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Completed Projects
Updated on September 11, 2017 | Completed Projects

Arbor Field Village Homes – Chaska

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to the official project blog for your deck staining project @ Arbor Field Village Homes in Chaska! We are looking forward to working with and for you! 

Route Map @ Arbor Field HOA

Thursday, August 31st: And just like that we’re closing out August and moving into September! 

It’s a big day for Minnesota sports- Twins vs. White Sox @ 1:10pm, Gophers vs. Buffalo Buffs @ 6pm, and the Vikings vs. Dophins @ 7pm. Lots of cheering and hopefully celebrating ahead!

The crew is wrapping up the last few decks to stain this morning. Thanks again for having us onsite and we hope you have a great fall and rest of the year!

Wednesday, August 30th: Hello! 

The crew is finishing up the decks on the first building and will then be working on the 2nd and 3rd buildings today. There are only a few decks remaining that the crew will complete in the morning. It has been our pleasure working with and for you and we hope you have a great rest of the year!

Ladders are up on Building #2.
Drop cloths and paper: prepped and ready to go!

Tuesday, August 29th: Good afternoon residents of Arbor Field! 

The crew is out in full force and working to stain your decks, posts, and joists. They’re continuing to paint on the first building.

Staining the deck joists.
Close up view of the deck joists.
Taping and prepping in progress.

Monday, August 28th: Hello and welcome to your project blog for this summer’s deck staining project!

We completed pressure washing last week and will have someone onsite this afternoon. With all of the rain on Friday and Saturday we wanted to make sure that the decks had completely dried out before we begin staining them. We’ll have the full crew onsite tomorrow. 

We’ll be starting on the East side of the association at 3111 Clover Ridge Drive and then we’ll be moving further West to the 3130 Thoreau Road and then finally to 1390 Romeo Court. We’ve also outlined the route in the map above. 

You can continue to stay updated on project progress and have a better idea of where the crew is working and when they’ll be at your deck. Thanks so much for having us and we’re looking forward to being onsite!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296