We’ll be updating the blog with progress and scheduling updates throughout the project. We’ll start with the decks that were pressure washed first and then move in the same order as they were washed. 


Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296