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Completed Projects
Updated on March 7, 2018 | Completed Projects

Northland Center – Bloomington

Project Completed by Friday, February 16th

Greetings and welcome to the official project page for the stairwell painting project at Northland Center. We’re glad you found us!

Thursday, February 15th: Admittedly, we got a little swept up by valentine’s day and jumped the gun on completion…with touchups being performed in the 3500 Building and the team nearing completion in the 3600 building, it’s looking like we won’t wrap until tomorrow. But. the good news is that overall, the project will finish ahead of the projected completion date and things should return back to normal in the center stairwells of Northland Center by Monday!

With the stairwells back in action by Monday, it’s probable that there will be reports of exploding Fit Bits.

Wednesday, February 14th: Despite urging from Drake nation, we did NOT start from the bottom on the on the stairwells at Northland Center. Instead, we’ve taken direction from our BOSS and we’re going down, down, down, down. Project should wrap by day’s end tomorrow, at which point, your eagle eye job supervisor Jesse will go over things with a fine tooth comb! Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, February 13th: Good morning Northland Center! Steady progress continues at Northland Center as the fellas transition from the 3500 Stairwell to the 3600 Stairwell. They will repeat the same process, making their way from top to bottom and we are projecting that the project will be completed by Thursday or Friday of this week! We want to once again thank all the tenants for their cooperation as we continue our work and we hope you are enjoying the fresh new digs!

The cutting crew diligently works away in the center stairwells at Northland Center.

Friday, February 9th: Good afternoon Northland Center and Happy Friday! Things are well underway in the center stairwell of the 3500 Building and at this rate, the crew will be finished with all included areas in the 3500 stairwell by the end of the day on Tuesday next week. We want to thank everybody for their cooperation the last couple of days as we ply our craft! 

Never one’s to shy away from both music references and Stanley Kubrick-esque symbolism, we’ve noticed a few, shall we say “coincidences” on the project so far. As the guys make their way to Level 4, they can’t help but deduce all that glitters is gold

To be a rock and not to [brush and] roll…and she’s buying a stairway to heaven…

Thursday, February 8th: Good morning tenants of Northland Center. We hope you are staying warm on in the midst of this cold snap! I know we are grateful to have inside projects, including the one that is getting underway this morning at Northland Center. 

Prep is underway on the top floors of the center stairwell in the 3500 building and we want to remind tenants to traverse the buildings through alternative means as you are able. 

We anticipate that the crew will complete a couple floors per day and you can monitor the ongoing progress right here on the blog. 

We also want to take a moment to thank our vendor partner, Sherwin Williams for sourcing the materials that comply with the LEED Certification. The goal is to work together to make the project a safe and seamless experience for our shared customers.

From left to right, Orlando, Jose, Jesse, Alfredo and Antonio get things underway!

When it comes to painting projects, we’ve got you covered Northland Center. LITERALLY.

Monday, February 5th: With the super bowl hoopla in the rearview mirror, life returns to normal in the Twin Cities and with that, we put on our hard hats and get back to work! For the boys in white at Roell Painting, this means getting things underway at Northland Center this coming Thursday, February 5th, as we’ve been hired to paint the center stairwells in both buildings onsite. 

Work will commence on the top floor of the 3500 Building and we will be working our way down to the 1st floor and among the areas designated for completion are the stairwell walls, handrails, stair undersides, stair risers and door frames. We anticipate that each stairwell will take approximately 1 week to complete and you can follow the project progress right here on the blog for any/all scheduling updates. 

We kindly ask that as work is being performed in the stairwells, tenants refrain from traversing the stairwells. There will be “wet paint” signs posted in the work areas but for safety reasons, it is advisable to use elevators or the other stairwells where work is not being performed. 

Also, to compy with your status as a LEED Certified building, we will be using Zero VOC paints to minimize paint odors. 

Thanks in advance everybody for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296