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Completed Projects
Updated on July 22, 2019 | Completed Projects

Waycliffe I – Wayzata

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the 2018 Painting Project at Waycliffe I in Wayzata! We are looking forward to being back onsite with you this summer!

Wayclife I – Tentative Finishing Schedule
Building Pressure Washing Date Prep/Painting Start Date
473/483 Thursday, 5/16 Tuesday, 5/21
435/665 Friday, 5/17 Friday, 5/31 
450/460 Friday, 5/31 Tuesday, 6/4
500/510 Friday, 5/31 Saturday, 6/8

Thursday, June 20th: Good morning! 

We’ve just about wrapped at Waycliffe I with your deck staining being the final portion of the project. We’ll walk the last 2 buildings for touch ups and inspections soon. Thanks! 



Friday, June 14th: Hello and TGIF! 

Lots happening around the Twin Cities this weekend to check out — looks like a beautiful weather weekend as well! The Stone Arch Festival is this weekend, Fri-Sun in Minneapolis along Main St. in Minneapolis and not far from there, Boom Island Festival is Sat-Sun. If you’re looking to cheer on the Twinkies, they’ve got a home- game stretch through next Wednesday and they are crushing it!

The crew is just about wrapped, albeit a few remaining decks and a walk through and touch ups on the 3rd and 4th buildings. It has been our pleasure working with and for you! 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 13th: Greetings!

The crew is prepping and painting in the entry areas as well as painting trim. They’ll finish up in the next day or two—the decks are the last few items to be painted. Thanks!

Painting in the entry areas this afternoon at Waycliffe I.

 Prepping and painting the entry trim.

Wednesday, June 12th: Good afternoon! 

We’re in the home stretch as the crew is wrapping up on the final building for this year’s project. Aagin, it has been our pleasure to be onsite with you this summer and we hope you enjoy your freshly painted buildings!

Brush and roll on the last section of Building 500/510

A section of the last building is all sprayed.

Monday, June 10th: Hello and happy Monday!

The crew is continuing to prep and paint around the 500/510 Building. As with the other building, this includes covering windows, taping edges, and caulking seams.

Putting up plastic over the windows.

Scraping and caulking in action.

Thursday, June 6th: Good afternoon!

The crew is continuing to spray and brush and roll their way around the 3rd building and they hope to start the final building on Saturday. Thanks!

Tackling a section of the 3rd Building at Waycliffe. 

Ladders up to spray the siding.

Tuesday, June 4th: Hello!

The crew is continuing to prep and paint around the 450/460 Building as well as complete the decks. As a note, we’ll be re-stripping and painting the decks at 435-465 and 473 – thanks for your understanding.

Weather permitting we’ll be starting on the last building this week yet — we’ll keep you apprised of weather delays here on the blog. Thanks!

Monday, June 3rd: Hello and good afternoon! 

We hope you all had a great weekend! The weather gods have blessed us with continued sunshine and we are thrilled to be completing your buildings through the week without interruption from any rain!

 Project update with Nick.

Taping and prepping around the garage soffits.

Spraying a section of the siding.

Friday, May 31st: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is pulling double duty today and pressure washing the 450/460 & 500/510 Buildings as well as wrapping up the 473/483 and beginning on the 435/665 Building! Way to get after it crew!

We hope you all have a great weekend— seems this sunshine and warm weather will be sticking around through the weekend!

Pressure Washing Buildings 4 & 5 today.

Painting the trim on Building #1.

Priming a section of the siding.

Thursday, May 30th: Good afternoon! 

The weekend is in sight and the past two days have been just beautiful!

The crew is working around the first building and still anticipates to finish it up today— then on to 435/665.

Priming a section of the first building.

The garage is prepped and getting a fresh coat of paint.

Wednesday, May 29th: Greetings residents of Waycliffe!

Project Check – In

The crew is continuing to prep and paint in sections around the 473/483 Building. They are anticipating to finish this building tomorrow and then depending on time, with either start the 435/665 Building tomorrow, 5/30 or Friday, 5/31.

We’ll also be pressure washing the remaining two buildings, 450/460 & 500/510 on Friday, 5/31. We kindly ask that you remove items from the exterior of your home to allow the crew unobstructed access while pressure washing. Thanks!

2 hands on deck on the front elevation of the 473/483 Building.

Rolling out a section above the garage.

Prepping along another section of Building 1.

Tuesday, May 28th: Good afternoon!

We hope you all had a meaningful Memorial Day weekend! We enjoyed our time away from work spent with family and friends. 

The crew resumed their prep work and painting on the first building today.

Caulking along the garage seams.

Scraping and prepping the siding of Building #1.

Tuesday, May 21st: Hello!

Updates regarding prep work and when painting will commence.

The crew is onsite and prepping away. Due to the impending rain this afternoon and evening the crew is completing some prep steps. They are caulking, scraping, and priming select areas and then when the weather is dry and favorable we’ll begin painting. Thanks!

Caulking the seams.

Prepping and scraping this section of the 473/483 Building.

Monday, May 20th: Good morning residents of Waycliffe! We hope you all had a great weekend!

In honor of last night’s final Game of Thrones episode and the unfortunate weather we’re having here in MN, this meme is pretty perfect for today.

One can only hope this is the last ‘cold spell.’

With the temperatures dipping lower than ‘usual,’ we’ve postponed our start date at Waycliffe. There also seems to be some wet weather upon us as well this week. We’ll keep you updated with our impending arrival — we just want to make sure the conditions are favorable and in line with our application methods and procedures. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding!

Friday, May 17th: Good afternoon and TGIF!

The crew is taking care of the 435/665 Building today with pressure washing the exterior. The plan is to return on Monday to begin the prepping and painting of the 473/483 Building. We’ll let you know via the blog if the impending weekend rain will affect our start— thanks so much and have a great weekend!

Spraying down the siding.

435/665 Building is getting prepping for painting.

Thursday, May 16th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is off and running at Waycliffe this morning. They are starting on the 473/483 Building with pressure washing the exterior of the building and will return to pressure wash the 435/665 Building tomorrow. 

With weather permitting, we’ll then return on Monday to begin prepping and painting on the 473/483 Buildling- stay tuned for further updates. Thanks!

Rain gear, or pressure washing gear rather, is out in full force at Waycliffe.

Tuesday, May 14th: Good afternoon and welcome to your project blog for the 2018 Painting Project at Waycliffe I in Wayzata! 

We are excited to be back onsite and prepping and painting four of your buildings. We’ll begin on Thursday, 5/16 with pressure washing the 473/483 Building. On Friday we will pressure wash the 435/665 Building.

For pressure washing, we kindly ask that you please remove all personal items from your deck for the pressure washing and small items from the outside of your home to allow for safe an unobstructed access while washing. Once the pressure washing is complete, you make return the contents to your deck. 

We’ll then return on Monday, 5/20 to begin prepping and painting on your Building (473/483) and we anticipate 4-6 working days to complete your building. We’ll be updating the ‘Projected Finishing Schedule’ above as we know more on completion times or as weather may affect our schedule. 

Please continue to check here on the blog for project updates, progress photos, and any other pertinent info regarding your project.

Thank you again for having us back onsite and we’ll see you on Thursday!