Paige Hall – Minneapolis
Paige Hall – Minneapolis
Project Complete
Greetings and welcome to your project blog for this year’s painting project at Paige Hall in Minneapolis. We are thrilled to be onsite with you!
Monday, May 4th: Greetings!
We are off and running at Paige Hall and are starting up on the 5th floor. We are wrapping up with that level today and will likely begin our prep and painting on the 4th floor shortly and will continue to make our way down to finish at the Leasing Office level.
Thank you!
Monday, May 2nd: Scheduled Project Start Date
Greetings residents of Paige Hall! With spring having not sprung, we are still plying our craft indoors waiting for Mother Nature to usher in some long overdue sun and warmth! But because we have limited control over that, let’s focus on what we do have control of, and that is sprucing up your hallways! Starting on Monday, the crew will arrive onsite to paint the walls and ceilings on your 5th/4th/3rd/2nd/1st/basement floors. We would kindly ask that as the project is being performed, residents be mindful of the fact that there will be wet paint, and they should traverse the hallways carefully.
We anticipate the project will take approximately 1-2 weeks to complete and you can monitor the project progress right here on the blog!
Dana Clark
Tags: Completed Projects