Gables at Waterstone Bay – Blaine 2019 Project

Gables at Waterstone Bay – Blaine 2019 Project

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming staining project at Gables at Waterstone Bay in Blaine! 

 Route Map – Starting at 2423 and moving clockwise

Door Painting Schedule – FINAL

July 2024

Wednesday, August 14th: Good afternoon! 

There are several doors that remain to be painted — we’ve posted notices on those corresponding garage door frames. We’ll be onsite this Saturday, 8/17 to paint these doors. The crew will be knocking on the doors as well as taking appointments through the calendar tool above. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 30th: Greetings! 

The crew will be back onsite for the final day of door painting on Saturday, August 3rd. The crew will be knocking on doors and if you are home, kindly open your door to be painted or schedule a specific time for your door to be painted by leaving a comment below with the time requested and your address. Then those doors that remain will be painted in the closed position. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 23rd: Good morning residents of Gables of Waterstone! 

We are scheduled to prep and paint your front doors and interior doors where applicable at your association beginning on Friday, July 26th. 

The painting of your front doors will require resident participation to paint the door in the open position. Our crewmembers will be knocking on doors on Friday, 7/26 and Saturday, 7/27 from 8am – 5pm. If you are available, please open the door to have us paint. 

Once the doors are painted, they will need to be left open for a minimum of 2 hours after completion to allow sufficient dry time.

If you are unavailable on Friday and Satuday this week, we’ll be providing a make-up day on Saturday, August 3rd to paint all remaining doors. 

To make an appointment for door painting, please ‘Leave a Comment’ below with your address/unit and date/time requested. Please reference the tables above for availability as we’ll update the schedule as requests come in. Thanks!

Thursday, July 11th: Good afternoon!

We have great news! The crew is wrapping up on the last building today. It has been our pleasure staining your decks and we hope you have a great rest of the summer!

Wednesday, July 10th: Good morning residents of Gables at Waterstone.

The crew will not be onsite today due to yesterday’s rain. When completing a deck staining project, we need to ensure the decking material is completely dried out. We’ll return tomorrow to complete the remaining building and a half- 2429 and 2423. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 9th: Greetings!

The crew is continuing to prep and paint their way around Gables at Waterstone and are at Building 2437. Also, wanted to point out a mistake on our part, the crew started at 2495 and it moving counter clockwise for the staining – our apologies for any confusion. They have the 2437, 2439, and 2423 Buildings remaining. Thank you!

Step by step the crew completes the entry stairs.

Staining the decks board by board.

We’re halfway there!

Monday, July 8th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is off and running and prepping and staining the included decks, starting at the 2429 Building. 

Prepping and staining on the entry stairs. 

Staining the deck one board at a time.

Wednesday, July 3rd: Hello!

Happy 4th of July!

The crew will begin their prep and painting of the included trim areas – garage and front door frames and will then begin the staining starting on Monday, 7/8. Thanks and have a safe, fun, and festive 4th of July and holiday weekend!

Tuesday, July 2nd: Good afternoon!

The crew is continuing to pressure wash the included decks in this year’s painting project. We’ll return on Monday to begin staining — starting at the 2429 Building and then moving clockwise. Thanks!

Washed and ready for staining — we’ll be back on Monday to begin staining.

Readying the entry steps for staining.

Friday, June 28th: Good afternoon residents of Gables at Waterstone Bay. Thanks for having us onsite!

We’ll be pressure washing, prepping, and staining select decking as part of an insurance issue from some hail damage— so not quite the best circumstances, but we’ll get the job done!

We’ve posted a list of included Buildings and units above as well as a map of your association. We’ll be starting at the 2423 Building and moving clockwise to the included buildings/units.

You can follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll post a finishing schedule as we near the start of the staining.

Saturday, 6/29 and into early next week we’ll be pressure washing the select decks and then you can move your furniture back onto your deck for the upcoming holiday weekend. We will begin with theentry steps and if you are able to remove your deck contents, great we’ll wash that too. Otherwise, the decks will get washed starting on Monday, 7/1.

We’ll begin the staining portion of the project on Monday, 7/8 – starting at the 2423 Building and following the same route as the pressure washing.

Please let us know if you have any questions pertaining to the project and we’ll keep this blog updated several times a week with progress updates, project photos, and any weather delays that may come up.

Thanks so much and have a great weekend!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296


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Fax: 763-557-9597
7301 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55423