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Completed Projects
Updated on September 18, 2015 | Completed Projects

Park Glen – St. Louis Park

Tuesday, August 11th: Painting continues today!

Tuesday, August 11th:  The crew made great progress yesterday and we hope to finish up to the ’31 &’33 units today!

The crew begins taping off the metal railings to ensure that we don’t get any paint on your metal railings.

Backbrushing is crucial to work the paint into the porous cedar!

Monday, August 10th:  The paint crew is back onsite today after an unwanted extended weekend due to weather delays.  

Saturday, August 8th:  Although the rain kept the painters away for most of the day.  The carpenters were able to make great progress on removing & replacing rotted boards ahead of the painting crew. 

Before Roell Painting – see above

Replacing of rotted sheeting – During

The results “After” our skilled carpenters got their hands on the project!

Friday, August 7th:  Heavy rains have impeded our painting progress for the day!  Boo to that.  This will be our second day in a row where we have been stopped by the weather.  However, in order to deliver a quality project to the property we have to be mindful to not paint over substrates that moisture content is higher then 15%!

The bright side of the overnight rains is that it will allow our carpenters to get ahead of the painters.  The carpenters will be onsite today working through more wood replacement now that the product is available.   

Our plan is to return tomorrow (hopefully) to continue the painting. We will update our finishing schedule this weekend to reflect the forecast and delays.  Thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, August 5th: As the old saying goes, “We have finally rounded the corner” literally!  The crew is now working on the east elevation of the building.  We are a couple days behind our schedule and above you will find our new projection for the painting schedule.  

This schedule also includes a shorter day tomorrow, Thursday, as the meterologist are predicting rain tomorrow afternoon!

Monday, August 3rd: The crew was making progress on the inside circle today but we have fallen a little bit short of our goal to have the inside circle completed today.  

We are running about a day behind schedule on the siding painting so for those of minding the blog, push the completion day of the prep & siding painting back by a day to the map listed above! 

Micah & Jose’s spirits weren’t broke today although they are running slightly behind schedule.  The boys show off the “tools of the trade”.  Micah (right) has been nominated for “Best use of a Handmasker in an action/ drama project” for 2015.  If you are the committee, we ask for your vote in the upcoming ballot!!

Saturday, August 1st: With yet another picture perfect day as we head into August, we are throwing the kitchen sink @ Park Glen today with a crew of 8 onsite! We are just getting to the areas around the entry and we are hopeful that by the end of the day on Monday, we will be nearing completion on the inside circle of the building (weather permitting). Then we will be shifting gears to the outside perimeter of the building.

Mica inspects the prep work on the North Porch at Park Glen.

Thursday, July 30th: Prep and carpentry is in full swing at Park Glen, specifically in the 200-212 areas (see above map) and now available is the projected route the guys will be following for painting. Please keep in mind that this is a PROJECTION, based on what we think we can complete in a day, but it is certainly subject to slight change, based on weather, and other miscellaneous factors. Please feel free to continue to inquire about schedule right here on the blog and we will do our best to keep you fully apprised of the progress. Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, July 28th: Pressure washing has been completed at Park Glen and prepping and painting will begin tomorrow. Thank you to all the residents that have done a phenomenal job of clearing their decks off for us. See you tomorrow! 

Angel, Carlos, and Crew Supervisor Darrio onsite @ Park Glen

Monday, July 27th: Greetings once again residents of Park Glen. We are absolutely delighted to be back onsite with you this year. We painted the 4501 building last year, and I guess we did a good enough job to be invited back!

This year, the project will be executed in nearly identical fashion and really the only impact it will have on you as residents is when we begin completing your decking areas. We will be updating the project progress right here on the blog to keep you notified of when we will be in your section of the building so you can remove items accordingly. Once we complete your areas, you can move your belongings back onto your deck after about 24 hours of dry time. 

Pressure washing (starting today) will take about 2 days to complete and the guys will be washing the inside circle of the building. Tomorrow, they will be completing the outside circle of the building, then we will follow the same route for prepping and painting, which will commence on Wednesday. 

Thanks in advance for all of your cooperation.

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296