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Completed Projects
Updated on July 29, 2020 | Completed Projects

Windward at Dancing Waters – Woodbury 2020

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the 2020 painting project at Windward at Dancing Waters in Woodbury. We are thrilled to be back onsite with you again this year!

Garage Decking – Finishing Route
Windward – Tentative Garage Decking Staining Schedule
Building Pressure Washing Date Prep and Staining Start Date
Building 1 – 10733 Friday, July 10th Thursday, July 16th
Building 2 – 10735 Friday, July 10th Thursday, July 16th
Building 3 – 10737 Friday, July 10th Friday, July 17th
Building 4 – 10739 Fri/Sat July 10th or 11th Friday, July 17th
Building 5 – 10741 Saturday, July 11th Friday, July 17th
Building 6 – 10743 Saturday, July 11th Saturday, July 18th
Building 7 – 10745 Saturday, July 11th Saturday, July 18th
Building 8 – 10747  Monday, July 13th Saturday, July 18th
Building 9 – 10749 Monday, July 13th Saturday, July 18th
Building 10 – 10751 Monday, July 13th Saturday, July 18th
Building 11 – 10753 Monday, July 13th Saturday, July 18th
Building 12 – 10755 Monday, July 13th Monday, July 20th
Building 13 – 10757 Tuesday, July 14th Monday, July 20th
Building 14 – 10759 Tuesday, July 14th Monday, July 20th 
Building 15 – 10752 Tuesday, July 21st Friday, July 24th
Building 16 – 10754 Tuesday, July 21st Friday, July 24th
Building 17 – 10756 Wednesday, July 22nd  Friday, July 24th
Building 18 – 10758 Wednesday, July 22nd  Friday, July 24th
Building 19 – 10738 Wednesday, July 22nd  Saturday, July 25th
Building 20 – 10736 Thursday, July 23rd Saturday, July 25th
Building 21 – 10734 Thursday, July 23rd Saturday, July 25th
Building 22 – 10732 Thursday, July 23rd Saturday, July 25th


Windward – Tentative Painting Finishing Schedule
Building Pressure Washing Date Prep and Painting Start Date
Building 1 – 10759 Monday, June 8th Thursday, June 11th
Building 2 – 10743 Tuesday, June 16th Monday, June 22nd
Building 3 – 10737 Tuesday, June 16th Wednesday, July 8th

Friday, July 24th: Greetings!

Happy Friday! It’s going to be a HOT one folks – stay cool out there ????

The crew is staining 4 of your decking areas today and then the final 4 tomorrow. We are also completing touch ups on the areas we’ve painting on the 3 buildings. We’re looking to be wrapped up by Monday or Tuesday. Always a pleasure painting at Windward. Thank you! 

Thursday, July 23rd: Good afternoon! 

Wednesday, July 22nd: Greetings! 

The crew is rounding our more pressure washing of your garage side decking today and tomorrow. They’ll finish the staining on Friday and Saturday as well. Thanks!

Monday, July 20th: Good afternoon! 

The crew was onsite over the weekend to stain more of your decking and are continuing to stain today. 

Staining your garage side decking.
Staining the outer edges.

Thursday, July 16th: Good morning!

The crew is continuing to prep and paint at Building #3 today. We are also staining your garage decking. We will complete 1 and 2 today and then 3-5 tomorrow. Thank you!

Painting on Building 3.
Ladders are up and we are ready to paint!

Wednesday, July 15th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is prepping, priming, and painting at Building #3 today. They are hopeful to wrap up in the next 1-2 days, weather permitting. We are waiting on stain approval and then we’ll get going on the staining. Thanks! 

Painting the decking areas.
Priming a section of Building 3.
Spraying the blue.
Spraying the top coat on one of the side elevations.

Tuesday, July 14th: Greetings! 

The crew will not be painting today because of the rain. They will continue to wash your garage decking though. Thank you!

Monday, July 13th: Good morning! 

The crew is continuing to prep and paint around Building #3 and are tentatively set to wrap up mid week. We’re also continuing to pressure wash the decking and will be washing Buildings 9, 10 and 11. 

All prepped and covered for painting the siding.
Putting plastic up over the railings.
I spy with my little eye…
Spraying the top coat.

Friday, June 10th: Greetings!

It’s not a rain day! (Insert HAPPY DANCE) ????☀️

The crew is back at it – prepping, priming, and spraying at Building #3. We have also started our pressure washing phase. We’ll complete Buildings 1-3 today and 4-7 tomorrow. We are washing your garage side entry stairs and landings. 

Moving around the corner and putting our ladders up.
Using a solution to help remove old stain from your decking.
All primed on the rear elevation.
Caulking around the support posts.
Before we applied the solution and washed the steps.
Clean and free of the previous stain and paint.

Thursday, July 9th: Good morning!

The crew will not be onsite today due to the morning rain. We hope to be able to return tomorrow. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 8th: Good afternoon!

The crew is onsite today and starting their prep work on Building #3. If the weather holds and dries out the surfaces enough, they will also start to prime sections of the building. 

We will be starting pressure washing your garage decking – steps/platforms starting on Friday, 7/10 with Building 1. 

Ladders up to begin our prep work and covering on Building 3.

Tuesday, July 7th: Greetings! 

*Update — it has started to rain and the crew has been called off for today. We’ll be back tomorrow!

We will tentatively be starting the next phase of the project on Friday, July 10th with pressure washing of your garage decking – stairs/entry landing and then stair skirts/risers. 

Kindly move items off of these decking areas to allow for unobstructed access while washing and then staining. We’ll make our way through all 22 buildings for pressure washing – completing about ~3/4 Buildings each day. The staining is tentatively set to begin on Tuesday, July 14th at Building 1. 

The finishing schedule above with with updated frequently to reflect the crew’s progress so you can know when to expect them at your unit. Thank you!

The crew will be onsite today and starting their prep work on Building #3. They are anticipating about 5 working days to complete this final building. Thanks!

Monday, July 6th: Good morning!

There is a rain delay today. The crew will return as surfaces dry out. We will keep you posted. 

Thursday, July 2nd: Good morning! 

The crew will resume their painting of Building #2 today. We’ll be back onsite on Monday, 7/6 after the holiday weekend. 

Wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 1st: Good morning!

The crew is working on the front elevation of Building #2 today. They’ll be getting started on Building #3 on Monday, 7/6 – thanks!

Front elevation work.

Tuesday, June 30th: Greetings!

The crew is back onsite and they are moving from the rear of Building 2 to the front side. They are anticipating with dry to weather to finishing the Building in 2-3 working days. 

Painting trim on Building 2.
Painting the underside soffits and fascia.
Prepping  and covering on the front.

Monday, June 29th: Good morning!

There is a rain delay today due to all of the overnight and morning rain. The crew will return as surfaces dry out. We will keep you posted! 

Thursday, June 25th: Greetings!

The crew is priming sections today and also spraying on the top coat of some sections.

Priming the side.
Spraying a section!
Ladders are up and ready to go.

Wednesday, June 24th: Good afternoon!

Unfortunately due to the rain last night and some this morning it is too wet to paint today. The crew will return tomorrow to continue prepping and painting! 

Tuesday, June 23rd: Greetings! 

Painting our way around Building 2 today. 

Rolling the siding.
Top coat on the rear elevation.
Spraying a section with the top coat.
Turning a corner with the top coat.
Rolling the primer on the siding.
Spraying the top coat at Building 2.

Monday, June 22nd: Good afternoon! 

We have started prep work on Building 2 and will then start to prime sections before applying the top coat.

Taping off edges.
Covering windows on the patios.
Ladders up to prep and cover.

Friday, June 19th: Hello and TGIF!

The crew has picked back up on Building 1 —- prepping and painting their way around the building. 

Have a great weekend!

Painting along a section of siding.
Going down!

Thursday, June 18th: Good Morning!

The crew will not be onsite today with the forecasted rain. We’ll keep you posted on their return. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 17th: Good Morning!

The crew is still continuing to prep and paint Building 1. They will start that process on Building 2 tomorrow!

Garage door in progress.
Prepping the garage door!
Getting close to finishing on Building 1.
Another hot day!

Tuesday, June 16th: Greetings! 

The crew is pressure washing Buildings 2 and 3 today —they are continuing to prep and paint around Building 1 as well. Thanks!

Pressure washing day.
We may have to spay ourselves to cool off!
Cleaning up the garage doors.

Monday, June 15th: Good Afternoon!

We hope you all had a great weekend! Today we are spraying the top coat on Building #1. And as the schedule states, we will be pressure washing Buildings #2 and #3 tomorrow.

Building 1 is ready for the top coat!
Ladders are up & ready to go!
Getting ready to start spraying on the top coat for Building #1.

Friday, June 12th: Greetings! 

Hello and Happy Friday! It’s a beautiful day and we are priming our way around Building 1 today. We’ve also posted updates to the schedule for pressure washing the 2nd and 3rd Buildings on Tuesday, June 16th. Thanks!

Primer is going on.
Prepped, covered, and primed.
Primed and ready for paint.

Thursday, June 11th: Good morning! 

Back in action and beginning prep work on Building 1. 

Removing the downspouts.
Ladders up to cover windows on Building 1.
Taping off the edges.

Monday, June 8th: Good afternoon! 

We are back onsite at Windward. The crew is getting starting on washing Building #1 – 10759 today. They are anticipating to return on Wednesday to begin prepping and painting this building. Stay tuned for continued progress updates and further details on additional buildings, washing dates, and painting dates. Thanks! 

Washing and cleaning up Building 1.
Spraying down the siding.
Spraying all surfaces and readying them for painting.

Thursday, June 4th: Greetings! 

We are back at it! The crew will begin the 2020 painting project at Windward on Monday, June 8th with pressure washing of the first Building – 10759. 

For the washing, we kindly ask that each homeowner remove all small personal belongings from the outside of your home/deck for the pressure washing. Once the washing is complete, you may return your belongings to your deck. 

Once the substrates have had time to dry, the crew will be back to start prepping and painting the exterior of the building. We are project that date to be Wednesday, June 10th. 

You can continue to follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll provide frequent updates with progress made, project photos, and any delays should they come up. 

We are looking forward to being back onsite and sprucing up your buildings. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday! 

Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296


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