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Completed Projects
Updated on August 7, 2017 | Completed Projects

Beachside 1 – Minnetonka

Doors Complete

Greetings again residents of Beachside 1 in Minnetonka. We are thrilled to be onsite with you for the third consecutive year! 

Route Map @ Beachside I – UPDATED ROUTE

Wednesday, July 26th: Hello! 

You may have received a red notice taped to your garage frame alerting you of front door painting. The crew will be back onsite this Saturday, 7/29 from 9am- 2pm painting front doors. They’ll make an attempt to knock on your door, and if you’re home, kindly open your door to be painted, otherwise we will paint your door in the closed position. 

You may also make an appointment for a specific time on Saturday. We can schedule appointments on the hour. Please comment below on the blog with the time you’d like and your address. Thanks! 

As a reminder, when painted in the open position, the door will need about 2 hours to dry completely. Thanks! 

Time Saturday, July 29th
9am 5229 Beachside, 5341 Beachside, 1 spot available
10am 5366 Beachside, 2 spots available
11am 5358 Beachside, 5370 Beachside, 1 spot available
12pm 5261 Beachside, 2 spots available
1pm 3 spots available
2pm 5375 Beachside, 2 spots available

Monday, July 24th: Good afternoon! We hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the gorgeous weather! 

The crew wrapped up their painting on Saturday. The site supervisor will make his was around each building to mark any and all areas needing touch ups. This will happen mid week and then the painters will compete the list of touch ups. So if you do see some blue tape around your buildings, please leave it- this designated areas to be touched up. Thanks! 

Friday, July 21st: Good afternoon and happy Friday! Lots of things happening around the Twin Cities as usual this weekend: The Aquatennial continues with events today through Saturday, Anoka is hosting a food truck festival on Saturday, and Stillwater’s Lumberjack Days is tomorrow and Sunday. Hopfully the rain holds out for any adventures/activities you have planned! 

The crews are working on buildings 35-39 and cruising along! We’re hopeful they’ll wrap up early – mid week. Pictures coming soon! 

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, July 20th: Good morning! The crew is on hold for today. The exterior substrates got pretty wet from all of the rain and we want to make sure everything dries out completely before we paint. They hope to be back onsite tomorrow, though it looks like more rain may be in the forecast. Stay tuned here on the blog – we’ll be sure to keep you updated of any further delays. 

Wednesday, July 19th: Good morning Beachside. The annual Aquatennial Celebration kicks off today with various events in Minneapolis. Some of which include a blood drive, a tennis classic, food trucks & lawn games, the Torchlight 5k, then followed by the Torchlight Parade. The Minnesota Aquatennial was started to celebrate the city’s lakes, rivers, and streams and while the city still incorporates ‘water-loving’ events, it also includes events centered around Minneapolis culture, family, and fun. Here’s the link to the official website with all the details for the 4-day celebration! 

The crews are just cruising! They’re working up to buildings 35/36. With continued good weather, they’ll likely finish up by week’s end! Pictures coming soon. 

Jose R. paints the garage trim.
Jose carefully paints the front door trim.
The soffit underside is taped and primed and ready for paint.

Tuesday, July 18th: 

Rain Delay @ Beachside 1

Monday, July 17th: Good morning and happy Monday! We hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the gorgeous weather although it was a bit hot! 

The crews are working through Building # 26 and they’re averaging about 5-6 Buildings/day with the several crews we have onsite. Pictures to come soon!

Ever paints one of the resident doors.
Giving the shutters a fresh coat of paint.
Noe paints above the garage door.

Friday, July 14th: Good morning and TGIF! It’s going to be hot, hot, hot tomorrow so make sure to drink lots of water and try and stay out of the heat. If you’re looking for some fun and free stuff to do this weekend, the City Pages puts out Freeloader Friday– a summary of various happenings around the Twin Cities. Movies in the Park- Zootopia at Lake Harriet is playing tonight, the Ramset County Fair is all weekend, and then a Bastille Day block party at Barbette in Uptown on Sunday are a few that stand out.

The crews are working on buildings #11-18 today. They are completing about 2 buildings/day. Update* The crew will begin prepping and painting on buildings #19-22 tomorrow.

Jose paints the shutters.
Peek – a – Boo, Antonio!
Antonio Paints along the edge of the steps.

Thursday, July 13th: Good afternoon. It’s an exciting weekend for Minneapolis. The X- Games are being held at U.S. Bank Stadium. This is the first time the games are being held in the Midwest and we are excited that Minneapolis was the chosen venue. It’s reported that close to 100,000 people will be attending and in the area for the games. The best skateboarders, BMX racers, and motocross drivers will be entertaining audiences from today through Sunday. Linked is the X-Games website if you’re interested in attending any of the events or want to check out what all the hype is about. 

The crew is prepping and finishing Buildings 9, 10, and 11. They’re completing about 1 Building a day. ** Quick update: They are working through Building #12. 

Wednesday, July 12th: Good afternoon and happy Wednesday! 

One of the original pop- stars and divas, Diana Ross performed at Northrop Auditiorium last night. She brought her smile, sparkles, hit songs, and enthusiasm to a full house of eager fans. Maybe we can take her hit, “I Will Survive” to get through this heat and the rest of the week! 

The crew has finished buildings #1-4, aside from a few doors and is now prepping and painting on buildings #5-7. 

Tuesday, July 11th: Hello! It’s going to be another hot one! Make sure to drunk lots of water to stay hydrated. 

The crew is back onsite and prepping and painting Buildings #1-4. 

Monday, Juy 10th: Good morning Beachside I. We hope you all had a great weekend! 

The crew will be back onsite tomorrow to begin preppig and painting. We are finalizing paint colors and putting together a color map. We’ve also updated the finishing route for your project. We’ll be starting at the south side of the association on Beachside Drive with the odd addressed buildings and move counter-clockwise. We’ll then move to the even addressed buildings- starting in the same south side. Thanks!

Friday, July 7th: Good afternoon and happy Friday! With the short week, we have no complaints of it already being Friday. It looks like a pretty good weather weekend with Saturday being the most promising. There a lot of free activities happening around the Twin Cities- here’s a link to various activities from City Pages. Also the Basilica Block Party is happening tonight and tomorrow. All info, including available tickets can be found here if that strikes your fancy.

Fridays are for blue skies and pressure washing.

Thursday, July 6th: Good morning residents of Beachside I! We hope you all had a great 4th of July! 

The crew is onsite making their way around the association- starting in the south corner and moving clockwise around the outer ring of homes and then completing a similar pattern with the homes onthe inner ring. They’ll be pressure washing for the next few days. 

And they’re off!
Pressure washing the front steps and stoop areas.

Monday, June 26th: Good afternoon and welcome to the project blog for the 2017 painting project at  Beachside I. We are excited to be back onsite working with and for you again!

We’ll begin this year’s project with pressure washing the ‘driveway side’ of your buildings on Thursday, 7/6 through Saturday, 7/8. We ask that you remove any personal belongings/fragile items away from front stoops. The crew will follow the route listed above and begin at the south end of the association and move clockwise around the outer ring of buildings and then they will start the inner ring of buildings fromt the south end and again move clockwise. 

Once we’ve washed all of the buildings and they’ve had time to dry, we’ll be back onsite to begin the prepping and painting. This will likely be Monday, July 10th. 

For this year’s project, we’ll be painting fireplace chase metal caps, front door overhangs, front doors/frams, kick plates, band boards above garages, shutters, front stoop side walls  & select wood windows. 

Lastly, if you have any areas from last year’s paining project (2016) that you feel need to be addressed or touched up, please reach out to Issac so we can remedy your concerns while we are onsite this year. Isaac- 612-518-0272. 


Monday, August 22nd: Morning residents of Beachside 1! We hope you all had a great weekend. Our crew is finishing up the last building of Phase #3. Jesse, the onsite manager will be out in the next few days to do his final inspections and touch ups will be completed per his walk through. 

Beachside, you’ve been fantastic to work with and we’ve enjoyed being back onsite after 2 consecutive summers. We hope you enjoy the finished project and can enjoy your decks through the end of summer!  

Thursday, August 18th: Fear not, we’re still here at Beachside and the great news is that we’re completing the last building of Phase #3. As we are nearing the end of our project, we again want to thank all of you for your cooperation, patience, and hospitality. It has been our pleasure being onsite with you all. 

Jorge works tirelessly to complete the last building- the finish line is in sight and we’re out for the gold medal.

Thursday, August 11th: Morning residents of Beachside 1! We are continuing to move forward with pressure washing, allowing for ample dry times, then beginning prep and painting in Phase 3.

Stay tuned for futher updates!

Isaac does a Meet & Greet with Hermes, Project Manager @ Beachside 1

Santiago executing extreme precision as we close out painting for Phase 2.

Monday, August 8th: Good morning Beachside! Well, 2 down, 1 to go! Pressure washing will get underway on Tuesday for Phase 3 and it will pretty much follow the same pattern as have Phase 1, and Phase 2. The crew will pressure wash, allow the substrates to dry, then will begin prepping and painting. You can follow the progress right here on the blog as the week progresses. Tuesday and Wednesday look to be quite warm, so dry times should be somewhat expedited. 

Thanks everybody! 

Monday, August 1st: Happy Monday residents of Beachside 1. For those of you living at addresses we’ve deemed as “Phase 1” the fellas are making progress and have completed about 60% of the painting. 

For those of you that live in “Phase 2” you probably saw blue notices posted on your garage door frames indicating that pressure washing was to commence today. Thank you for your cooperation in moving items away from your deck railings. We really appreciate it as it helps us work efficiently. 

Painting will continue in Phase 1 and should get underway in Phase 2 on Wednesday (weather permitting). As we’ve made our way around the decks in Phase 1, we have noticed some additional carpentry repair considerations. Those have been communicated to your onsite carpenter, Tim and will be completed on an as-needed basis. Thank you to both residents and the board for their help in identifying these areas. Have a great day everybody!

Friday, July 29th: Happy Friday Beachside. Hope this message finds you well. After some very constructive dialogue from the board, and a productive onsite meeting to discuss finish expectations, things are ON TRACK at Beachside. 

The crew has completed the decks on approximately 5 buildings and as you may notice when walking around onsite, the severity of coating failure/scraping varies significantly from deck to deck. 

With that being said, to ensure a lasting, aesthetically pleasing finish, prepping these areas correctly is vital. This is why we scrape all areas where there is loose/flaking/peeling paint with scraping tools, then we apply a specialty adhesion primer, followed by a topcoat of a self priming paint, Sherwin Williams Duration. 

When PrimeRx is applied, it actually is hard to see because it is somewhat transparent and has the consistency analogous to that of Elmer’s School glue. But fear not…this primer is specially engineered to lock down edges/ridges to the underlying substrates. Then, when topcoated with “Duration,” the end result is protective, lasting, and aesthetically pleasing finish. 

As you can see, the amount of scraping required on some decks at Beachside is significant. If you look closely, you can see the application of PrimeRx.

Tuesday, July 26th: Good morning Beachside. We hope your week is off to a great start! As you may have discerned, the boys were onsite over the weekend to begin this year’s painting project, which starts with pressure washing. We did receive some feedback that some of the decking areas could have used a little better once-over and before any paint is applied to these areas, the crew will be supplementing the pressure washing efforts with hand-cleaning as needed to ensure the substrates are sufficiently prepped to receive paint and promote adhesion. After all, paint doesn’t stick to dirt!!!! 

The crew will be starting back at the top of Beachside Drive/Smetana and will be following the route listed above. After we get things underway, we should have a better idea of how many buildings we will complete per day, which in turn will give us a better idea of how long the entire project will take. 

Stay tuned right here for ongoing updates. 

Wednesday, July 20th: Hello again Beachside! It’s always nice to get invited back and after 2 consecutive summers of working together, we are thrilled to be joining you again this year to be tackling our biggest project together yet! This year we will be painting your porch/deck headers, your deck railings, deck support pillars, screen frames (where applicable), and the trim areas on the decking elevations on your home. 

For those of you that received notices on your garage door frames last night, you are part of “Phase 1” of the project. As you’ll see on the map above, the project will consist of 3 phases. The initial component of the project will entail pressure washing, which will then be followed by painting obviously. We will be following the same route for painting as we are pressure washing, and homeowners will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of when we intend to pressure wash. Painting will follow shortly thereafter after the substrates have had time to dry. 

Stay tuned right here for project updates. We anticipate the project will take about 4-5 weeks to complete.

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296